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How can people say that this game is survivor sided?



  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Everything you mentioned is error of players and not the game being "balanced", "killer-sided" or killer being easier mode (that's just absurd, holding M1 and getting chased for at least 40 seconds while having second chance perks is casual mode).

    As a killer, I mostly go against optimized teams. What now? Why not nerf them?

  • rogueplayer00
    rogueplayer00 Member Posts: 110

    Its "survivor sided" (quoted because i don't think its sided either way) because of how many mechanics are in the game to help survivors. Im a killer main, but i play at least 5 or 6 survivor matches every time i sit down to play, because i do believe you need to be a good survivor to be a good killer, so thats my background in this. Survivors, on top of having so many second chance and Anti-momentum perks, they're also given so many opportunities to make mistakes and have them go unpunished. As a survivor, you have the hatch, as well as the innate ability to communicate with your team if youre in a swf, and if not, you still have 16 perks to use in total against a killer, who only has 4, sometimes 3 if you pop their ruin or devour hope, or if they run noed. A lot of perks, aren't counterable, as well. Loom at decisive strike for example. Im in a match, i see a survivor get an UNSAFE UNHOOK, i hit them, and they loop me pretty well, i gauge they are good at looping, dont wanna get caught in a long chase, so I step away, to find that unhooked survivor. Walking or running to the T-wall with a window, and because I've ran on them before, and they've been hooked once, hey, easy target, i think i can easily end a quick chase and get a hook to make up for lost time on the wasted chase, and it works, until I pick up the newly downed unhooked surv to get decisive striked and then im stunned for 5 seconds. Now you say, "counter it by slugging or don't tunnel." That situation mentioned, isn't tunneling, its a calculated move because of time and resource management, and slugging just allows other survivors to get a free heal, or that downed survivor to pick themselves up with unbreakable. And if i leave you on the ground and just camp you, thats 60 (or 60 minus chase) seconds of wasted time and there goes the two gens that have been being worked in this whole time. There is no way to counter a perk like DS without either A: letting a survivor go, or B:sitting and waiting, and both of those PUNISH THE KILLER. and its not the only perk that works this way, and everybody on a 4 man can stack and use the same perks. Meaning 4 times in one game, i get punished for legitimately no reason other than making a decision to go after a weak link or i just simply find you before your timer runs out. The game, to me, isn't sided either way, its RNG and luck dependent. From Gen spawn, to totem Spawn, to map choice, to hook spawn, to pallet spawn. A good big map with hooks spread out and lots of pallets and loops? Survs have an easy win. A map like Azharovs and the killer has Corrupt? Killers probably gonna get a 4k and still only get a Brutal or ruthless Killer. Its luck based which is why I dont get mad about losing. It feels great to get the hatch in a close game as survivor, and it feels great to close the hatch in a close game as killer. Thats where I stand on it.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Because not every game is SWF. you mentioned in your post that survivor is easy and you can escape every single time using meta perks when that isn't the case. Not everyone plays SWF. Even when I face an obvious SWF, matches can go either way even with the meta perks they use. Like you mentioned, mistakes are the downfall of them and the same goes for killer too. If you're fixated on the fact that you have to 4K every match, then sorry, but you have the wrong mindset and then I would understand why you'd get frustrated. The same goes for survivor thinking you're supposed to escape every single match. That isn't the case either.

    The entitlement mindset is what corrupts both sides IMO.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2020

    I am fixated on not rewarding survivors for playing bad and spitting at killers for putting so many hours learning a killer's powers, having a stressful trial and doing mostly everything right (and don't get me started with the nerfs, learning a killer just so it get nerfed because survivors can't 'git gud' and counter him).

    Literally all they have to do is M1 and get chased for 40-60 seconds while having crutch perks and team mates that actually do gens, I stand by that. Most of their downfalls are potato team mates that don't even do gens.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    I wouldn't even say that, I mean how many times do you win against survivors that loop you for quite some time?

    Survivors are trying to have fun, holding m1 is not having fun so they're often trying to do other stuff like finding totems, opening boxes, trying to get your attention etc etc.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2020

    I also noticed that. Why is it so hard to pip as a killer, yet so easy on survivor (once you hit rank 8) I wonder?

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    You need to calm down and refrain from calling people names. If you are too childish to have a rational discussions, I'm sorry to say, your place is not on a public forum.

    I never commented about the game being survivor sided or not being survivor sided, I made an observation about the amount of posts regarind "survivors are op" vs "killers are op". You probably are just too biased and dead set on hating on everything that looks like it doesn't fit your agenda to realize my comment was not pro survivors(or pro killers for that matter).

    Again, it was purely my observation. If yours happen to be different then that's fine and not a reason to act like a spoiled kid. In fact, if you think for a little bit you may realize they can both be correct at the same time, depending on which time you check the forums and what happens to be on the first few pages of the discussions.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    What game are you playing? Any games against actual red rank survivors last 5-6 minutes before 5 gens are done, even against high pressure. People complain about noed on this forum every single day when the solution is do bones (although I suspect most of those players are boosted). In what world is that not due to survivors holding m1 on gens?

    Hell you can just go watch any number of survivor streams or highlights and watch video after video of 5 gens being popped in 5 minutes, even if someone new is on a hook immediately after someone gets saved from a hook.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I kept statistics about my solo survivor matches after the release of the deathslinger, and had over 250 games in record.

    i started in red ranks, and had a survial rate about 75%. It only dropped after rank reset, where i suddenly had a lot of potatoes in my team. I ended up with a 68% escape rate as solo survivor.

    And i cant even loop properly.

    I think the game is very survivor sided, BUT different killers and maps require modified playstyles. A lot of survivors just dont like to change their routine, thats why you see a lot of whine threads about killers that are hard to loop, for instance.

    Once SWF enters the picture, the balance just breaks. A 2swf might be ok, but i played in 3 and 4 swfs and rarly lost in red ranks. The information provided is just an advantage too big.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Devs said at anniversary streaming they will add something similar to endgame collasollaps , but at beginning of the match, before doing generators.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Why do people who literally devote thousands of hours to a game and literally play it for a living do well against people who play casually? ...Idk you tell me.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I never can understand why people say buff solo to the lvl of swf because the killer couldn't win no matter what buff you gave them and it's super easy to do with 2/3 buffs

    1 aftercare/bond map wide by default

    2 obsession status for all survivor icons

    3 (optional) one way Ooo where the killer can't see the survivor

    But what could the killer even do to win the game? Not to mention killers have to get 3 hooks per survivor while survivors need to complete 5 gens total and survivors can split up so it's even harder to win

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