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A simple way to fix Freddy and Spirit

Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

With all the talk of Billy and Bubba, people are now bringing up the idea of nerfing Freddy and spirit. I’m not opposed to this, but I do believe it needs to be done tactically. More specifically, it needs to tackle the components that make them oppressive, not the components that make them fun, unless that is the components that makes them oppressive in your mind.


The biggest issue with Freddy is his easy capability of slowing down the game way too much. Not only are you capable of slowing down the game passively, but then you can run pop and instantly teleport to a generator and caused 25% regression with a little to no skill. For me, I don’t find the teleport part to be the oppressive part. The part I find oppressive is having Thana and Swing Chains and Dying Light AND Pop all at once. No I know the devil made a nerve to the combo potential of pop and ruin, but the other three still have combo potential within themselves. And that combo potential is much worse. Maxed out at %28 slowdown for the Obsession, with a possible %44 for all non Obsessions, the struggle is real.

Remember, the balance of this game is supposed to be if the Survivors have enough tools that without the killer using their power and mind games effectively, do they have enough resources for how slow/fast the game will be? Against a Freddy with all 4 combo pieces, no.

My proposed change is rather simple: Thana/Dying Light/Swing Chains cannot stack, only the strongest of the effects will be active. This gives easily the most room to buff their numbers, making each strategic for the killer you run them on. Have an easy time injuring all the survivors (Legion), run Thana. Have an easy time hooking Survivors (Many killers) Dying Light. Playing Freddy, Swing Chains. They can be buffed massively to compensate the lack of stacking, which will not be as oppressive, and not cause Slow Down Freddy to feel like an instant loss.

I feel like they could buff the numbers to:

Swing Chains: %4 per asleep Survivor.

Thana: %3/4/5 per injured Survivor. Being injured gives the injured Survivor an additional %3/4/5 slowdown (max of %15/20/25)

Dying Light: %3/4/5 per hooked non Obsession.

each now in their own right have their own strength and weakness, which means that based on your play style would change which one you would want to take.

why I’m not removing the combo potential with pop and his teleport, or in general just removing his teleport. An option people would probably suggest, and I did think about this. In fact, I thought about it so much, that I theorized removing the dream pallet add-ons, make the dream pallets passively spawn anyway, and change the dream pallet add-ons to give him dream projection instead of dream snare. The main reason I didn’t, however, is people would choose to go with dream snares over the projection, because they actually help in a chase. At which point, why are you playing Freddy instead of just playing clown. Remember, even though the dreams snares are annoying as hell in regards to hindrance, they affect a very small area that you can navigate around, as compared to a giant bloody mushroom cloud that is a clown bottle. However, I do also agree that the dream snares do not play a role the way they should. Being able to set a dream snare in mid Chase and have it ready by the next time you loop around does not feel fun. Granted, this only affects asleep survivors, most survivor spent most of the match sleep anyway. My ideal change for this is cause the snares to take additional time to arm, say an additional six seconds. To compensate, either make the snares larger, or completely invisible. Making them larger allows you to fully cover a loop with a single snare, but I feel that would also be the worst of the two. Having the dream snare be invisible, however, means that even though you don’t know it’s there, once it affects you, it’s a little bit of a surprise. Making them larger allows you to fully cover a loop with a single snare, but I feel that would also be the worst of the two. Having the dream snare be invisible, however, means that even though you don’t know it’s there, you know he didn’t place it mid chase, and you got pushed into his trap. Essentially, Trapper gameplay, but easier to set up, and not an easy grab to attain.

Spirit: I think the biggest issue with spirit comes with the fact that she’s capable of doing too much with her power. She has mobility, she has mind game potential, she has information gain. That’s only considering the active portion. Truthfully, the mobility and the passive are not the problems people have. It’s the guessing game as a survivor as to what’s going on. One of two nurse would be simple enough to cause spirits to not be as effective, but still be powerful. First, make it so that she has the disarm affect they were going to give Doctor for about 1 1/2 seconds after phase walking. This would force the active to mostly be used to catch up rather than mind game. I’d still leave Grab potential, saying if you’re still on a Gen/Totem as the Spirit is rushing to you, you kinda deserve that. But, you can’t get hit, which is a big plus.

This would allow for her to be buffed in a different manner, either with her movement speed going up to %115, a revert on prayer beads, or make her Passive Phasing even more difficult to read. Hell, you could even change a few Add Ons to make passive phasing hella good.

The second option is my least favorite, and that’s make the Red Stain visible while Phasing. This will remove the guessing game, and would also force skill from good Spirits in regards to hiding it, but I don’t think that’s the way to go.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.


  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229
    edited July 2020

    what I don't like about Freddy is his size, red stain being sortof hard to see in the dream world for colorblind people and his lunge attack doesn't fit his size at all.