Where has the DC penalty gone?


Why has the DC penalty been removed? I don't oppose it and I'm glad it's gone I'm just confused as it seemed they were so adamant on keeping it even with all the bugs and problems in the game - was it finally removed because of that reason?


  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Because some hackers exploited it like, when a survivor escaped, he got a time ban.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Nope they removed it because one of their top streamers got hacked and got a 72 hour ban lol if that was us peasant, we would be made to wait it out

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @mylesmylo hahaha who? so true the amount of times I've reported in-game bugs and they've said sorry we can't do anything about you ban gl tho!

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited July 2020

    The cause-idiots who thought they could get away by banning people one of the victims being a well known streamer who was targeted.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Well the only one I know of it Tru talent or whatever, apparently like 5 minutes after he message Queen, dc where instantly disabled lol

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    DC issues are from Community backlash. TBH The game is really fun to play. The abuse of other players that FORCED people to DC is what made this a bad choice in the first place. I dont think it would be so much of a problem if the game offered alternatives to keep the "Flow of the match" going.

    Addressed concerns of what causes matches to de-rail.

    • Hatch closing.
    • Slugging.


    Hatch stand off could of been fixed with killers unable to perform the "grab" action when a survivor went down the hatch.

    Slugging could be fixed by introducing other mechanics into the game that allow killers to regain control over the match when they feel rushed. IM just as "guilty" for leaving a survivor on the ground and running after other players, so I can drop my time constraints. But at the same time allow survivors to re-join into the fight.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,634

    To be fair, he at least had evidence so that it was clearly visible that something was wrong.

    The typical random guy who complains about the DC-penalty is usually the one who DCed.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Aven_Fallen who was it?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,634

    tru3ta1ent - got out of a game with DC-penalty (despite not DCing) and the penalty went up during the Livestream from 10 minutes to 72 hours.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,657

    Tru3 streamed the entire match. The average Joe has no proof that they didn't dc and when pressed further usually admits to dcing far more than they tell.

    When Tru3 messages not_queen he had proof, and when Bhvr have proof they do something. Its why all reports need video evidence, and bug reports need to be in as much detail as possible, with video/picture evidence if possible. Someone's word is a whole lot less trustworthy than actual video proof.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @Aven_Fallen ah that's grim, although he had evidence as @mylesmylo said if it happened to any of us they literally just say there's nothing they can do about automated bans lool I'm glad the penalty has gone

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Nope, I record all of my games with prompt pinging an IP to monitor fails in the connection, and STILL they just ignored every report or thread in this forum. So it wasn't for a lack of evidence.