What Do Y'all Think About This For Billy?

Rescultir Member Posts: 185

I didn't play the PTB, I will make that clear off the start. I personally think that having to install an 'X' amount of GBs for there to only be a handful of people to play against (and most of them are high rank sweats) is a complete waste of time. HOWEVER! I am not against the idea of these Billy changes.

What the devs have now are trash though, the chainsaw overheats way too fast, addons don't seem to help in any way possible and you're mostly relying on the M1 but that's also good since you need to be able to pip so you have to make some hits instead of constantly going for insta-downs and I have no idea why people are complaining about billy because as a high rank survivor/killer I hardly ever see a Billy being played.

There should be a cool down on the chainsaw, having a Billy go from one side of the map to the other side very quickly at the start of a match with ease is a bit too much. Then having to insta-down a survivor, hook them and then use BBQ to just run off to the next survivor that was too far at the time is a pain, especially when playing solo and you play against people that have no idea ######### they are doing and get snipped from across the map which as a killer I know is fun to do and it is their own fault for standing/repairing there so I get that.

The addons SHOULD help the killers M2 ability, the higher the rarity the better the addon. for example:

You can just throw on a bunch of slightly, moderately and considerably addons that either help the cool down, bumping, and noise of the chainsaw. It SHOULD NOT help with revving up the chainsaw since there are times where there are gens that are a high-risk factor to go for and you can't do anything but try and juke which is not that easy unless the billy is new. Having a billy bump into a locker would punish a survivor for going into one, however, lockers are not even used that often so that would be an iffy kind of thing. It would help new people get use to him though so maybe?

That meme Bloodpoints addon needs to go, it can be fun and it is more useful at low ranks but there should be an addon that can work for rewarding players at both high and low ranks.

I'll try to create one off the top of my head real quick;

"your running speed with the chainsaw is increased by 'X' amount(s).survivors hit by the chainsaw gain the 'mending' or 'broken' status effect for 'X' seconds. When the timer is depleted, the survivor will be healed back to full health. hooking a survivor affected by the 'mending' or 'broken' status effect will reward 'X' bloodpoints."

which may or may not encourage more M1 plays... not too sure but I do believe it will.

You can have an addon that gives stacks to how frequently the chainsaw can be used before going on a cooldown, for example:

"your chainsaw has 'X' amount of stacks but takes 'X' amount of seconds to cooldown per depleted stack" which can reward emblem points for M1ing (even though I strongly agree that M2 stuff should also count as emblem points but w.e)

You can also throw on some more affects for addons as well, you could probably do an exposed one...

"When chainsaw sprinting and downing a survivor that is 'X' meters away from a newly hooked survivor, all other survivors gain the expose status effect."

I am not very good with wording but basically you would hook a survivor then immediately charge up the chainsaw and hit someone that is 'x' meters away from that hooked survivor and it can only be done by hooking someone, once you let go of the M2 button you won't be able to continue it and would obviously have a cooldown of 'x' seconds if you do hit someone. This way Billy can still have some fun