Why do all Docs...

Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

Seem to have an endless supply of iridescent kings and queens? Seriously. every time i see a doc, they have one or both iridescent addons. its really annoying.


  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    They gave out free iridescent queens after the doctor rework. So thats probably why.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I know when Doc got his rework, a ton of bis more common add ons which were being changed were converted into iridescent queens, I believe I had about 20 when I only had doc at lvl 40, so people who were high level docs back then would have a ton.

    Additionally, usually you'll see at least one ultra rare on your bloodweb...which is the more likely awnser.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I have 7 Kings and 12 Queens and see roughly one of either each web. Maybe an ebony here and there.

    Doctor with BBQ gains so many points that it's not hard to go through an entire web, maybe two, from just one game.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Eh..its not so bad, as iris go I think they are the best balanced ones..besides they're losing a few things like range to run that combo

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited July 2020
  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    "Queen to E5"


    "hehe that's a checkmate"

    now just say that as you push your nose up and do an impression of Steve Urkell and there you go.

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    i rarely use add ons higher then green on any killer i have so many iri add ons on doc but dont use them really

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Many people don't play doctor regularly and they may need stronger addons to complete a daily. However, I'd take Iri king/queen ANY DAY over high stimulus electrode with discipline. Iri king/queen may be annoying but they aren't even close to the broken addon combos that doc can have.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2020

    We stocked up on add-ons and Black Wards.

    Back before the Doctor rework was announced, I kept stocking up on Iridescent Kings and Black Wards, so I already had a decent amount of Kings and Wards. I stopped playing Doctor and dumped all of my points into him before his rework dropped. By the time it released, I only had 12 Kings but almost 30 Wards and over 200 Queens. The Bloodweb has also been kind to me with Wards and Ultra Rare add-ons. It’s been years since I first started using Iridescent King. I’ve been using the King + Queen combo since his rework came out.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I have plenty of iri kings/queens it Calm notes I keep running out of hehe.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,848

    Alot of UR's arnt exactly in small supply, its just a matter of if theyre useful enough to use and not feel too OP to be cheap. Iri heads on Huntress pop up so often that you could use them every single game if ya wanted to. People DONT use em though because it just kinda ruins the game. Doc's addons are kinda the nice middle ground where theyre useful but not super OP, so ppl dont feel bad bout using em.