I got flamed for pressing W

Is anybody else often getting flamed for basically just running in a straight line not allowing any outplays on the killers part if it's for example a Pyramid head or clown etc.
How is it "noobish", I don't use any resources, u run after me for at least 40 seconds as a m1 killer and there's no potential for you to outplay me on many maps.
Heck, what was unexpected was even survivors called me "boring".
Don't worry about it.
Some players get mad at killers for standing still...
Edit: For those unsure, I was referencing Camping ;)
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Reminds me of when I got flamed for "spamming" my Punishment during a loop, if you don't abandon it yeah, I'm eventually gonna hit you, just abandon it.
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I just had a match like that an hour ago sometimes I enjoy it more😀.
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I mean I wouldn't flame you for it but I would definitely look at you as a noob if I just saw you running in a straight line depending on the killer. A clown will catch you easily once he's in bottle range. A huntress will snipe you, Billy will chainsaw you, Ghostface and Myers will stalk you, Nurse will blink to you, pretty much a majority of the killers will down you pretty quickly if you aren't using windows or pallets. I highly doubt you're last 40 seconds by running in a straight line.
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Against m1 killers like pyramid head you'll absolutely last 40 seconds especially if the chase is not initiated due to them not gaining bloodlust for the first hit for a long time.
The only way to counter that is to use STBFL or perks that reduce TR.
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Anytime there's like 1 or 2 gens left or just the exit gates I run the killer as far as I can, to the furthest corner of the map, away from the other survivors. It's often a death sentence for me but it usually gives my teammates enough time to do objectives.
There's nothing worse when you're working on a nearly complete gen or you're going for an unhook but some idiot survivor is looper the killer RIGHT NEXT TO the gen/hook.
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All good, that's the smart way to play. I can loop a killer on one spot or hold W across the map. Both works, both fine
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Good killers are aware of this and wont follow you away from the gens. Enjoy it while it lasts
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People will flame you for any reason they can come up with in this game. Granted, your playstyle doesn't sound like the best, but eh.
I got flamed for doing totems for the rift even though I finished two gens on my own before going on to totem-hunt for my task and had both the survivors AND the killer flame me at the end saying I was "useless" like I'm sorry 3 other people couldn't finish a single gen, I should have done all five myself. Even the end screen showed I did more points-wise, but people really be dumb in this game.
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lol same for me, I had like 21k points, how the heck is that doing "nothing". The only reason the killer got a 2k was because of overly altruistic survivors.
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Enjoy it while it lasts? I have over 3k hours, am rank 1 and killers still fall for it. But ok buddy.
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I'd not say fall for it, I do it too cos I don't feel like playing super sweaty 99% of the time. Sometimes I want to get that 1 survivor even tho I know it's a waste of time
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Had a game today where 3 survivors 3-gened themselves. Would of killed them if I didn't lag out at all. They tried to led me away a lot. Was on Dead Dog Saloon
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Then you play against a lot of dumbasses
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I got flame because i use my power too much with nurse in my opinion survivor like to flame other survivor and killer for the mistake they made
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Holding W tech too strong. Balance patch needed.