Stop being entitled to your victory!
Dbd forums have a lot of nice ideas that could improve the game, but it also has a lot of one sided idea people. Whiny survivor mains&killer mains posts are everywhere. The killer main will start renting about how stupid everything is, while they often just need to get good and the survivor main will complain about killers being toxic, while its up to the devs to fix the issues (if there is even one). They will both blindly defend there thing: exemple: keys and moris. The survivor will whine about moris and do anything to deny that keys are broken, and the killer main will whine about keys while doing anything to deny that a mori is broken. This is explained by this fact: humans will notice negative experiences 4 times as much as negative experiences. This means that players will often defend or attack something unfairly, and its not because they are mean, its because its human nature. The ideal win rate for a player is 80%, since they will notice negative experiences more than the positive ones. So, here is the thing: stop posting something to defend one side if you are not playing survivor and killer equally. If you do not play survivor, you will not be able to notice their problems due to your psychology, and the same applies if you do not play killer. If everyone stops posting if they are a killer main or a survivor main, the forums will only consist of people that have a clear view of the game, and will actually ask for things that profit both sides. And the ratio should be at least of 40%-60%. Otherwise you will just see more of the issues that one side has. If the only people posting on the forums were the neutral ones, changes proposed would be good to both sides, there would no longer be ridiculous claims based on the desire to win and there would not be constant battles based on entitlement.
Before I rap up this post, I need to clarify this: I am not blaming anyone. Its human nature to notice negative experiences more than the positive ones, and so people truly believe there is an issue without doing it just to piss off or get free wins. So the goal is to make people realize that if they want a valid opinion, they need to play both sides. I also apologize for making grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
"This is explained by this fact: humans will notice negative experiences 4 times as much as negative experiences."
I agree with most of the post, except that it's totally fair for even someone playing 90/10 or 100/0 to complain about imbalance. That's why forums open up discussion, to give a variety of viewpoints.
Also, as a killer main (about 80/20) myself, I complain about both keys and moris. Keys would be better balanced if they only worked when all gens were finished or the killer had already closed the hatch. Moris should require the target to be on death hook already.
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Agreed entirely. It annoys me a lot to see people just blindly defend obvious problems just because they chose their one side. Sadly most people will either ignore this or just fight even more instead of listening and considering what you've said.
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I wish we could ban the use of the word entitlement on these forums.
Complaining about balancing, is in no way entitlement.
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@Cleavite you say that just because of one word, which I only used one time, my post is not valid?
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I wonder if BHVR has finished that Killer bot yet to keep their game afloat when they all finish leaving - or is their plan to keep relasting new killer's so they have new players that will just get abused and thrown out by the cult following still here?
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@TheButcher this does not really relate to the post. I never talked about killers or survivors being op or underwelming, I talked about players denying legitimate complains and complaining for no reasons. This is not the place to talk about the balance of the game. I would suggest you play survivor a little if you do not, but whatever.
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What's worse about the whole arguments of balance is that people with genuine concerns and well laid out arguments with examples are shot down because some people are too comfortable to see past their pre-established viewpoint.
Killers are meant to EARN their kills, they are not a right. You can rank up with zero kills.
Survivors are meant to EARN their escape, they are not a right. It's not if you die, it's how you die.
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They should design the ai around Cotes gameplay as the Hag
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This is why negative reinforcement is so effective. The human brain remembers negative things more than positive. Even the educational system capitalizes on this. Compare how many teachers put a big red -1 on your test than a +99.
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Entitlement isn't complaining about the game's unbalance. We talk about the things that are wrong with the game and community. It's not entitlement.
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No, you may be biased, but entitlement is a belief that it is your right to something.
And why you may have strong opinions based on a preference, I dont think anyone really believes that it is their right to escape or 4k.
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Your post is fine, it's an opinion and you are indeed entitled to that.
However I believe it is all individual, some people are more positive than others. Some people complain, some don't. Everyone's win conditions are different.
You may be happy win 1k and someone else may see it as a loss. It is always a problem for me when we try to group individuals into just 1 or 2 boxes.
Although I agree, it is best to play both sides to have a clearer view of the issues
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@Squirrel_Thicc , the point is not that every complaint is invalid, its that survivor mains and killer mains are very likely to have unvalid complaints and deny the good ones. This post basically tries to explain why, if you want a good opinion, you need to play both sides equally.
@Clevite well I tried to make a disclaimer at the end to remove the effect of attacking someone, but I understand if you feel that it was to aggressive. I should have said "a lot of killer mains" and "a lot of survivor mains" instead of "killer mains" and "survivor mains". You have a point here.
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@Athanar90 sorry for being to salty and aggressive towards killer mains and survivor mains.
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@Athanar90 well, its true that in some cases, it can be fair for a killer&survivor main to ask for things, but in this case, they need to try to put themselves in the head of the survivors&killers, otherwise their psychology will dominate them and make them think in a one sided way.