Rank reset mistake?
I was survivor rank 2 (3 pips) before the reset and now I'm rank 6 (4 pips) but shouldn't I be rank 5? Not quite sure how they managed that one.
Also I was killer rank 4 (1 pip) before reset and now I'm rank 5 (no pips) which is how it should be based on previous resets.
It's only 1 pip and doesn't exactly matter but it's weird nonetheless?
they should revert the rank reset like it used to be. Rank 1 = back to rank 10
since they changed it red ranks are a mess
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Need MMR nevermind these red ranks etc.
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I honestly think the game would be better off if they mixed ranks more. While not a popular opinion, I think everyone should drop back to rank 20 and start over.
New players get stuck in bad ways because they are in low ranks, playing with better players is the only way you get better.
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Yup. Potato survivors galore that should be yellow rank at best. Not to mention the fact that dev stats will be so messed up when making decisions about nerfs (both survivor and killer). Devs try to make so many plaster fixes to address the most imbalanced part of the game: SWF. (I’m not advocating for it to be done away with) think about all the recent changes: map sizes, tool box nerfs, gen times with more than 1 surv on it, all of this to try and fix the swf paradox.
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Hopefully this is one of the last resets we get and the new MMR system adequately places players and doesn't get reset ######### monthly.
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Yeah,but it's not fun for people who played for the first time to get destroyed by people with several thousand hours of experience.Absolutely horrible idea
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Same could be said about games like PUBG, yet everyone is thrown in the arena to figure it out.