Remove SWF
Thats a matchmaking issue. Not a SWF issue.
Matchmaking, if working as intended, would have had that group facing a rank 1 killer.
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"This game wasn't made for SWF" this is false.
The devs have said time and time again that SWF was planned from the beginning. The only reason it wasnt available on launch was due to time constraints.
If SWF is removed/nerfed then SWF will just spam regular queues until they find their buddies. No way around it. Just deal and move on.
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It's not that every team is a pro depip squad, its that SWF inherently gives a massive advantage to the survivors even if its just two people. Those two SWF are able to communicate better together, which in return benefits the other two survivors on their team.
If it is a 3 man or 4 man SWF group the advantage is even bigger. Every argument defending SWF is always this; its just friends wanting to play together, not every SWF is a try hard pro group, solo queue sucks, killers just want an easy win.
However that is exactly what most SWF enthusiasts want, an easy / easier win. They don't want to play solo queue the way the game was originally designed around, they want to play with their friends which is fine, but don't pretend its not 100% easier.
Why is it that when a killer asks for a full solo queue game they get bashed on saying they just want an easy win, or they need to get better, but people never address the same issue for SWF. They don't want to get better individually and want whatever advantage they can get over a killer to win a majority of their games.
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This is probably the best way I've seen someone respond to "You've never played survivor/killer" comments.
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Correction - they have advantages at their DISPOSAL. The assertion that people are using SWF to it's full potential and creating these horribly one-sided games in every single match is horse #########. Like I said, try hards exist, but most people are just having fun with their friends and not try harding. There is, once again, a huge element of "you just need to git gud" to this.
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I can agree with this, but by taking a low rank player with them, they get me, an inexperienced Ghost Face player, and it also helps jack up their rank. This is one way to abuse SWF. I've seen it plenty now, because I have put far more hours into survivor. I also play duos with my husband, so I'm not even adamantly against SWF. I do greatly see the problem for killers however. BHVR needs to fix both match making, and SWF. How? Idk, I'm not a developer. There is an issue though when you can't go one day on these forums, Reddit, or anywhere else DBD is a topic without it coming up.
Might just hang up killer until the new matchmaking comes out. It's frustrating getting these teams every third match. Survivor is just so much more fun because of how the game is designed.
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I play SWF and solo evenly. When I play with friends we dont use comms to act like a military squad. We know how we play together and how we all play. Theres no need to communicate about movements and quadrants, etc. We just play the game and we play well. All we use voice comms for is to roast eachother and call eachother crude names - like real friends do.
When I play killer I actually prefer SWF - you might get the occasional toxic group but largely they are overly altruistic douches that rely on their better friend to carry them. They tend to throw themselves at the hook for their friend or hide in lockers for half the match to get one head-on stun. SWF = easy mode for me as killer.
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So are you going to address my other issues I brought up? I've never come across an SWF group in red ranks that wasn't "trying" and taking "advantage" of all the things at their disposal unless they were purposefully farming or trolling.
I can only speak for myself in that I don't expect to win every match, there will be people always better than myself and others. The only point myself and others are trying to make about SWF is what I have already stated that everyone ignores and pretends to not read.
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What you said in the first paragraph exacerbates the issue. If survivors are decent enough in red rank solo without communication, what do you think happens when they communicate. Of course not every group is like this, but there are a lot that are.
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I'm 5k hours into this game, 3k of it being killer. You don't have to school me about what is and isn't happening. I know full well everything you're saying, but SWF isn't the be-all-end-all of things in this game, and the amount of people tryharding is exponentially small at all ranks. If you think it's bad now, you should have seen it years ago. The game is the most balanced now than it has EVER been. Is it perfect? No, but the days of using "SWF" and "matchmaking" as an excuse are nonsense in 90% of cases. You can roughly date anyone based purely on what they complain about. Jump in your DeLorean and go back to 2016, when things were actually bad.
Then come back here, and realize that for the most part, what you're doing is making excuses, and you need to just get better.
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Because issues change with time, you can't compare the game back at launch to now its not the same game. The game was literally broken at launch with windows and literal infinites and instant gens. Of course that was unbalanced.
The game since then has changed, it has added way more perks, way more abilities, things have gotten nerfed and buffed. Also I don't care about your time played since time doesn't equal skill. You see 1000 hour survivors in red ranks who still have to rely on urban evasion and have to hide all game because they still cannot for the life of them run a killer.
I've played killer consistently to red ranks every reset yet with my time in the game im still a rank 20 ape nurse compared to my other killers I play. Time doesn't mean skill. Again you are skirting my issues im raising by continuing to bring up "get better" or trying to gaslight with the fact that you play killer.
*Quick Edit btw; I don't want SWF to be removed btw. I just want people to address and realize the issues with it instead of trying to put all the blame on killers.
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To remove SWF after so many years would be a PR nightmare, and the impact on the playerbase would probably be very negative. It's just not a good decision.
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I can compare the game back then. I have the experience on both sides of the spectrum that gives me that privilege.
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Okay how about we stop talking to each other because you only want to address what you want and disregard and ignore the rest.
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I addressed what you said earlier. You keep spouting the same nonsensical excuses for your losing over and over again. You're the one ignoring the words of someone with far more experience than you.
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That is just matchmaking, this happens in solo queue too.
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Holy crap dude you give off some r/Iamverysmart vibes. I have nowhere in any of my posts mentioned that I'm losing over and over again. You are the one bringing that up in every response you make to anyone about SWF. You can keep thinking the way you are, no one is going to change your mind on that. Have fun though thinking spending thousands of hours in a game makes you better than others.
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They shouldn't remove swf, but let killers opt out from facing them if they want to.
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Trust, they knew what they were doing.
He has "loudest one in the room" syndrome. Seriously though, if you want an objective opinion, you have to consider the new players and veterans alike. A lot of experience can also hinder your understanding of someone else's opinion who is coming at the game from a different angle than you.
Ninja edit to say: I don't think most people here want SWF actually removed, just addressed as problematic. Like many other threads floating around here.
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I don't care whether or not "everyone notices me". I'm just against the assertion that SWF, while unbalanced, is this huge problem that people say it is. As I said, even VETERAN and WELL KNOWN members of the community know this simply isn't true. The majority of SWF's are just normal people having fun, and not try harding. Therefore, using it as an excuse why you lose all your games is horse #########.
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I feel like my point is only driven home by the caps lock, but go off.
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It's called emphasis. Sorry if that's beyond you. Not my problem.
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Oh no, you're emphasizing what I said about you having loudest one in the room syndrome! I got you. 💖
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He's smarter than everyone remember? Just accept it.
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I sincerely hope this cross(whatever) is optional and we do get to turn it off by choice. That would be the most appeasing idea for All
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No. I'd rather be able to play with my friends😊
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Imagine having friends to play this game with......
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The devs support swf. Its here to stay. Maybe just get good instead of begging for kills. Complaining about it is just as dumb as complaining about noed.
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Yes lets punish players for playing with their friends, and remove one of the most popular aspects of the game too.
That is certainly a fine idea that could not backfire and lose them players.
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I’ll never understand this argument. As a rank 1 killer I actually PREFER facing SWF as they are normally too altruistic and give you easy downs. They will spend half the game chasing after you whilst you chase their friends instead of doing generators. It’s great.