Honestly some people really ruin this community and cakes demonstrates that

The fact that some people decide to be extremely toxic in play is exaggerated by cakes. Most games I'll get 2 cakes. But sometimes I'll get lucky and there will be 4-5 in play. Having a killer face camp you just completely ruins that. And I know that in the end I am winning because chances are they are miserable humans. But still.

And I'm sure it goes the other way with SWF making it impossible for killers to farm BP too (even though thats unlikely because getting BP as a killer is easy).


  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    I would not play survivor if you want to farm BP. Bad teammates, a killer that tunnels / camps you can easily make your offering nearly worthless.

  • letumeur
    letumeur Member Posts: 38

    This count for the other side too imo. I’ve been always putting a cake since the hotfix as a offering, but half of the games survivors just prefer to prioritize gens and escape with sub 15k points, I don’t even understand why they do that, as a survivor I need at least 18k to pip and it’s not even sure

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    Trust me, I've been trying to avoid it. But I still want to here and there because I prefer survivor (like both, but can't grind as killer).

    Literally just got off my 4th game where someone ######### tunneled me, face camped, or completely dominated us.

    After this event is over, I'm going back to league and not touchign this game for a long time. So sad that such an amazing event is completely ruined by such a horrid community.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    I know it does. I've been trying to play killer to grind out the BP. But trust me, it happens A LOT less for a killer than a survivor. And even when ti does happen, you still feel like things are in your control a bit. Meanwhile, if you have a killer who is deadset on keeping you out of the game...you feel pretty helpless. It's just compounded by the fact that cakes. Normally, I wouldn't get annoyed but it's getting to me. Honestly debating moving to league or Resident Evil after this event to re-evaluate if I want to keep playing after this. So annoyed.

  • PortiMeo
    PortiMeo Member Posts: 40

    Russians should have their own server

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Just play killer if you're down to farm BP, you'll practically control the bloodpoint flow of everyone in the game.

    Try and get max hooks on everyone and I promise you you'll get a ton of BP even if you end up with 1k, and again the more hook states you give them the longer the good survivors stay in the game, hence they get more BP.

    As for the cocky survivors tbagging and clicky clacking their flashlights you can get him out of the game quick and make them practically get 6k BP and they miss out on a chance of 400% more BP.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    It's true that some players are still being toxic when there are 3 or more cakes in play. Yesterday, I was playing survivor with 2 friends. A Pyramid Head got one of my friends and from then on tunneled him until he was dead. Then, did the same thing for the other survivor. Me and my other friend escape. There were 4 cakes in play and I didn't understand why the killer tunneled and camped like that. Just ruins the fun and steals the possible points from the survivors.

    Of course, the survivors can also be toxic. They see 4 cakes and farm their teammates sometimes, making them die sooner, so that is not ok either. But mostly, I have seen killers either desperate to get kills or just wanting to screw the survivors, since they know they really want to get points.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    But seriously though. Why is it always russians. Out of the hundreds of russians I meet I think I the amount of people that didnt play like absolute bastards could be counted on one hand.

    "You always notice the bad more than the good", ofc I do. And I always check where they are from whether they are dickhead survivors or ######### killers. And its just always Russian. Ofc I get some british, polish, german, french, etc here and there. But it seems like russians are just 85-90% of the time dickheads.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400
    edited July 2020

    100% true, at least in this game. I have judged people before hand as a survivor and a killer when I saw the survivors name looked russian. But got my ass saved by them as a survivor or gotten a gg at the end as a killer. While as a survivor I just dont pay attention to the killers name and country if they played "fairly" (lets ignore the survivor rule book for this) as in didnt play annoyingly. I just dont care. I just give a gg and thx for the game. Gl in your next one. No matter the result. Its usually only out of curiousity after getting camped/tunneled that I look up peoples steam pages to see if its filled with comments or private. And in doing so I see they are russian. As I started by saying

    "You usually only notice the bad ones".

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I tried both sides. Killer wasn’t much different, Survivors weren’t disconnecting at all (I’m sure because of the cakes) but they weren’t really more toxic, just really focusing on gens. I had to put much more pressure than usual. Playing survivor was hell. Ebony moris and pink add ons every game. Two iridescent huntresses in a row, 5 moris in a row! I had to start bringing keys to even stand a chance. I’m gonna stick to killer for the rest of the event.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I am so glad someone else notices this. They play hard and couldn’t care less about any kind of sportsmanship. Very rare you’ll come across one that wont play in the most disgusting way possible.