July 2nd to July 5th Deathslinger Cosmetic Missing?

ZenithZX Member Posts: 43

Having been busy and unable to log into DBD for the past few days, I noticed that the announcement for the cosmetic drops noted that I had until today to get the cosmetic for Deathslinger torso. I also saw that the pants for Claudette came out on July 5th. I wasn't aware of how the cosmetic drops would work when the days overlap but I as I said, the holidays kept me occupied. Logging into DBD now, I have the pants but not the torso piece for the Deathslinger. Is is like a July 5th 12 noon the cutoff point? It seems rather stupid that the game can't drop both on the same day.

(I wasn't sure where to post this, I figured General would get the most exposure.)