Why noed is overpowered

Mediva Member Posts: 126

Simple said, with 4 man swf it isnt. Since they have comms and literally know if all totems are done or not.

But when you play solo or duo, it really is a broken perk. Since you really dont know if all totems got done.

Simple solution: make a counter visible for everyone. Sfw already know the number, but now solo players have the same oppurtunity. people complain about gen rush. Might help with that too cause people will look for totems maybe.

But the way it is now, its literally carrying bad killers who couldnt kill during normal gametime. The last maps there was an effort in hiding them better. I feel if the totems are now better hidden, the counter could be added.

Just do the bones, with all the new better hiding places, is just killers mains saying it or people who play 4 man swf.

The perk should be the same against all groups. Bur tight now its useless against 4 man teams, and op against non 4 man squads.

And a a solo, duo sometimes, i would really like the knowledge too. And i think its about time they add something useless to swf, but not to solos.


  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    They should add a counter in Small Game. That’s it.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    A counter would be a good idea too bad thats exactly what the devs dont like to do."literally carrying bad killers" kinda like when survivors equip nothing but second chance perks and get into red ranks

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    They should add a totem counter to solo in general, although they seem to got bored of the raising solo to swf level thing after buffing one perk.

    Not going into anything else on this thread, there's no point arguing about ds or noed it's gonna be the same thing tomorrow, so why bother saying anything new?