Shard value

podkall Member Posts: 109

Shards are obtainable through grinding, but the prices feel weird.

For 2000 you can get a perk in shrine of secrets - each character has 3 unique perks so why does the character cost 9000? Buying survivor feels like a bad deal both for DLC and Iredescent shards because all you get is character with same perks once they are grinded enough.

Sure you instantly get 1 tier of each perk and have higher chance getting them and teachables, but it's as same as having surivvor with almost all perks and than just getting new ones from shrine....

Why I'm bringing this up?

Today I got a thought: "Jeff would deserve a crown as he is jesus, but why buy Jeff? sure he looks good and his perks are nice but waiting for them to pop up in shrine is less expensive and survivors are basicaly just a skin"

I mean I even have ideas of how to make survivors unique other than giving teachables and looking diffrently...


  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    exept I play this game for ~3 years bought couple of DLC's and own a big bunch of perks so no it isn't worth to buy any character that can be obtained through ire

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    This statement is defending anti-consumer business models which only gets worse as the game gets older and more dlc gets made.

  • TraitorousLeopard
    TraitorousLeopard Member Posts: 156

    That's also working off of the 100% utilitarian viewpoint that there's no value in playing as a survivor you like, and that players are only thinking about the gameplay value of their perks. Even if someone got all of Kate's perks on the shrine (or didn't because they suck) they still might want to spend those shards on Kate just because they like her and want to play as her.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I mean I'd rather just waste shards than wastr time waiting for the right perk to appear in the shrine.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    yeah but I have bought kate so.... I buy most of characters I like

    it's not wasting if you know how to get all the perks

  • TraitorousLeopard
    TraitorousLeopard Member Posts: 156

    Right, so if someone likes Jeff then obviously spending shards on Jeff it's not a waste.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    If you don't want the character, don't get it. Wait for the perks instead. Simple as that.

    That's nowhere close to "anti-consumer" when you can pick up the characters (except licensed ones) and perks without paying a penny.

    I hate using the word "entitled" but this is starting to cross that line.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i never got perk from shrine of secrets i pay for the dlc in store so i got all perk

    wait missing one dlc ghostface most know why i didn't get that dlc.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    It is wasting time though, you have to wait for the perk to be in the shrine which could take 1 week or 4 months.

  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356

    survivors being sold for 9k doesn't feel weird to me, but I must admit seeing them priced the same as killers, who all have very different playstyles & powers on top of perks, does seem odd to me.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    its absolutley anti consumer when gameplay features are locked behind a paywall/timed rng wall. just take BBQ for example. if we just look at how often it was in the shrine in 2018 and 2019 it was in there for a total of 3 times in 2 years, all of which were in 2019. how is that friendly to new players who just bought the game?

    It's laughable that DBD can get away with selling gameplay content for cash when most games do all gameplay content for free and just charge for the cosmetic stuff.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    That actually isnt true. Most characters cost 5 bucks. Even working minimum wage youll earn that in less than an hour (in US anyway), earning 9k shards takes WAY longer than an hour. It also takes longer than an hour to earn 150k bps when there isnt a cake event going on. So really the most efficient thing to do is purchase the characters and once you have all the perks teachable use your shards to get bps. Same is all true for cosmetics as well

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    At a QoL i would suggest to have a minor possibility to appear in the shrine the perks you already unlocked since its a RNG-Roulette sometimes. I got almost the same perks in the Shrine so im not much interested in that part of the game for that reason.

    Im not saying "the perks you already have must be there!" but "there's an slighly/high chance to not find that perk in the shrine since you already have it unlocked in all your characters", for example.

    Have a nice day.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    If you dont buy Jeff, you wont have Jesus in your life. Short amount of time left for Crown of Thorns. Hurry, my friend. Hurry!

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    It's not a paywall when you can get things for free. If you can't pay up anything, and you don't have time to play, you probably shouldn't be spending your time on video games.

    I'm not saying the shrine is perfect, and in fact I have issues with it too, but unless you want to complain about the shrine which I understand, anything else you'd be suggesting that I can think of would just be getting entitled. You don't get things just handed to you because you want them, you gotta work a little for it. That's why the option to pay is there: in case people really don't want to grind. If you don't have money or don't want to pay, that's when you work for it.

    Licensed killers are a whole other topic, but as far as original characters that you can get for shards, there's not a paywall, and if you don't have the time to play the game and grind for the shards then maybe playing games isn't the best hobby for you.

  • room___237
    room___237 Member Posts: 20

    Well, lets just be honest here, most survivors and killers have like 1 and MAX 2 perks that are really viable. So maybe that argument would be valid if they all had 3 good perks, but actually most have 1 that people actually want.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    that moment when someone says "hey your service isn't in line with other games in the market as to what you charge for and the content that we receive" and the response is don't play.


    It's not entitlement to advocate for a better product for the consumer it's called respecting the money that I spend and the time that I invest. you say videogames aren't the hobby for me and yet the rest of the videogame market is offering better deals on how they distribute content. Path of Exile is a completely free game with thousands of hours worth of content and yet it doesn't charge a dime for any of its content besides cosmetics. They are a much much smaller dev team of barely over 10 people and yet they constantly pump out free content. there are so many games that dont charge for additional gameplay content, a lot of which are multiplayer games. Overwatch, fortnite, dota2, csgo, halo5, cod MW, Apex Legends, Minecraft, Terraria, stardew valley, escape from tarkov, no mans sky, sea of thieves, the list goes on and on. Hell even another 4v1 game in RE:Resistance offers all of it's gameplay content for free as well as all of its cosmetics.

    Im not asking for a hand out, im asking for dbd to not treat me like a whale and to not take advantage of people who have addictive tendencies. It's the socially and morally responsible thing to do. The amount of ways that they monetize their game is abhorrently disgusting and takes advantage of those rare few who cannot say no to buying everything that they shill because guess what they have a problem and BHVR actively knows about and takes advantage of it.

    In the past few years gamers have started to take a stand against shady business practices that prey on those who cant stop. Lootboxes, time gates, high prices for little content, general money gouging. All of it designed to suck as much money as it can from you and when you stop giving it money its no longer targeting you but the person who is still opening their wallet. DBD is not and will not be safe from this. You can see it in the forums more and more of how disappointed people are with the new content, with the price of skins, with the insane amount of grind you need to do just to keep up with the game, not to mention the grind that new players are put through that gets worse and worse as time passes. yet they stay because they love this game, Because I love this game. Eventually it will come to a head. unfortunately there will be people like you who feel no empathy nor want to understand the point of view of others who feel differently than you on a problem that you don't think and refuse to think exists.

    Yet, I want to try and give you a chance to give your point of view, I want to be able to listen to what you have to say and stay open to how you feel. If I cant do that for you than how could I ever expect you to do the same for me, yet I fear you wont offer me the same in return.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Thanks for watering down my post like that. Because the only thing I said is "don't play."

    Your response already isn't worth reading just based off that beginning.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    You proved me right. you didn't even read the post and you proved me right.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Shrine is anti-consumer? It's basically free dlc.

    Want DBD to turn in a Gacha where you randomly get the perk you want or bloodpoints? That's anti-consumer.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    or you know it could just be free and just charge us for the skins like most live service games do

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Yup, cus it's not worth reading a post from somebody who shows right off the bat that they have 0 intention to be genuine. First line is an utter straw man.

    But yeah. Your point is totally proven by me not wanting to interact with you for being a twit.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    name calling is unbecoming of you and also against forum rules I believe ;)

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Then they'd have to double down on cosmetics. People already get spicy about it when a bug comes up. Why u no fix gaem? Y yoo dedicate devolpment to bunny hoods? Fix gaem!

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    why would that be though? We have plenty of examples where game devs are rewarded for being generous with their payment models instead of gouging their customers of money for content. Also believe it or not people will complain less if they didn't have to pay/obnoxiously grind for the content that they are unhappy with.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't see that. I do however see that it says to avoid posting things that don't contribute to the discussion, which you're doing by trying to bait me into a pointless pissing match.

    I don't need to take you seriously when you won't even conduct yourself in a way that deserves it. Don't be something if you don't want to be called out for it, like I did at the end of my last reply.

    You've proven to me thus far that giving you any sort of attention is pointless, because that's probably what you're craving and that's why you're acting childish and tunnel visioning in on one small part of my previous comment. Don't expect another reply, I can't be bothered wasting my time trying to reason with an unreasonable person.

  • Camperiousrex
    Camperiousrex Member Posts: 1

    My concern is about crescent shards and the way that you earn them i am a pretty avid dbd player and i love the game but iv hit a plateau per say in my career that bloodpoints are no longer important to me so when i go into a game i basically only want crescent shards so i can unlock perks through the random drawing and i dont have to go out of my way to buy characters to unlock said perks and pay real money to get them it has turned a game i enjoyed playing every match to now it just feels like a manotanise grind and im no longer enjoy each match just sludging through till 20 matches later when i rank up again i only get a small amount of shards and im a tier 1 at like 35 so it takes quite a while to earn the necessary exp to progress that one lvl. This is also from a main survior view. Please bring back the crescent shards per match doesn't have to be a ridiculous amount i just dont want to feel like i have to throw my already empty wallet at the game to get the "one perk" obviously there are many but i didnt mind doing the grind before when i felt it was for a purpose and all of this for a perk i want to use in niche situations.