Remove rank system or add....

Narancia Member Posts: 25

So hear me out before you yell insults at me

so I’ve been playing dbd for a year almost two and I’ve been annoyed how this game doesn’t have the simplest ######### remove the dang ranking system if it doesn’t matter so much remove it I’m tired of getting high ranks and still getting matched with low ranks which I don’t mind but at the same time if u can’t even make the ranking system work how it’s supposed to remove it

also add a quick play and don’t hit me with that ITLL SPLIT THE COMMUNITY that wouldn’t be a ######### problem if they just removed rank all together and only had quick play or if they fixed the damn game maybe they’Ed get a bigger fan base and we wouldn’t have to worry about ######### like that

but ofc that will never happen the devs are lazy pieces of garbage and can never fix ######### they do bandaid fixes This game needs a real competitor that will end its life cycle because they can’t add or fix the simplest #########


  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    Rank and matchmaking issues are way more complex than you think.

    But i don't think you're ready for this conversation.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Well match making isnt that complex, its a problem because ranking IS complex and broken. Matchmaking itself is pretty straight forward. Because the ranking system is bad you end up with boosted survivors. With boosted survivors you also get boosted killers but theres a lag. This results in there being significantly more red ranked survivors than red ranked killers. They have to match those survivors up against someone while trying to keep que times down, so we get "red ranks" going up against non red rank killers and the whole system dominos from there.

    Honestly though I dont mind it. The only thing thats f'd up is putting legit noobs up against people in red ranks. I think if they defined a noob as someone with less than 100 hours instead of by rank and then quarantined those people together only that would be better.

    So forget ranks, chuck those out the window. If you have less than 100 hours you can only play against with people that have less than 100 hours. Once you hit 100 hours and 1 minute you can only be matched with people that have over 100 hours.

    100 hours is just an arbitrary number i came up with for the example, im sure they could use data to come up with something more appropriate

  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    You got part of my point there. And I heavliy agree with you. Just putting survivors and killers of the same rank to face each other doesn't mean a guaranteed balanced match.

    But to change the MM system into a "really balanced" system would require a full rank/pip-system rework and a heavy change of criteria. And thats the discussion people who leash out against everyone is not ready to have.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Oh i agree, my concern is if they did that and got it right every game would become an absolute sweatfest at all levels. I actually think it would do more harm than good. A better approach is to leave it more open. You win some you lose some. Some games are chill, some games are sweaty.