Will Lucky Break be too strong if didn't have a timer

I mean like Iron Will. Whenever you are injured, you leave no blood on the floor, without the restriction of it being activated for a maximum of 3 minutes. If Iron Will is in a good spot in the game, why cant Lucky Break work like Iron Will then?
Even if it didn't have a timer I wouldn't use it. The weird requirements or timers on the later perks are confusing. It's the same as fixated why can't it work when injured? Lucky break might have some synergy with it then.
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No, it wouldn't. If they're scared of a permanent effect, they could make it so it lasts 3 minutes every time you get injured. Still not great.
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No it wouldn't.
Sure, if it was combined with Iron Will you'd be as stealthy as a Healthy Survivor, but that's half your perks just for that and you wouldn't suddenly be any better at hiding than a regular Uninjured Survivor. It wouldn't be broken at all IMO.
I also don't think that many people would run it even if it was permanent.
Honestly the only reason I think it isn't permanent is because it could theoretically hard counter Hemorrhage and Bloodhound if all 4 Survivors were using it. But that could be worked around if BHVR cared enough.
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How often do you follow blood ? Some maps you can't even see it, iron will is far more powerful and that doesn't have a timer
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I really don't see how being able to stealth as if you were Healthy while being Injured would be overpowered.
You'll still leave scratchmarks, proc Whispers, and be visible if the Killer looks at you, just like a Healthy Survivor. Except you're one-hittable and will probably go down instantly if found (unless you have a nearby pallet or Exhaustion perk ready).
Considering the prerequisite is that you are already using half of your perks just to achieve this effect, I don't see how it'd be broken.
Strong? Maybe.
Broken? Never.
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I'm 100% sure the reason Lucky Break has a timer is because all perks need to have 3 tiers and they didn't know what else to use.
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I personally never use blood trails to localize survivors because I can't see them most of the time. I can not talk for everybody else, but personally I would not really mind this change. It would render no mither basically useless tho.
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I'm not saying it's never used but this perk has a unneeded timer it would be an okay perk after that
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Iron Will has no timer and it has a stronger effect than Lucky Break. I don't see why Lucky Break should have a timer. If they are worried about tiers they can make the earlier tiers reduce the frequency of bleeding, just like how Sloopy Butcher increases the rate of bleeding across all three tiers.
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I wouldn't think it's "too strong" with some of the perks that exist right now.
As long as there's still some way to track, like through breathing and footsteps.
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You got to remember things also combined and synergise.
Thrilling tremors and Dead Man's Switch might not be very powerful but if the blocked off gens also regressed with ruin that be pretty devastating.
Surges nice but it's not that powerful now imagine if when search activates whilst you have Pop Goes the Weasel every gen that got damaged got the pop effect as well. You basically just did 33% instant regression to two or three gens.
You got to remember perks synergize with each other.
Just like @DudeDelicious I often use no mither especially on my stealth gen jockey build and I could tell you it would not be fun to have specific combinations.
Tell if you wanted to devote enough slots can you imagine an unlimited lucky break, iron will, lightweight and an anti aura perk. This virtually makes you extremely non trackable without line-of-sight.
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You make it sound like blood is one of the main things that killers look for when tracking a survivor, but I doubt that is the case. When I play killer I look for scratch marks, generator progress, injured sounds and crows but I rarely look for blood. A lot of maps have dark floors that make it hard to track blood and a lot of the time if you see blood you also often see scratch marks or hear moans of pain. Not saying that tracking blood isn't useful but I personally believe it's one of the lesser used forms of tracking.
You also make it sound like your stealth build would be too powerful if Lucky Break was permanent, and while yes that build would be good for stealth, it is ONLY good for stealth. You're sacrificing chase potential for pure stealth, so if you do get caught you have nothing to help you. Plus there are a lot killers that either have tracking built into their kits (Doctor, Legion, Plague) or can sneak up on you before you can try to hide (Wraith, Ghostface), so it would be near useless against those killers. Plus there are other ways to track survivors running those perks, like crows, making them scream, checking gens or even just seeing them on accident, so it's not like they are untrackable.
Plus I don't know why you are talking about why certain perks don't combo when Lucky Break already combos with Iron Will and other stealth perks, so saying why certain perks shouldn't be combined is irrelevant. The majority of perks are meant to be combined, as the devs have said that when they design new perks they consider how they combo with other perks. It would be like saying Lithe/Dance With Me/Quick and Quite is overpowered because they combo. Anyways you can't compare perks that regress gens to a perk that prevents bleeding as regressing gens is a much stronger effect.
I know I rambled a bit, but in short I think you are overestimating how many killers pay attention to blood when tracking a survivor. There is a reason why a lot of people say that Haemorrhage is a terrible status effect. Making Lucky Break permanent won't be the change that introduces a stealth meta.
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It has nothing to do with the removal of blood what I'm trying to bring up as you have to be careful when thinking about how perk synergize with each other.
I even gave you examples above thrilling tremors and Dead Man's Switch doesn't seem powerful enough to limit its restriction with ruin but when you actually see how these things can combine it becomes pretty devastating
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It would give it a minor buff. I think it's a good idea.
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I don't feel it would be as broken as you think. Basically you're running multiple perks to make you be a healthy survivor from a tracking standpoint. If you're evading the killer that well with those perks you could do it without No Mither. From what you're saying I don't believe you'd have been found either way.
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Devs listen to this man, Lucky break is long overdue for a nice buff to even the playing field with Iron will.
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Fair enough. Some perks would be problematic if they synergized, especially perks that influence gen repair or regression.
However I don't think Lucky Break is one of those perks. If someone is using Lucky Break then it's highly likely that they are using Iron Will as well. Even if you can't see a survivor's blood or hear their pain there are still multiple ways of tracking them as I listed above. Even with Lightweight they still have four seconds of scratch marks, and all survivor aura blocking perks have limits to them like Distortion's tokens or Off The Record's activation requirements and timer so auras are still a threat.
It's important to note that the devs design new perks to combo with old ones, think for example Soul Guard, Dead Man's Switch, Retribution etc. As an example Lithe/Dance With Me/Quick and Quite is a strong combo for losing killers, but to call it overpowered wouldn't be right as the killer can still find you afterwards.
I still think that Lucky Break needs to be permanent to give it an extra boost. They are so many ways to track survivors and many perks to find them that survivors don't have enough perk slots to counter them all, so I don't think that we need to worry about Lucky Break making it impossible to find survivors.
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That would be the hands-down worst thing you could do. Entirely because you could combine it with IW and basically be completely impossible to track while running in a chase, no exceptions.
I mean, on paper it sounds like a good change, but given that the chase music is apparently supposed to literally mute survivors footsteps and uninjured breathing, you cannot take away the last tracking tool left in the killers arsenal. Seriously, try chasing someone with IW in a Macmillan map, and then apply that pain to all maps, and double it. IW and Lucky Break would instantly become a meta combo.
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In which case I can't say I'm bothered if tunnelers are having trouble tunneling.
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Sorry to bump this thread, but I put up a poll a few days ago about how often killers use blood to track and out of over 60 responses, around 60% of people either said that they use blood rarely or that they never use it.
I know it's not representative of the entire playerbase, but it does provide insight into how many people use blood as a tracking tool.