My wishes for the spirit

Before anybody starts reading I want you to keep in mind that she is in her earliest form right now, so everything I might mention might happen in the future.
In this post I will mention things I would really like to see, as buffs or changes to the spirit:
-Make seeing blood a default and make scratchmarks a bit brighter while using Phase-walk
(In my opinion she is a fairly good Killer but super hard probbly the hardest killer and that is because of having to rely on fairly inconsistent and delayed scratchmarks. So seeing blood would be a good way of tracking survivors and far more relaible, it wouldn't make her OP)
-Make time based aura reading work during the Phase-walk
(With time based aura reading I am talking about perks like BBQ,Bitter murmur, etc. Keep in mind I am not talking about nurses calling because it's not based on a set timer neither is Bloodwarden)
-Change the Add-on fathers glasses
(By making blood visible fathers glasses would loose it's effect, so because of it's rarity I thought it would be nice to hve an effect like this:
During Phase-walk aura perks will be useable (i.e. Nurses calling, Bloodwarden, Deerstalker)
During Phase-walk the the location of survivors will be revealed if they are within a 12 meter range of your Husk)
-Increase her recharge rate of her ability and increase the duration she can stay inside the phase-walk
(I think these changes are self explanatory her ability takes a lot of time to recharge and it is a fairly short duration. I am not talking about a massive change just a slight increase)
I think these hanges would make her a bit easier to play and she will feel a lot more rewarding and comfortable, Keep in mind these are just some ideas I have and that she is still on the PTB, these are just my opinion.
That cooldown should be 10s instead of 20s, because right now we have a slow killer, who can sprint once per 20+s. And all other changes you listed should be implemented.
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Just forget about her. The killers already stated their planned changes.
Better forget her fast instead of being0 -
Balancing this killer is extremely difficult tbh.
Being able to see where people are is a very powerful feature for her. Blood shows us the precise location of the survivor. This literally means activatable bloodlust 9 with almost no drawback.
This means she will be the easiest deadly killer in the game.
I am not saying that she doesn't need buffs but it is very difficult to buff her as she is right now.
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@Delfador said:
Balancing this killer is extremely difficult tbh.Being able to see where people are is a very powerful feature for her. Blood shows us the precise location of the survivor. This literally means activatable bloodlust 9 with almost no drawback.
This means she will be the easiest deadly killer in the game.
I am not saying that she doesn't need buffs but it is very difficult to buff her as she is right now.
It really is hard to Buff her because she is on a fine line of being good and being bad nerfing her to much in one place can instantly throw her into the abyss but buffing her a bit to much will instantly turn her into nurse 2.0 butI think being able to track blood will be fine i have used fathers glasses several times now and it is a good add-on but definetly not worth the add-on spot if you could take increased movement speed or faster reharge rate or channel time