I have 2 crowns? xD

Legion has 2, one for Frank and Julie IIRC.
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indeed lol
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The crowns are given to the character's default head/mask considering the Legion has two default masks one for Frank one for Julie you get two crowns.
It's the same reason why you get two bloody masks when you get them to prestige 3
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This might blow your mind but Legion consists of multiple characters
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You should have four crowns...
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glad it witht he mask so i can use it with my susie.
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Oh i didnt know that
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So you're telling me it isn't 4 people that are all the same!?!?!?
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susie's mask doesn't count
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i know it doesn't i mean is that the crown is the masks and i can use susie not susie mask.
edit there should been a joey and susie mask with that crown too tho but whatever
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Is it like 4 short people stacked on top of each other?
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Well Legion only has 2 default masks, Frank and Julie. You have to buy Susie and Joey
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susie with basic mask is illegal.
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Yes, in a trench coat 😋
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You better stop giving away spoilers for the next killer before they ban you, lol
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I never said it was a new killer... mighty suspicious of you to say that tho... HHHMMMMM🤔.....
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say who you? lol i do it all the time i mean her mask not even that great but really none of them are i'm waiting for cat ear susie with cheshire cat mask
like thishttps://i.pinimg.com/originals/43/76/e8/4376e896827ebe05d9a000c811577edd.jpg