Billy chainsaw is a massive nerf IMO.
So i heard that the chainsaw will be 25% overheat just from 1 full revving.
So if the killer decide to cancel his chainsaw where it's almost charged, the overheat is still going up, and lead to another 25% overheat.
So let's say his overheat is 50% now for distance travelling. Once he starts his chainsaw, he either feather it, rev it for less than whole charge bar and cancel it, or commit it. Or else your chainsaw will be 100% overheat. Even if you commit it, if you miss, you'll have essentially no power for a duration because your chainsaw is 75%.
So either way, once he starts a chainsaw at 50% power bar, unless he feathers it, he can't use his chainsaw at all for a duration. I don't think this is a "minimal change" at all, since good survivors will definitely take advantage of this. Unless, let's say the overheat cools down totally in 10 secs without 100% overheat, this is essentially a huge, massive nerf to billy.
(This is just my opinion, please don't be rude when responding)
It will be a matter of testing it in the PTB, but I agree, this definitely does not seem like a minor change
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I'm really starting to feel like the whole "happy how Billy performs and has enough counterplay" they were talking exclusively about his right hand, because the more I'm hearing about the upcoming nerf, the more I'm thinking he's going to be unwilling to use his power in almost any situation.
I say this as someone who is an admittedly not great Billy, but the good Billys I've watched have definitely been neutered by this change unless they completely change the playstyle.
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I’ll admit at first it looked minor but looking at the numbers unless I’m misreading this does not look minor but im gonna wait till tomorrow to really post any criticism
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I myself am not a great billy, and this change definitely makes me don't want to learn how to curve. I'll probably only use it in deadzones and for distance travelling.
And i definitely don't think this playstyle is a high skill play. I thought devs want to raise his skill level, but i think they're doing the exact opposite thing as the change discourage revving and curving.
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It's another weird cooldown a la Nurse.
The cooldown from 99 to 0 charge is 28.6 seconds, but the cooldown from overheating is 15.15 meaning it's literally faster to just wait for the overheat sometimes than it is to actually not use it in a "skillful" manner.
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That’s exactly what one of his ultra rares does
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We've only seen 3 of his addons. Where are you getting this claim about his addon strength from.
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Btw each rev is 30% not 25%.
You get a 5% penalty just for starting the rev.
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that just makes the situation even worse. this change only hurts top billy players, but not so much for medium or low skill players since we only use it for mobility and back rev.
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This. Using his saw purely for sprinting is exactly what the nerf promotes. No more holding the saw for mindgames.
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JUST WAIT UNTIL PTB for f+&k sake. You don't know how it's going to turn out. Billy is still really strong. It this makes him too weak they will remove it.
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Are you sure about that? We’re you here when all the polls made voted to let Nurse keep her basekit?
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Yes I was and nurse is still one of the strongest killers in the right hands. She's a high skill killer anyways so comparing someone like her to billy who gets an easy insta down with no cool down other than missed attacks is on two different levels. He can cross map easily. Granted he's just as loopable as any killer but again it all deals with level of skill. Billy takes far less skill to use. They are trying to up that by making you play smart or suffer consequences
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This is exactly what I've been saying
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this nerk nuts sounding the more i read about it.
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Hold on... So When you start reving up to 99% and then decide to cancel it (because idk survivors hits a window or lockers) and you wait till the charge bar is going back to 0%.. You Literally have built up 55% overheat already? And that's with addons right?
Freaaaaaking hell it's even worse than I assumed first.. if that's the case Billy is a dead horse for me.
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Id wait to test it, but after reading theyre mostly happy with him, i was surprised with such a big change.
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From the info they gave us. I don't think this will be a big nerf like the nurses rework. Billy will still be able to sprint across the map. If anything it will be harder for him to chase you around a loop with his chainsaw revved. However these devs have gone one step too far before. Like when they said they would rework Sallys add ons -.-
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No that's basekit. We don't know how addons change things.
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But yes it's awful
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Basekit billy was balanced idk why they couldn't just up the rarity or nerf the charge time addons if insta saw was the issue but this just make me not want to play billy anymore and i didn't play slugging billy either it just punishes people that don't use addons and knowing them they'll make his addons a must to get old basekit billy back like how we have to use addons to as close to old basekit nurse as possible. This is just making them more annoying to play without really adding anything to them with these pointless cooldowns.
Post edited by TKTK on1 -
So if everything which has been said is true then in summary:
Using the chainsaw gives 30% overheat.
Chainsaw feathering is punished with 5% overheat.
Drift Billy is basically dead.
"For the most part, we are happy with the way The Hillbilly performs. His power is very versatile, allowing him to quickly traverse the map, zone out Survivors and instantly down them. From a Survivor’s perspective, there is also a reasonable amount of counterplay, leading to interesting chases where the best player often comes out on top." -Developers
Gee you could have fooled me... You punish one of his mindgames (chainsaw feathering), if your chainsaw overheats you are unable to use it just long enough for bloodlust 1 to build up and end up killing one of his unique play styles. The one playstyle which makes you happy for getting Rotten Fields is gutted since you no longer can freely use your chainsaw as much as you want.
The two strengths Billy has is his mobility for map pressure and his potential to end chases quickly with an instant down. If this update discourages Billy to use his chainsaw too much and the patch goes through, you basically made Billy an M1 killer with good map traversal. Why use his chainsaw for downing players when it punishes your mobility. I could just play Leatherface in that case. Devs, you said you are already happy with his performance. Apparently not. Why are you slapping a cooldown on every killer? Guess we need to slap one on Wraith too, he needs to wait 30 seconds until he can use his bell after comming out of cloak, sounds good am I right? /s
You could have easily fixed one of the most glaring problems with Billy, ie the Instant Saw Addons combo and left the rest alone. New and reworked addons? Yes could be interresting and was needed. New reworked perks? Yeah great, they weren't top meta anyway. I am really worried about this "rework" considering the history of past reworks.
Also RIP Space Billy, we miss you jumping off hills through the air.
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What I find most ridiculous is this completely ruins curve Billy as well - the highest end of his skill cap. I'm nowhere near good enough to do it myself, but the few times I've seen it done, it's a work of art. But with this change you straight up don't have the capacity to slowly get everything in position while you 99% your saw and then let yourself go at the perfect moment. Like, discounting double engravings potentially being removed/reworked as well, the general idea of curving didn't change with the engravings, just let you do it on less favorable tiles. You straight up won't have time to get yourself in position to do it in the first place, especially not if you used the chainsaw for map presence as well. It's a removal of his highest echelons of skill ceiling, and I don't get WHY.
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Yes that's what i was trying to say
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Yeah I completely forgot to mention curving. I had an amazing match yesterday against a Billy running double engravings. It was a really good match. He outplayed me and I outplayed him a couple of times so it was back and forth. So you basically killed two unique types of Billy's playstyles with this. I don't think I get the same experience with this rework. Again, you either use the chainsaw for mobility or use it to end chases. If I wanted to end chases quick, why not just use the other chainsaw brother Leatherface? Is it just me who thinks this is a problem?
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If so that's even worse than what I calculated. And that was pretty bad already.
When it looks like a massive nerf it's gonna be a massive nerf. Also it is pretty much guaranteed to go live. And no matter how bad it is it will go live with a few number tweaks at best. Surveys will do nothing as there always will be more survivors happy with a nerf happenning at all than killers unhappy with the details of that nerf. That's how it's always been.
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30% is to rev to 99 the saw, but are you adding the extra 25% heat to 55% for the time it resets to 0 rev progress? Does it still heat up once you let go of m2? Is this confirmed?
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Why would you charge the chainsaw to almost full to stop, let it decay all the way and then charge it back up again anyway? Don't cancel your chainsaw when it's almost maxed then. Just sprint for a miliseconds.
Also while it's a bit hard to see, i don't think the chainsaw is even overheating if you stop charging. You can tell from how the overheatbar doesn't smoothly go up in the video but rather stops everytime they stop reving
You all seem to just imagining things to make the nerf seem worse then it is. From what it looks like the overheat bar will rather be 10% if you cancel at the last moment rather then 50%
This is why we wait for ptb so we can have actual date instead of all these worst case scenario fantasies
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The good billys 4k in almost every game, you think that's fair?
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In all seriousness though it seems to me like you will only be able to use the chainsaw 4 times in a chase if it has no heat on it. Funny how they insist its a "small change"
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Because most survivors can't even tell a generator from a pallet.
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Not biased at all, well im very glad he's getting nerfed, I think they could do even more but they're probably afraid of backlash.
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acromio makes a good point, the current match making system isn't really based on skill and it reflects with a lot of boosted players. Hopefully when the MMR system has had time to properly place a lot of players (and it isn't reset monthly) we should start to see what real red rank games are like consistently.
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Personally I feel like it's completely fair that the more skilled player comes out on top in a multiplayer versus game. Not sure why that's a controversial opinion.
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It's a party game not a tournament.
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It's a competitive game, whether you like it or not. An extremely shoddy competitive game, but it still is one, and should be balanced as such.
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It's not black/white though. Is DbD an ESport? Not in the slightest and I doubt it ever will be, and that's fine. But there's a pretty broad spectrum between ESport and Jackbox Party Pack. To use an obscure example, Move or Die is a ridiculous game, but the more skilled player will more often than not win since there's a surprising amount of skill involved, even if it's an extremely casual game. Doesn't mean the game is wildly unbalanced, and in fact it at least provides some context for why the same person wins so often.
In a game where it's a player against another player, I would much rather have skill be the deciding factor over luck. Still don't understand why that's controversial.
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And I'm glad the devs are seeing this the same with removal of ruin, great skillcheck progression etc etc. Look at league, the easiest champs in the game are the best performers, you don't need everything to be complicated as hell. Once the devs go even more casual the game will be a hit.
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Unlucky for you, repeating a lie won't magically turn it into the truth. ;D
DbD is competitive by design, whether the devs want to admit it or not.
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Yes it's confirmed. We have access to a video of bully feathering
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Competitive just means PvP
Dead by daylight is competitive
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You think it's unfair that GOOD players perform well? Are good players not supposed to 4k? Some people in this community bewilder me.
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How exactly is this your opinion?
You just used math to show how often you can use your chainsaw post nerfed and pointed out that the result is "not very often".
Math isn't subjective.
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Holy moly! That's overkill to say the least.
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So i'm right.. billy do indeed get a massive nerf...