LF buff? Am I alone?

IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

Saw the content, no real issue either way about Billy from me.

But brother Bubba, I’m having a hard time seeing this as a buff. The charges do not bother me, I have no issue with him being slightly less intimidating while face camping and stuff.

In my experiences, his biggest flaw is being restricted from using his m2. Firstly, your prey needs outpositioned. Secondly, you need to be fairly close. While the “buff” helps with the proximity issue, it doesn’t solve his real weakness, which in my opinion is reason.

So you chase a survivor, they’re out of position or you forced them out of position and now you’re ready to attack...except there’s a window close by which gives LF this dilemma:

M1 for a hit, M2 for a clear miss, or let the survivor evade you completely. Two of these options are horrible.

While I can forsee how the extended charges/speed can help you force a survivor out of position...couldn’t this have been a much simpler buff be decreasing his charge time slightly?

Let me know if I’m wrong, I would love to be optimistic and I appreciate the time taken from Devs to improve this character, thank you. Help me undestand how he won’t be in exactly the same situation with the exception of distancing that certainly helps, but enough?


  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I think the extra distance you get with the charges and the movement speed buff are actually going to prove extremely effective. Obviously only time will tell though.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    I think it's a buff. If you watched the video of them demonstrating his power, I saw some noteable changes that could be game changing for him. Firstly, you can now control his chainsaw sweep, so if you know you won't hit the survivor in time, just stop using charges & resume normal chase. Secondly, he will no longer have those issues where you rev the chainsaw fully but you're apparently off by like 0.01% & it just cancels. Thirdly, he goes much faster at base, & I think can sweep slightly longer than he currently can (as long as you use all of his charges). From the video demo, it seems he can catch up much faster & travel a further distance while chainsaw sweeping (which could be good for mindgaming certain loops).

    The only nerfs he received are his ability to camp & the fact that he needs to rebuild his charges after he uses his chainsaw. This means you can't just use his chainsaw all willy nilly, which I get might counter the point of people wanting to be able to use it more often, but I think the buffs it did receive will prove to make his chainsaw more effective in general. And with an effective chainsaw, it might be a bit too OP if he could use it super frequently. Which I mean he still can use it frequently if he just goes for 1 charge sweeps, they just won't travel nearly as far as the 3 charge sweeps. I'm actually highly on board with these changes.