Limit the amount of toolboxes brought into a game

Pretty simple. I dodge everytime I see 4 toolboxes, I don't mind swf too much, it is what it is, but four coordinated people with toolboxes is hell to play against, it's always a sweaty game if you're not a teleporting killer.
Toolboxes are super-weak since they nerfed them.
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Are you including add ons in that opinion?
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even with add ons the are not good
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Wait? Because of gen repair or sabotage?
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It's very rare that i'll have a cheeky survivor drop a hook infront of me, but i'm refering to gens.
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Keep dodging, nobody will mind. Survivors stay in the lobby together and usually get another killer within 10 seconds.
Toolboxes were nerfed to hell btw
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The only Add On which is somewhat decent is the Brand New Part. And it is only somewhat decent because the rest is utter trash, BNP is not even that good, especially not for being a pink Add On.
So yeah, I dont think that anyone needs to worry about Toolboxes in 2020.
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3 Survivors0.8 c/s | 80 %~33.33 seconds
With how common swf is this is often a thing, you'll be baited by one survivor doing a gen, break off the chase after he's a little away if you don't get a hit and once you go back to kick it another gen pops.
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But they're crap now. The only kinda good one is the Commodious with Wire Spool and Socket Swivels or a BnP. Even then you need Streetwise for it to be good.
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Lol I was gonna tell you to just dodge lobbies, but you already have that covered. Keep doing that. There's not much else to do, survivors will bring toolboxes to help them complete their objective quicker, and its only fair to use the tools available to them. Especially since pre-nerf, one toolbox used to last all game and still have charges after doing 5 gens. Post nerf, it only helps finish about half a gen, even with add ons. They're nowhere near as helpful/OP as they used to be. I used to dodge 1 toolbox lobbies.
Personally, now a days, I always dodge lobbies with 3 or more toolboxes.
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Eh, solo you can knock out half a gen pretty quick...
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This is what they should have done before they nerfed them, but toolboxes are total garbage now.
if you're losing against Survivors running toolboxes after the nerf, you would have also lost if they hadn't brought them.
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You know the more lobbies you dodge the less games you’ll actually get to play I’m just saying😒.