Hypothetical mechanic idea: Tripping. What do you guys think?

So I'm sure everyone is familiar with the classic horror trope, where someone is being chased and out of nowhere and for no real reason they trip and fall. It's goofy af at this point.
For a while, I've been wondering how a mechanic like that would play out in DBD. It's just a silly thought experiment to see what people would think about this.
I'm thinking it could play out something like this:
When you run around the map you have a small chance to trigger a skill check or QTE which would cause your character to stumble and lose speed if you fail.
When you are in a chase, you have a higher chance to trigger this event, especially when looking back. In order to make it less annoying and so it doesn't conflict with other actions, the chance for these checks to appear can be deactivated or greatly reduced when at certain distances from loops/pallets/windows. It would act more as a check for survivors who just hold W.
Guaranteed chance of a check at the end of SB, Lithe, BL and right after DH unless you reach a pallet or vault, however you'll receive the check after the vault if you keep running. Because you're moving faster or dodging, it makes sense you'd be more likely to trip on something. I think it would add a layer of depth to the use of these perks since you'd be vigilant to hit that check or else lose your speed, and since it's a guarantee, then you won't be caught by surprise if you know what you're doing. It'll create a risk-reward situation where if you reach a safe position you won't be interrupted by the check so you're incentivized to use the perks smartly and not just for distance.
I honestly think it'd be funny seeing a survivor running away with sprint burst and then when they look back they stumble and lose the distance they made because they weren't paying attention.
I can see some instances where this can be annoying but I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about this.
That does sound amazingly fun and funny mechanic from the killers stand point.
Might wanna try to implement a small bonus or boost for being successful in the skill check or QTE. Just so survivors don’t feel it’s a dumb broken killer sided addition to the game.
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It's interesting in theory. Anything that spices up the current mechanics is welcome so long as it doesn't make the game feel worse to play. I feel like this is one of those cases where I'd have to try it out before I have a firm opinion on it, but on paper it does sound like it could make chases more interesting. It also poses a risk for survivors that are looking behind them 100% of the time which would be a solid trade off for being able to see exactly what the killer is doing when he's chasing you
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It kind of sounds like a reverse bloodlust for survivors. If you're in a chase for X seconds you get a skill check and slowdown if you fail.
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No. It almost ruined Smash, it will do just as much damage here. Tripping is the dumbest thing ever implemented in pvp gaming.
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Why isn’t the killers QTE mentioned too? So this would be a debuff for survivors but killers get to move just as fast with ease without the possibility of error. Nope.
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You gotta call out unbalanced requests when you see them. This one of them 🤣🤣🤣 nice try. I’m still confused as to why they haven’t changed struggle phase to a skill check. The game is too laggy for button smashing.
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I think killers shouldn’t be able to just hold down their left stick and move around fast without being challenged. Survivors have to sweat to get those extra seconds gain/momentum on the killer in the chase but the killer gets football field length lunges and crazy fast movement speed without any possibility of making a costly mistake during the chase unless they lose sight of you completely. They miss a hit, oh well, the recovery time is like ... well ... instant. They get pallet stunned or the survivor drops the pallet. Well sometimes it’s actually faster for the killer to just walk around the pallet. Can’t believe they haven’t fixed the pallets that only have a stack of tires or a piece of trash sitting next to them as a “wall” protruding from either side of the pallet.
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Tripping is a Friday 13th Mechanic.
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The only reason I would back a tripping mechanic rn is because I get stuck on too many small bumps/things as a survivor, and if tripping changes it so that I don't just come to a complete halt because of a rock or bump in the level design but only lose some momentum, I'm totally behind it.
(I'm looking at you, paddle part of The Pale Rose, but also Lampkin, Saloon, and that one stairway on The Game).
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I wouldn't mind a environmental hazard like a rogue tree root tripping you up. But just randomly falling over? Nope.
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I can agree with the bonus for succeeding. Although I'm not sure what it could be that doesn't completely break chases.
Lol, you might be right. Its obviously a silly idea. Just wanted to put it out there see what people thought, and maybe try and make something sensible out of it :3
In my opinion, and this is my own opinion on things. I feel killers have a pretty decent amount of things to keep track of during a game, and i feel survivors don't necessarily. The most demanding thing survivors do IMO is looping and chaining tiles during chases. This should not disrupt that, its more aimed towards people who like to just hold w and make distance. But I agree that there could be something survivors could gain from hitting the checks, im not too sure what it could be so it doesn't break chases for killers : )
Killers gain on survivors at 0.6 meters per second if theyre 115% and at 0.4 meters per second if they're 110%. This in theory means that if a survivor is 20 meters from you it takes 33 seconds to catch up to them on a 115% killer and 50 seconds for you to catch up to them with a 110% killer, if they just run in a straight line. Now obviously that doesn't happen because you cant run that much on maps without stumbling into something and killers have powers to help catch up. But making distance is very effective against most killers most of the time in my experience. I don't think a skill check that slows them down a little if theyre holding W would be too detrimental. I disagree with a lot of what you said in this post but thx for the input :)
Maybe it is a bit too RNG based. I think I can agree with what youre saying.
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I can see how that would be better than just having it happen randomly. And you get the chance to avoid them if you hit the checks, yeah I can get behind this.
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For the Xbox the running button is the skill check button, wouldn’t work on console
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Yeah i know about the controller button scheme. Could be a different button tho. But if it is it shouldnt be a skill check cuz it might confuse people.
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I shudder to imagine what the Survivors in their forums must be like.
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Rather then an entire mechanic change I'd rather see something similar as a perk instead. I think it'd be kind of neat.