[TO KILLERS] What's your preferred rule from the #SurvivorRuleBook?
Favorite rules : Don't camp pallets, don't split the poles, count up to 59 seconds before you pick up every survivor or you get stung
Least favorite rule: don't stand still
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I threw that bullshit out when I took up the killer role.
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bad manners, like teabagging, nodding, spamming gestures, camping, facecamping, etc...
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I play by my rules. I mori'd there rule book a loooong time ago...
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Dunno if it’s been said, but the survivor rule that says I need not hit the unhooked survivor UNLESS he runs at me like a crazed lunatic, because killers are suppose to pretend we don’t know you have Borrowed Time~
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I like this rule "whenever a survivor brings party streamers the killer HAS to farm, BUT first let the survivors do the objective so they can eventually betray the killer and leave without giving hooks. But thats okay because the killer is the killer"
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My favourite is:
"When you hook someone in the endgame, and a gate is already open, you must walk to that gate like an idiot and look around wondering 'well gee, why is nobody here, OH NO THEY ALL PREDICTABLY SAVED THAT GUY AND WENT OUT THE OTHER GATE.' You are categorically not allowed to stay near the hooked person and get 3 kills out of them being stupid."
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Respect 4%, F your 4% if you where silly enough to attempt escape before I leave then you own fault 🤣
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You're not allowed to down the guy we just rescued off hook 'cos that's tunnelling - even if the rest of the team are crowding around, and the hook is right in front of the open exit-gate.
The killer should attempt to make a futile effort to down someone in full health in the gate, rather than down the only injured person in the team in the hopes it forces the other players to stay and potentially make more mistakes.
Oh, also... if there's someone on the hook, and two other survivors around looking for the save + heal, you must go to the other end of the map, far far away, and find the elusive fourth survivor, 'cos otherwise that's just camping the hook!
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Hooking someone at all is tunneling.
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Thanks for getting me up to speed you youngin lol =)
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glad to have helped you :)
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I had someone tell me you cant use your power that often its not fair for the survivor i was playing as a nurse XD
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I feel like survivors are like the childs in school playing football when they said: "Hey, don't kick the ball so hard!".
My favourite rule is "don't use Noed", specially said by survivors using DS, BT and DH.
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Don't follow scratch marks by the hook you disgusting camper
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"NOED is banned because its crutch perk because it rewards bad play it gives the killer an unfair way to fix their mistake. Huh? Why am I using Dead Hard? Those are not similar in any way!!" Definitely my favorite one.
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I try to be kind when playing without cucking myself.
But is always blows my mind when you have two survivors hooked right next to each other and no one on bbq.
Then it is you're a camper. Like do you not see the value here?
lm at least getting to second stage before I move.
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I died omfg
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You can't play Nurse with Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Corrupt Intervention, and Infectious Fright on Lery's, because that's cheating.
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You can’t do your job and kill me. Nyeh nyeh.