So since Billy is getting nerfed when are we gutting Decisive Strike?



  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    The problem is that it's designed as a defensive perk that gets abused in an offensive way. Where as the perk SHOULD be used to actually prevent tunneling the perk is instead used by optimal survivors as a 60 second shield. Same with Borrowed Time, but DS is far worse. If the killer downs the survivor and picks them up then they'll get hit with it. If they slug them then that's either 60 seconds the killer has to wait out or a relatively free pickup for their team. Another option is diving into a locker forcing the killer to either leave you alone or eat the DS without being able to slug.

    When I mean offensively they can do things like freely dive to save a hooked person because they're protected, so the killer can't punish nor stop them. They can just immediately hop on a generator near a locker. A generator takes 80 seconds for an unbuffed solo survivor complete. That's 75% of a fresh generators progress bar that they can repair for with almost no fear of the killer, all the way down to fully protected if a locker is nearby to prevent slugging. And if the killer doesn't eat it they can pull this atleast 2 times per match per person with DS.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    if DS would be active for 3 minutes , you would still call it tunneling. Not all killers are tunneling, DS in it’s current form can be abused....