Can you imagine if Survivors had Cooldowns?

MysterTal Member Posts: 157

"Well, their Perks have coo--"

I'm not talking about Perks.

How about we add cooldowns to the Survivors' base kit? It's only fair, seeing as how BHVR is absolutely in love with slapping Killers with cooldowns to their base kits.

How about we make it so Survivors can only hold M1 on a gen for so long before becoming "Fatigued" and having to take a breather before they can keep repairing? Don't worry, it won't be long! Just 15-20 seconds, like Killer power cooldowns! Yeah! Survivors always complain that holding M1 at gens is boring, so here you go! Forced breaks!

Oooh! Let's make it a token-based system as well, since BHVR loves that too! You have 5 tokens (one for each gen) and once you start M1'ining a gen a token is spent. Once you run out of tokens, you can't work on gens at all until you replenish the tokens by wasting some time inside lockers or something.

Oooh, oooh, ooh! Let's also make it so that vaulting windows and dropping pallets is token-based and you get a cooldown! Dropping pallets makes you "Fatigued" and vaulting makes you "Out of Breath" and there's a 15 second cooldown before you can vault/drop pallets again.

Sounds absolutely insane and detached from any basic understanding of how Survivor works, how the game works, the relative strength of characters, how maps are designed and what fun is? That's a joke, right?

Yes it is, and that's exactly how Billy Mains feel :)



  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    That would be insanely unbalanced. Chases would end so fast.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656
  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    In paper is a good idea but it would make the Survivors groups very homogeneous, in the end there is always going to be a better option and people will naturally flock to it.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570
    edited July 2020

    Not sure why people are responding seriously to his suggestion, he was just trying to exaggerate his feeling on the Billy Nerf by reversing the standpoint and showing how ridiculous it can seem.

    I don’t have a foot in this fight since I don’t play Billy and I can’t really differentiate how drastic this change truly is. I feel like most opinions here are misguided or wrong because we dont have this many Billy Mains. Don’t get me wrong, you can form in opinion from information and limited experience and share it but If I wanna learn how to play Basketball, I’d sooner ask a basketball sports athlete over a fat ######### sports fan who watches the game every week...

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It's true. These idea like "cooldown on pallets, or tokens" may be sarcastic, but the fact of the matter is that the survivors as a team share a fixed number of pallet uses in the game. They use their "power" too much and they get tremendously weaker. I came back from a 6 month break and WOW are there not a lot of pallets any more. Survivors do have "tokens" on their strength, it just isn't a red bar on the hud like killers get.

    Also suck it up Billy players, he's had it coming for YEARS.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Its a huge nerf on billy if you are agressive on the loop but if you only use the power to run across the map you wont see any diference at all

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    It's an asymmetric game. Why do killers mains always bring this argument is beyond understanding.

    But if you insist, please remove the falling down stun because killers do not get it, please add a cooldown on lunge that doesn't go down unless the killer stops moving, please give survivors weapons because killer has a weapon, please allow the survivors to hook killers since killers can hook survivors.

    This is stupid.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    They have cooldowns on vaulting repeatedly the same window. They have cooldowns on perks. They don't have cooldowns on dropping pallets, because they're a finite resource. So, the limitation is implicit.

    For the rest, they don't have a specific power that can be cooled down, unless you count fast vaulting as their power, which I have already addressed.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009
  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    "I'm not talking about perks."

    Alright, survivors have no powers. So what is this thread about? Put cooldown on vaulting? Killers also don't have cooldown on vaulting. Cooldown on dropping pallets? Killers have no cooldown on kicking pallets. Holding M1 on gens? Killers have no cooldown on attacking or hooking.

    May I summarize that this is the most pathetic complain thread I have seen in a while?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You still have an unlimited use of Hillbilly's chainsaw. A power that survivors have to respect. Get over it.

    I have a limited number of RBT's, that can be largely ignored by survivors as my main power, and my secondary is considered near useless by half the community.

    Trapper, Hag, Freddy, Huntress and Demogorgon also have a limited number of their power, even if they get their's back over time, they still have a maximum available at any one time.

    You still have the FASTEST MAP TRANSVERSAL and an instant down. And unlike majority if the killer cast, you can actually juggle your power percentage. That is bloody huge! Seriously. Hillbilly still has so much going for him compared to other killers. I do not see what you're complaining about.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    The survivor cool down is when they are on a hook.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    This is a post created by someone that obviously only plays survivor for daily acheivements.

    1- survivors have no power

    2- survivors are slower than killers

    3- killers have built in balanced landing so to speak

    So perks not withstanding, at some point the killer will catch a survivor barring God loops which barely exist anymore.

    Killer has never been easier. Adjust your play and stop crying already. Rank 1 killer/rank 1 survivor. Not bragging, but when I see these crybaby posts I just laugh.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Damn so I guess the fact that, except 2 changes to nurse and ruin, killers have basically only been buffed in changes that remain in live don't count, huh? Just the punching bag for survivors I guess, yet somehow many people still do well as them.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Wonky hit boxes glitch. Most killers unable to slow down game in base kit. Adept killers 1000000x harder than adept survivor. All survivor second chance perks including the ds abuse. Game pacing which literally can over whelm low tier killers extremely fast. Swf countering traps/stealth killers/gen pressure by piling on a gen while you have to chase a survivor. Match making which seems to mostly favor survivors. I mean should i go on? Or are you gonna brush it off?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Wonky hitboxes also favour killers because survivors shouldn't be hit by their screen. Hopefully the server sided hits will help them out, and devs might make hitboxes of pallets actually look like pallets soon.

    Adept killer is harder than adept survivor because the devs can't change achievements without it being impossible to get due to console. Since merciless still exists, they cant change it, and since you can still escape as survivor, they can't change it.

    Survivor perks are something you, as a killer, need to adapt to and play around like survivors play around yours. You know someone has dead hard so you don't swing, you know they have sprint burst so you don't swing, you know they have ds so you slug them. The only thing I have any issue with is ds/unbreakable combo because its a double bind.

    The game pacing is ######### but if you can apply pressure and force a 3 gen you still stand a good chance at a 4k. 3 gens are the best strategies for most killers because you can apply such a massive amount of gen pressure in such a short amount of time. Perks like Corrupt or Pop are there to help you, like perks such as Rush Thyself are there to help survivors.

    SWF countering most killers is something I agree needs to be changed, by giving solos equal information then superbuffing every killer or supernerfing every map. But then again if you face death squads every single game maybe it's just you- those death squads are very rare in my experience.

    The matchmaking is ######### and hopefully the MMR comes soon. Unfortunately their words of "Next month" was either severely misinterpreted or they lied. But again, there are also cases of matchmaking where it fails survivors and sticks rank 17- survivors vs a rank 1.

    Am I just going to "brush it off"? No, I'm going to try and have a discussion about why I believe I'm right in that killer has never been easier unless you get one of the CursedTrio™ of maps.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    Very cool. So, how many killers have cooldowns again ?

    Hillbilly, Nurse, Spirit, Ghostface and Legion. 5 killers (I don't count the killers who have other powers such as Demo's Shred since they still have a power).

    No need to complain.

    SANGU1NEM Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2020

    how dare bhvr make killer mains ACTUALLY use their brain.... :(

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Yeah, because survivor takes soooo much brain power. It's soooo hard to run to OP loops and play NASCAR. It's just too hard to counter billys if we can't just run around in circles...

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Vaults and running need to be on cool downs now. Put in a stamina meter finally.

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    I really should stop writing sarcastic jokes in long form - people just don't read the whole thing, get the steam rising to their heads and get... like this.

    Yes, I'm not happy about the Billy nerf but if you maybe read the whole post you-- oh ######### it, I just did it again. More than one sentence = forget about anyone ever reading this far, I guess. xD

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    I've always wondered how a mediocre human can sprint full burst after being sliced or chopped or stabbed in a very damaging fashion, for very extended amounts of time.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Baseline you will be able to rev for ~8 seconds before overheating i guess. This essentially kills flick billy.

  • _wholenotherlevel
    _wholenotherlevel Member Posts: 10

    Awww boo hoo

    SANGU1NEM Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2020

    lol considering most god pallets and broken loops have been fixed my friend, i think you should probably just focus on getting gud :) or pick up an easier killer for you since billy is going to be soooo difficult now, you know, since you’ve already tried him on ptb or whatever. maybe you should learn a killer that’ll put even less stress on your brain :). or, or, or, you can even strictly play survivor if it’s so easy! there’s so many options :)

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited July 2020

    Honestly? I have said add stamina system to survivor so you can not just hold W forever, vault infinite amount of times and so on. So a little bit of skill is added to survivor as well, ressource management and so on. Just be a little strategic where you and when you vault etc.. I doubt anything like this will ever come to survivor but it would finally add a little challenge and also some sort of skill.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited July 2020

    What if survivors had their own type of hex totems the killer could destroy. These would only work on strong perks like ds and adrenaline amongst some others though.

    Post edited by Purgatorian on
  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    Lol. Stamina bar for survivors. So dumb.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Well you have no idea how long you can still back rev for as there is no ptb until tomorrow so I wouldn’t assume things cuz you know what they say about assuming and any ways your not suppose to rev forever get close rev the saw until it’s fully charged and down them done and done if you are somewhere you can’t do that zone them to where you can or whack them

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    The fact you mention Bloodlust as a negative for survivors gives away the fact you've never played killer.

    Going into blood lust means the chasing is already taking too long, 3 gens will be popping any second.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    oh sory i never played killer (i have around 900h on killer and i would love to turn bloodlust off)

    sory for not liking safety wheels,

    sory for not liking when survivor is punished for playing good,

    sory for not liking when killer is just bloodlusting you on unsafe pallet,

    bloodlust was made because of infinite windows (most of them are gone) but it stayed because bad and casual killers needs help to deal with survs (because they are too lazy to learn how to/dont play enough to learn that)

    the fact that you like bloodlust means youre either casual or bad killer

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159
  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Yeah I know what flicking is and you have no idea if it’s removed which I’m gonna say most likely not since this is a minor nerf while yes we didn’t need this nerf right now as there are more important fixes this was a matter of time the game is in a new age and billy did not fit that now he does it’s a pvp video game everything is subject to nerfs and buffs just get use to it and stop whining if it doesn’t go your way please

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Yeah, but being stabbed and being able to vault and run at normal speeds isn't though... Yet a chainsaw overheats in 10secs now..

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
    edited July 2020

    Do you play killer? They barley fixed #########. All they did was add a couple doorways at literal god loops that killer could do nothing about, and they STILL can be abused if you ACTUALLY have skill and know how to loop... This guy here... And I never play as Billy. I prefer oni sunshine...

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Even when a killers power has a cooldown they can still M1.

    Arguement makes literally no sense.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    It's a video game. You can't look at every competitive aspect based on realism.

    But I'll go tit for tat with you. If I get stabbed I likely wouldn't be able to run. But what if the killer barely grazed me with his weapon while I vaulted and was two or three steps away from him? Would that really impact me a whole lot? Nope.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    So why are they doing that to killers then? There literally making them punching bags when there suppose to be supernatural, and have supernatural powers. Yet, it seems the survs have the power role, entirely dictate the outcome of matches, and can do A LOT of things that no regular human could ever do w zero penalties or injury. Try jumping from 10 ft and land on your feet and then take off in a sprint... Anyway, My point is, why are viable killers getting cool downs now, but still nothing done the same way towards survivor? The least they could do is implement a stamina system. That's realistic, not too big of a nerf, and pretty damn fair...

  • ZttII
    ZttII Member Posts: 12

    How is that fair? Survivors move slower than killers, can't fight back, and have to rely on limited resources to escape a chase. By adding a stamina bar you're putting a time limit on every chase and the survivor is guaranteed to get downed. What's the point? They can literally never escape. The game is asymmetric and killers are the power role, but that doesn't mean that queuing up for survivor should imply that you're just going to get wrecked by anyone with half a brain. At the end of the day skill in the chase should still be paramount and it's up to the killer to decide whether it's worth chasing a skilled survivor at a god loop or cycling back to someone else.