“Saved By Daylight” has been NOT BEEN Canceled.

I was really excited for it
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Noooo! It looked so good!
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Awww man, that's sad to hear. I was really excited for it.
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Did u need a killer?
I could be your plague
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Bruh moment.
Post edited by Todgeweiht on2 -
i wonder if the devs sent them a cease and desist or something because wamps said it was ready to premier soon.
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The thread was pinned and everything, I'm pretty sure they had the devs' support.
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Thanks for the support Nancy we really appreciate it!
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Thanks for the support snake, we really appreciate it.
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Delayed or full on canceled for good? I was really looking forward to watching it. Damn.
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We were never given permission. Now we just want to play it safe and not risk anything. 👍 👌 I’ve seen many DBD Fan Films on YouTube before but I’d like to get the official OK from one of the devs or someone before posting It✅
Post edited by Wamps on2 -
Thanks for the support dean, we really appreciate it!
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Could be, though it does seems strange. The devs have shown to love fan made content and you'd think if they were going to send a Cease and Desist they would have did it back when they first announced this considering how big that thread was. Heck, there was even a couple mod responses showing excitement.
If it was something internal I could understand the cancellation with so little details but this is just weird. Still, if it is just a CnD I wouldn't be surprised if it got leaked eventually considering it's probably done or at least close and the amount of people involved in the project.
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@Rizzo90 @not_Queen @Peanits @MandyTalk Can one of you give this man the official thumbs up to continue?
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If you weren't trying to make money off of it or passing off the original franchise as your own, I don't see how they could legally stop you. It's no different from fan art and it's not like it'd be the first fan film featuring licensed media.
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sometimes companys have to do this to fan projects to show that they are protecting their brand/game
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How does pinning a thread to bring attention to a fan project "protect their brand"? Keep in mind, from what I understand, BHVR didn't actually send them a cease and desist or whatever the French Canadian equivalent is; they just decided not to go forward with it in case they got sued out the ass.
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We made this decision ourselves.. as I said playing it safe..
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Thanks for the support bob, appreciate it!
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I dont think the devs would have an issue with it since they pinned your thread
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We’ve made this decision as we never got permission and don’t want to risk anything happening to the project.. I love DBD and this community.. I’ve played and supported the game since day 1! This film can wait until the time is right! I really appreciate everyone’s support for the project though, I mean it.. I never thought we would have received the response we did from the community. Thank you all so much!
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Maybe it's been delayed like Halloween Kills, until the cinemas reopen 😂
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Thanks Nightmare.. Appreciate it man!
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We just came to this decision until there is a possible point when we’ve been given permission to proceed.. Hopefully that happens 🤞 In the end even though it’s just a Fan Film for the community, we just want to be as safe and sure as possible 😃
Thanks Everyone
Post edited by Wamps on3 -
We want the project to be as legitimate as possible and would like to have behaviour give us the ok to proceed.. we’d feel confident if we got that green light.
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Entity displeased.
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If we got the thumbs up 👍 we’d proceed with the release @Rizzo90 @not_Queen @Peanits @MandyTalk @Gcarrara
Post edited by Wamps on5 -
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I don't really know if they could give you the go ahead even if they wanted to. I'm no lawyer or anything but having them give you permission to use their own owned works could open up problems later. I imagine if they did say anything it would be more along the lines of "We appreciate all the fan created content we see!" or just them not saying anything in the first place.
Them not saying anything will probably be the best you're going to get unfortunately. As long as you haven't gotten a Cease and Desist and the project is non-profit I think you're fine.
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This project is totally non profit and we are doing it for the DBD community! Even if they came back and said “ we love all the fan content we see” that’d be awesome. I’d just like to have something that signals go for it, to be safe.. ya know?
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So much for the big premier thread. Given they've actively worked with content creators who do things like animated skits before getting cease and desisted isn't something you should worry about just because it's live action. Probably just missing out on some cool future projects co-oping with the devs than anything.
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Aw...... @Peanits @not_Queen Do somethin', lol. I was looking forward to this.
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It might not be the devs but Mods in your previous posts have shown excitement for it and they at least have a close connection to them. I just think it's going to be hard for them to respond directly to you. Again though, I'm not a lawyer so I could be way off base there. I just don't want to see all this hard work put to a waste because you're concerned about the legality of it and the devs themselves can't say anything about it for the same reason.
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It's not a position for myself or the other moderators to give the "thumbs up" for I'm afraid. I believe that this would be something that our legal team would have to look at and address.
Contacting Support in the first instance would probably be a start, as they would be able to give the required information: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=191446
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Thank you for this mandy! I have a question.. (This is in no way a toxic question lol) I’ve seen many other DBD fan films on YouTube.. Have they been given permission? Everything when we’ve been posting we placed all rights to Behaviour and stating it’s totally non profit. It’s purely fan content.. just wanted to see your thoughts on this.. thanks again for the support link!
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samination creates dbd animated parodies. brush also does animations, there's others that do animations. While it's not the same as a film, they are still creating content based off of dbd. I don't feel like a fan film would cause any problems with dbd. I'm not a lawyer though.
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I don't believe any of them have official permissions (I can't guarantee that though), I guess it's the same as cosplayers etc where we've not needed to get permission as you're not making money off things.
This recent Tweet might be of interest to you as well:
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Awesome! Thank you for this Mandy I really appreciate you responding to this! I'll also take a look at the link.
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So get in toych with them. Tgeres plenty of time to get permissiin. Plus youre posting it on youtube so its not like youre getting rich off it or something
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If only you had thought about permission before all the work.
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Even if we don't get it released.. We still had a great time and the cast and crew will never forget.. Had a blast!
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I'm gonna try to!
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Aww that would have been cool :(
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It looked like it was going to be amazing so that's really unfortunate, but things happen.
I hope to see it make a comeback in the future!
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I didn't know about this till a few seconds ago and I want this in my life. I'm mildly saddened we don't got a Feng Min though as a Feng main.
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It could still happen.. I just want to make sure it ok to upload it.. there are plenty of other fan films using the characters and DBD theme.. we didn’t use any of the music.. just the characters. Hopefully it will be alright
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Still a chance just hoping to see if it ok to upload or not.. thanks for the support Zion
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We would have loved to include Feng! Hopefully it will still be in your life! 😂
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what exactly are you afraid of?
you already said you never intended to make money out of it and the movie says "fan created" or something like that.
why not upload the movie? even if you do get a cease and desist, you just "unupload" it.
several have done animations of dbd and nothing happened. (samination even got to do "official" animation recently)
and if you wanna talk live actions... the "never hike alone" movie is fine and well on youtube. and it literally involves mr. Jason "I'm not sure who ownes me" Vorhees.
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Looks like my 4th perk is hope
I'm very happy to hear that it's not cancelled, just delayed until the devs say go for it
GL on it though