Keys and moris

slunder Member Posts: 247

Keys and moris and both purely and simply dumb, and op crap that should either receive a massive nerf or be removed from the game entirely. I will start of by explaining why a mori is not balanced and then explain why keys are not fair either.

A mori allows the killer to skip 1 third of his objective. Imagine starting a game with everyone hooked once. 4 hooks 5 gens. Except that survivors healed. And even the green mori: it is very easy to tunnel someone and turn the game in a 3v1, which is a very easy win for the killer. Not to mention that a survivor dying before his last hook makes a massive difference: one additional hook could allow the survivor to do something huge if he can hide. So the argument that a mori is balanced is dismissed. Now, the remaining arguments for killer mains is: "they are rare". Ok, so when I get a mori in every bloodweb form level 50+, you are saying they are rare? every single blood web from level 50+, you are saying that they are rare? And even if they were rare, it would not matter: losing a game while having almost no counter-play just because you randomly got matched against a mori killer should not be a thing.every single blood web from level 50+, you are saying that they are rare? And even if they were rare, it would not matter: losing a game while having almost no counter-play just because you randomly got matched against a mori killer should not be a thing.

And now, keys to are broken for the following reason: they give survivors escapes the killer has NO way of preventing. Here are some exemples: the killer closes the hatch, and the survivor gets an easy instant escape with the key. Also, maybe the survivors made a mistake and all 3 generators are close to each other. And now, the survivors do not get punished for their mistake because they can literally just m1 their escape: if the killer camps the hatch, the survivors will do the gens, and if the killer patrols the gens, survivors will get the hatch. And thinking that survivors can just escape while they are 2 gens remaining is dumb: even if the killer finds the hatch, he cannot prevent a survivor from opening it. Which means that 40% of the objective that the survivors have is skipped. "Just do not let the survivors complete gens". Lol the game is balanced around survivors getting the generators done. Try to stop all gens from being done against a competent team of survivors. And now, the argument "finding hatch is lucked based". Consider that hatch often spawns in the same place&the survivors have a lot of time to search due to the killer patrolling the gens&it being easy to hide in dbd. And here is my answer to "keys are rare": losing a game while having almost no counter-play just because you randomly got matched against a key should not be a thing, even if it is rare.

In conclusion, these are both op and broken. And if they are balanced, then explain why I almost never lose while using one of these.


  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @pedroframil I agree!

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Another day, another thread on this topic. Sigh.

    As I've said before, moris need to be changed to discourage tunneling. So, you can't mori someone unless they're on death hook. Boom. Fixed.

    For keys, make them so that only one person can go through the hatch per key. Also make one of the rarities only spawn in chests in the trial itself (so that less of them would be in the bloodweb). Also fixed.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Well I don’t think the devs have actually replied to anything regarding the current state of Moris & keys.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @Splinterverse well its the devs fault for not giving any answer and letting issues go rampant. This post would not exist if there was not this issue in the first place. And if you do not like subjects like that, do not click on the title when you see it. Boom, fixed. Moris would still be unbalanced if they were not used to tunnel: 1 third of the objective, gone, is not balanced at all. For keys, it would make them less unfair, I agree.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    You are wrong about moris. If they can't use them until death hook, then mori'ing them is essentially the same as hooking them on death hook. The only thing it would prevent is body blocking, pallet stun or flashlight saves. Other than that, it would be identical to death hook hooking.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @Splinterverse well maybe make is so that everyone needs to be hooked once for the mori to be usable. If a survivor can hide, the mori is countered. This would bring strategy and it would be fine.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    I would just remove the keys and the pink moris.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah they aren't balanced but I'd be sad if they were removed though, the kill animations really are good. I haven't seen them all yet and getting devour hope to full stacks can be some long odds.

    I've been on the recieving end of both plenty of times, but can't say you come across them that often really. Some games they are completely wasted and never really get used, some games they completely decimate the oponent and end it quickly. I just appreciate the animation and then queue again. Same goes for keys but its not much of an animation.

    Two hooks for an ebony mori wouldn't be the worst thing, wouldn't save much time really but it would counter the last minute DS run out the door play and remove the tunnel death 1-2 mins in.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @pseudechis I said either remove or nerf, and the mori changes sounds good. I already replied to the rarity argument.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    That could work too. Honestly, there are like 15 different options I've read about that would work. In fact, most of them would be relatively easy to implement. I'm really disappointed that BHVR hasn't put a priority on it.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    It still makes trials inconsistent, I think it would be better if we nixed them entirely and gave a small set of requirements for survs and killers to use they're effects.

  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    I just used an example, not a throughly thought idea. The mechanics don't need to be purged, just tweaked a little :P

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2020

    Keys could have a timer to open hatches. Pink Keys 10 seconds and purple keys 15 seconds. Balanced now. Ebony Mori could be changed to apply the "crippled effect". Crippled effect makes it so for 1 minute and 30 seconds, the survivor/survivors are crippled and take 50% longer to do everything, including healing but overrides other status effects like Thanaphobia so it doesn't stack. You get pressure and no one immediately dies. Green Mori can stay as is. Let me know what you think. @slunder

    Post edited by AVoiceOfReason on
  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I read the post and the others, you said changed or removed. As I stated changed wouldn't be bad and many changes have been sugested but removed would make me sad because I personally don't think there is anything wrong with them. As typically I just eat my mori/key and queue again.

    It wasn't a rant it was just an opinion answering what you had said changed or removed, if changed great, if not changed great if removed then bummer.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I wouldn't mind if keys only let the person who had said key escape and no-one else. They jump out with one gen left to do, the hatch closes and egc does not start as it normally would with closing the hatch or finishing the last gen.

    Purple keys work as they do now, red keys could make the hatch spawn one gen earlier than it would do.

    Mori's I completely agree should only be usable on final stage which one last hook would kill you anyway.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Thats fair, I'm just getting really annoyed with the inconsistent BS the game throws at everybody.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @pseudechis I agree in the end.