Good talk Monto.

I feel that Monto is spot on about the new killer.


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2018
    Oh, yeah, I seen his video! The only thing that I disagreed with is the terror radius, I think 24m isn't bad since you can catch survivors by surprise! I know good spirits need to know her terror radius but that's impractical unless you have whispers! Overall, he made good points with justification which is what the developers need more if to make this killer better! :)

    Edit 1: Fixed grammer! :)
  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Nickenzie said:
    Oh, yeah, I seen his video! The only thing that I disagreed with is the terror radius, I think 24m isn't bad since you can catch survivors by surprise! I know good spirits need to know her terror radius but that's impractical unless you have whispers! Overall, he made good points with justification which is what the developers need more if to make this killer better! :)

    Edit 1: Fixed grammer! :)

    I agree. I don't think the terror radius change is a bad change but overall the video was on the money with how the Spirit could be improved.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    I do agree on the aura as well... the TR change is good it may even out the cooldown since M&A wil be good... the whooshing sound being lowered while in phase and them not hearing her now is really good imo 
  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716
    Grey87 said:

    Who's monto and why should I care about what some random player says?

    Lol Monto's probably one of the big dbd youtubers and actually knows what he's talking about and likes to have fun with the game. He's also known for making really good builds with killers and survivors. You should check him out.
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @Grey87 said:
    Who's monto and why should I care about what some random player says?

    Because they have an opinion about a game you play and there is a chance that those opinions they have maybe implemented into the game.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    Nobody is surprised about the killer is currently useless, anyway the most main survivors think that she is strong, do not u think it's funny?

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2018

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @pandorayr said:
    Nobody is surprised about the killer is currently useless, anyway the most main survivors think that she is strong, do not u think it's funny?

    I think you'll enjoy this video. It's Freddy protecting the Spirit from the scary nerf bat that he was once struck with.

    they are a good marriage lmao
    Rin the nurse 2.0 and Fredy pay to win...
    thanks for making me laugh

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @pandorayr said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @pandorayr said:
    Nobody is surprised about the killer is currently useless, anyway the most main survivors think that she is strong, do not u think it's funny?

    I think you'll enjoy this video. It's Freddy protecting the Spirit from the scary nerf bat that he was once struck with.

    they are a good marriage lmao
    Rin the nurse 2.0 and Fredy pay to win...
    thanks for making me laugh

    No prob lol. Glad ya got a good laugh ^_^

  • Hail_to_the_King
    Hail_to_the_King Member Posts: 183
    Yeah. I agree with everything he said other than the terror radius stuff. 24 meters is fine. I'm glad someone posted this. I hope the devs see it because he is right.
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    @popoles said:
    Is nobody going to say that @TydeTyme was right? There were a lot of people insulting him when he uploaded his "Another weak killer" video.

    Everyone was expecting another weak killer after the devs mentioned how they wanted to make "fun" killers instead of "competitive" killers.

    Plus, who actually expected the devs to create a strong killer? No one.

    Not everyone apparently, some players were still saying TydeTyme is Crybaby
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Tyde and his S Tier Myers, pffft.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061

    Yeah, if Spirit doesn't receive some major positive changes, she is going to be another level 40 Killer, IE leveled up just enough to unlock their teachables, then never played or given any bloodpoints again.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    Yep, he is right. I would add lowering that 20s cooldown to the list, it is horrible.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    I genuinely hope the Devs see this video and take it to heart.

    Lul, sorry but this is naive.

    You know why i say it tho.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I think you'll enjoy this video. It's Freddy protecting the Spirit from the scary nerf bat that he was once struck with.

    Again a good one, you have the thing to find good meme tho :D

    But i would change one thing on this video : "R 20's opinion" by "Survivor main's opinion".

    All this high rank players who just want to keep their bully simulator is quite disgusting.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753


    Wasn't meant to sound harsh, sorry dude.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    I played her around 15 hours and I think she needs a few tweaks. (c)

    If any player said it to me, I would laugh him in the face. Suddenly, it's popular YouTuber and there is hype and everyone agrees.

    ps: my sides...