Killer buff good killer nerf bad

I just wanted to summarize killers mains feedback thats all.
Can't wait for PTB to go live 😎
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Can't wait for people to not use Billy and use Spirit and Freddy more <3 amazing that sounds like a lot of fun!!!!
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Yeah LF is completely different on loops now. No more needing to piggyback before chainsaw, and he can whizz around most loops with an instadown.
This all gets ignored though because killer mains take it for granted. Its all about “muh billy” for them. In their eyes no killer should ever be nerfed, only buffed.
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Yup its funny to me when people complain about state of the killers and say that surv is a power role in this game.
There are players that have 100+ winstreak they just take 4 kill's for granted and when they don't get it they get mad 🙄
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Hello, killer main here, killer nerf good, killer buff good.