need advice, help + tips for killers! =)

genosyo Member Posts: 46
edited July 2020 in General Discussions


i've been a survivor main for about 8 months now, and left killer completely untouched, i've played killer for no more than 30 games.

i'm interested in getting into playing (plague, huntress, spirit, freddy, legion, and nurse) and i'm mostly interestmiss in getting advice on how to play legion, nurse and huntress + perk builds for them.

additionally, i find the nurses skins pretty sweet. and i wanna buy one :) i'm torn between the following skins. what do u think i should get?

-mother mercy (wearing a gas mask, clothes are all ripped, flesh is showing, and she's carrying a medkit on her back)

-miss smithson (looks like she's in an opera and her clothes are filled with blood)

-in sickness and in health (wedding skin. white version)

Post edited by genosyo on


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Legion main here!

    My personal build focuses completely on slowdown, with Thanataphobia, Dying Light, Hex:Ruin and BBQ & Chili. If you get a fast start than you can pick up some quick momentum.

    When playing Legion, you'll always want to start a chase against an uninjured survivor with Feral Frenzy if you believe multiple people are nearby. Many factors you should take into account include; Are there any gens nearby, was this survivor recently healed or unhooked, is there a pallet or window that Feral frenzy will help greatly on.

    When ending Feral Frenzy, you have three options. A you go up right behind them before ending the stun. B you stand in the range of a pallet, hoping you get stunned to decrease your current stun. C you attack in front of them, which could block a window, pallet, or even themselves.

    I'd reccomend A at first, B if you run enduring and C once you become more advanced. After that it comes down to learning how to perform jukes in chases and when to commit.

  • genosyo
    genosyo Member Posts: 46

    haha i've already seen the worst of the worst as survivor

  • genosyo
    genosyo Member Posts: 46

    thank u! :D my current build on him is: noed, bbq, thana, and pop. thoughts?

  • genosyo
    genosyo Member Posts: 46

    i have all, i'm planning to level up plague so i can get corrupt

  • 1anioh
    1anioh Member Posts: 62

    My legion build;

    Sloppy, Relentless, I'm all ears, and Bbq.

    Ears shows you auras in your immediate area and BBQ auras in the distance. Relentless makes miss recovery faster and sloppy applies mangled.

    If you feel lile gens are being done too fast you can replace sloppy with either corrupt intervention or ruin.

    Also I love the red dress on nurse.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Nurse will take along time to master I hope you have the dedication and patience required.

    I suggest no add ons learn her at her standard blink maybe use the add on that's let's you see where your blink will land.

    I really like the following build on nurse..





    Remember nurse requires alot of time but if you spend time on her I am sure you will reap the rewards.

    Good luck in the fog 🐷💖

  • genosyo
    genosyo Member Posts: 46

    thanks! :) i have the time for it! i love dbd so much so i'm willing to try to learn, she may be hard to learn but it will definitely pay off!

    also, i see you everywhere !! i find it adorable how you put "🐷💖" after every comment

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    What platform do you play on and do you have Discord?

  • genosyo
    genosyo Member Posts: 46
  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    Figured could use it to give ya pointers after actually seeing you play. I could give super generalized advice that you could find after spending 2 minutes on google, but im sure youve already done that.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Good for you try to keep up your positive attitude and above all have fun!!

    Yes I'm around here alot trying to spread much positive piggy love and support where I am needed Lol

    Thank you for your sweet words 🐽💕

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2020

    General killer tip number 1: Ignore the survivor rulebook.

    Now, before you get the wrong idea, I'm not saying that it's okay to camp, tunnel, BM, and do whatever else might tickle the fancy if the most toxic of players. But survivors rarely play by the killer rulebook, so if it's the right play and you need map pressure, feel free to punish a farm. Stay near the hook and 2 borderline-completed gens. If there's 2 people there, slug the weak link and chase the other.

    As for Plague, the best tip I can give is GET USED TO ROBBED HITS. I don't know how much you'll have to deal with this in the future, but right now you will get robbed and you will get robbed hard. Pretend that you need to have her purge hit them for about half a second and you should do okay. Also, feel free to use your free fountain whenever, there's really no right time to consume it. And you can infect hooked survivors by aiming at their knees.

    Edit: I should clarify, that last part I actually haven't had the chance to check recently, since I've not been hooking uninfected survivors, but I do remember infecting hooked people shortly after the hooked-hitbox thing.

  • 1anioh
    1anioh Member Posts: 62

    Its actually easier to vomit on a dying survivor than a hooked one. Just, everytime you knock someone down - vomit on them. The hit box on the hook is fiddly and will often not do the thing lol.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Huntress: Sloppy/Nurse's, Corrupt, BBQ, Whispers

    Spirit: STBFL, Corrupt, BBQ, Stridor

    Here are my builds for the Killers I play...

    as for tips I can't speak on that I play on console and I'm sure there's a difference

  • AlbinoViera
    AlbinoViera Member Posts: 169

    I main Spirit and while I'm certainly not the best, I normally do decent against the standard sweat-squad at rank 1.

    First off, I'm going to say something controversial. I DO NOT, recommend running Stridor on her. Not only will it be disorientating at first, but it is bugged and will make people without Iron Will, have the Iron Will effect. Because of that, and the state of sounds in general, I don't recommend using the mother-daughter ring either.

    Anyway, on to the builds and playstyle. For my personal builds, I typically run on of the following setups:

    • BBQ, Sloppy or Thana, Nurses, Pop
    • Sloppy, Thrilling Tremors, Surge, Pop
    • Ruin, Thana, Nurses, Pop/Surge

    As for a meme build that's just for fun, I go:

    Thrill of the hunt/Retribution, Ruin, Devour, Haunted Grounds.

    For add-ons, I recommend the activation speed ones and duration up to the green one. Or, if you're feeling frisky, the Yakuyoke amulet with the green speed add-on is a nasty combination.

    The general way I use her power is to travel to where I think the survivors have spawned, and get the first down as quick as I can. After that, I try to get another person injured immediately. If the first guy gets rescued, I head back to the hook immediately to try and use Nurses so I can see if they're healing and phase the short distance to them.

    So, essentially my play-style is keeping them all one-shot and/or healing.

    As for when you're using her power, you need to rely heavily on sounds, but not grunts of pain normally. Things like footsteps, and grass moving. Along with that, you need to watch for things like grass/bushes moving, scratchmarks as well. If the scratchmarks suddenly stop, should leave your power since they've probably double-backed and hopefully are close enough to get hit.

    She does heavily rely on standard game knowledge though, such as where a survivor will run to and what the team will be doing. To that extent, I say take her up once you feel you've gotten used to playing as a Killer in general.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    So first off as a Nurse main I'd say Mother mercy. Personally it's my favorite Nurse skin.

    As for playing her and perk builds my personal build is Infectious fright, Whispers, Ruin, and Stridor. Infectious fright is godly on Nurse and gives her even more snowball potential. Whispers helps you know where you should be looking for survivors and especially at the beginning of the match AND it helps you find the last person in endgame. Ruin is a great perk for Nurse since she's great at pushing people off of gens and she's able to pressure multiple gens with her high mobility. Stridor because I just like using it on her. It helps you find them easier when they're hiding, keep track of them during fatigue, and if you combine it with the metal spoon addon you'll have super hearing which will allow you to hear injured survivors from very far away. You could honestly switch Stridor for something else though it's just a personal preference thing for me.

    As for advice try to play only her while you're learning her and remember to keep your eyes open for survivor jukes to throw your blinks off. If you notice survivors are doubling back on you alot then try shortening your blinks a bit to catch them and when they break line of sight try to anticipate if they'll double back and blink to the location where they broke los rather than try making a prediction blink to cut them off. This will cause them to run right into you instead of outplaying you but remember that the best survivors will try to switch things up and make it hard to read on what they'll do. Good luck :)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Nurse isn't a rewarding killer anymore imo. So I would avoid Nurse.

    For Legion, I'd definitely get Julie's Party Crasher Skin (best skin in the game by far). In terms of a build, try Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes The Weasel, Thanatophobia, and Discordance.

    For Huntress, put a crosshair on your screen so you can actually aim. The perks I like running are Corrupt Intervention, Nurse's Calling, BBQ, and Shadowborn.

  • genosyo
    genosyo Member Posts: 46

    i already have the party crasher skin

    and, how do i put a crosshair on huntress?

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    There are a number of ways. If you're on PC, you can buy a monitor with built in crosshair overlay (they are worth the investment imo).

    Or, just load up whatever FPS game you have and stick something over the crosshair (like a sticker or a piece of tape). Whatever you stick over the crosshair needs to be bright so it contrasts with the dark background.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I understand you have several killers you want to practice with, but I just want to point out that there’s a LOT of enjoyment to be had from your pre-planning killers: Trapper and Hag! It’ll take a bit, but when you start learning the best places to put those traps, well..... 😈

    So much satisfaction from those trap snaps as Trapper!

    And as Hag, both you and your victims will truly believe you’re in 5 places at once!

    Anyway, just want to put it out there not to limit yourself. Oh, and cycle through the killers. When you come back to one a week or so later, you’ll realize that you’ve surprisingly improved at using their power while you were away.

  • MadManRS
    MadManRS Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2020

    I've played a lot of Huntress so hopefully I can help you.

    When playing Huntress you always want to take your time with hatchets, there are moments were you need to rush a throw, but more often then not when I miss a combat hatchet it's because I rushed it.

    When trying to hit someone with a hatchet at longer ranges don't try to follow them with your Hatchet keep your camera still and wait for them to run into your crosshairs before you throw. If they don't run into your crosshairs then you might want to flick your camera to hit them.

    Finally attempt risky shots, not to sound like a motavational speaker but you'll never hit them unless you try.

    Btw is it just me or did I somehow comment the same thing 3 times lol

    Post edited by MadManRS on
  • MadManRS
    MadManRS Member Posts: 12

    I've played a lot of Huntress so hopefully I can help you.

    When playing Huntress you always want to take your time with hatchets, there are moments were you need to rush a throw, but more often then not when I miss a combat hatchet it's because I rushed it.

    When trying to hit someone with a hatchet at longer ranges don't try to follow them with your Hatchet keep your camera still and wait for them to run into your crosshairs before you throw. If they don't run into your crosshairs then you might want to flick your camera to hit them.

  • MadManRS
    MadManRS Member Posts: 12

    I've played a lot of Huntress so hopefully I can help you.

    When playing Huntress you always want to take your time with hatchets, there are moments were you need to rush a throw, but more often then not when I miss a combat hatchet it's because I rushed it.

    When trying to hit someone with a hatchet at longer ranges don't try to follow them with your Hatchet keep your camera still and wait for them to run into your crosshairs before you throw. If they don't run into your crosshairs then you might want to flick your camera to hit them.

  • MadManRS
    MadManRS Member Posts: 12

    I've played a lot of Huntress so hopefully I can help you.

    When playing Huntress you always want to take your time with hatchets, there are moments were you need to rush a throw, but more often then not when I miss a combat hatchet it's because I rushed it.

    When trying to hit someone with a hatchet at longer ranges don't try to follow them with your Hatchet keep your camera still and wait for them to run into your crosshairs before you throw. If they don't run into your crosshairs then you might want to flick your camera to hit them.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    When the hit very clearly registers for you, but it doesn't for the survivor. It's similar to a robbed grab. It's pretty easy to tell when it happens, because they'll scream like you infected/damaged them, but nothing happens. They won't get infected, they won't get damaged. Sometimes a robbed hit completely invalidates the entire purge, meaning that even if they suddnely stand still and let you vomit all over them it never registers for the duration of that instance of purge, due to Plague's vomit mechanics. It used to happen a lot for Huntress after they first released dedicated servers, but they somehow patched her and not a killer with a very similar mechanic.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    That's a tough one... but if I had to choose it would be Susie, Joey and Frank close behind.

  • JohnNorwich19623
    JohnNorwich19623 Member Posts: 83

    Party Crasher Julie is Thicc and Best skin. I love it 😍😍😍

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    I'm just gonna drop this Otzdarva video in here as a good compendium of builds: