Why is there “Entitlement”?

I haven’t been playing Dbd for long, about 4 to 5 months now. Eventually I started to notice people sending the messages you’d expect like “Camper Trash”, “Tunneler” etc. Then I started to learn more about the game and I started hearing about the “Survivor Entitlement” thing. I still don’t get 100% what the big deal is. Most survivors I go against whine because they didn’t survive which seems normal, but if they whine because they didn’t make it, it’s their problem not mine, right? Where’d people get the “Entitled Survivor “ Brain from? Where’d that come from?
it's unhealthy competitiveness. It's a sociopsychological issue you have in... basically every game where you can play with/against others. Heavens, even games like Animal Crossing have this type of player who will get absurdly vicious and vitriolic if they don't get a certain item/etc asap, if they don't get their island rating up to 5 in record time etc.
in dbd they'll blame you (unless you been a bit of a camping douche) unrightfully for not advancing up the ranks in record time.
people need to learn to chill.
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It happens on both sides because many players are sore winners/losers. Both sides think at a certain point in the game they deserve 4k/escape before the match is actually over and get mad if the other side doesn't play how they want. Both use meta builds but think the other side shouldn't. Both make up excuses for ingame behavior - "I facecamped because you finished a gen in front of me" "I teabagged you because you tunneled me" 🙄
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This happens in every PvP game, it’s just people who are frustrated. Dying in a game is frustrating because it forces you to stop what you were doing and start over, or go back to the main menu. Nobody likes to have their fun interrupted.
”Rule book” concepts exist in tons of games. I was surprised to find out that a lot of FPS players now complain about being “thirsted”. Or look at people ranting about move spamming, camping, spawn peeking, and so on and so on. It’s not against the rules to camp a doorway in CoD but some people still hate it and will talk ######### about people who do it.
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Even if it is a facecamping bubba it still doesn't matter. You wanna camp then go ahead and camp. You want to clicky flashlight and butt dance go for it. Play the way you want to play but don't bemoan anyone else doing the same. Yes some things are more obnoxious than others and are best avoided and don't be surprised if obnoxious behaviour is answered in kind.
Remember you are probably not as good as you think you are so check your ego bragging about a win or bemoaning a loss is just bad form, at no point do you deserve to escape or 4k regardless of what has happened in the match and lastly you're not responsible for anyone else's fun.
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"You are probably not as good as you think you are" - THIS! This applies to so many people, even those at rank 1.