Why do people work with the killer?

Just played a game and all three of my teammates were working with the killer, I went into the basement and the killer came down and they blocked the stairs so I couldnt get out, the killer hooked me and then the other three unhooked me and let the killer do it again. Needless to say I died. And as I spectated the game, the killer would knock the survivors down and then let them get revived and finish gens.


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Idk but you should block all the names out or the mods will ban you.

    Report them if you recorded it, if you didnt next time record it

  • phatnuts
    phatnuts Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2020

    got a video, but it wont let me add it.