Buffing Michael Myers - The Outdated Stalk Killer

So I've been saying for some time now that I think Myers is a bit weak & outdated. Yes, he has some builds that can really make him threatening to a good amount of teams. But at base with average perks, he seems to be too weak to handle any decent team. So my thoughts of how to give him some love being that he hasn't seen much change in a while:

1) Update his addons. I find half of them to be absolutely useless/very memey. These include stalk movement speed, the aura revealing ones, the purple tombstone piece (I don't see why he needs two addons that allow for moris), & the mirror addon for tier 2. The rest all serve a purpose that I find to be adequate enough, but maybe a few of them could receive some minor tweaks.

2) Gaining fear while stalking survivors should never run out. Ghost Face for example can stalk survivors an infinite amount of times. For Myers, survivors that are drained of fear should gradually acquire more over time so that Myers can later stalk it out of them again. This would get rid of instances where you run out of stalk in survivors & can no longer tier up your Evil Within.

3) Stalking rate should not be slower the further you are from the survivor. Ghost Face does not have that issue (at least that I'm aware of) where stalking a survivor from far away is slower & more time consuming. To compensate for this, maybe set a smaller range from which Myers can stalk someone, like 32m.

4) Tier 1 Evil Within is fine as is. I would maybe look into making his brown lunge addon for T1 base kit. Tier 2 Evil Within is also fine, since he's essentially a normal killer with half the normal TR. Tier 3 Evil Within should get a few minor buffs. The increased vault speed % should also apply to picking up, dropping, locker searching, pallet/gen breaking, & any other non-attack based actions. Nothing too crazy to change up how he plays. He could also be immune to blinding in this tier potentially.

5) Any gen that Myers kicks while in tier 3 should regress at twice the speed (even after his tier 3 runs out). Myers currently shouldn't really kick gens unless they're close to completion while in tier 3, since he should be finding another survivor & making the most of his tier 3 instead. I think giving him an incentive to kick gens more while in this tier would be interesting & give him a small bit of gen pressure.

6) Lower the amount of stalking he needs to do to get to Tier 3 Evil Within by a little bit at base. I could personally live without this change as of right now, but its an idea to add onto the others to make him get a lot more use out of his power throughout the match.

I think these changes would just liven up his power a bit more. He could maybe use a secondary ability of some kind to aid a little bit in areas where he lacks, but not sure what exactly to do with that for him. His power shows its age a bit, & its time for a 2020 cleanup of it. Thoughts?


  • Popcornchicken11
    Popcornchicken11 Member Posts: 110

    I actually really like this, there isn't anything groundbreaking or overpowered, but it gives him a nice boost. The increase to things in tier three could work well with a build like fire up, brutal strength, and bamboozle to create a super snowball perk set. Honestly just seems like a fun way to improve Mikey overall

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    There shouldnt be addons effecting only 1 tier of his ability. Well his unspecialised addons atleast (tombstones/mirrors are too specialised to get adjusted per tier, i guess).

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I will agree that survivors shouldn't run out of stalking potential. Meyers has to stalk considerably longer than other killers like Ghostface to use his ability, and having survivors "run out" of fear doesn't make any sense. That's like limiting Ghostface to one take down for each survivor.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I don’t have big issues with his current state as for me he’s one of the best killers to play as and against. One thing I have thought about for awhile would be him doing actions faster whilst in Tier 3. So an increase to vault speed, destroying pallets and kicking gens. It would definitely make him more intimidating to face. Especially because a lot of people will just waste pallets when you have Tier 3. I also agree with what you said about his stalking ability. I don’t get why Ghostface can expose as many people as he wants but Miguel gets a limit. It can be extremely annoying when the people you are required to stalk are playing in an immersive way as you become forced to down people with basic M1 attacks.

  • Angel_di_Soufre
    Angel_di_Soufre Member Posts: 34

    So, ummm, there is a reason you can’t stalk infinitely the same player unlike Ghostface

    you see, if one guy is oblivious vs Ghostface, that guy dies

    if one guy is oblivious vs Michael, the entire team dies, which will be be very unhealthy for everyone involved

    Same reason why how much Evil Within Stalk Rate is affected by distance, because goddamn, imagine stalking pixels and then the entire team dies quickly

    Ultimately, I don’t want them to make changes on Daddy Myers, given their track record with add-on passes, only needs QoL updates, like action speed on T3 and more utility on T1

    Also Stalking Movement Speed idea behind it has it place (actively stalking while Chasing) just like Aura Revealing (info and mind gaming), fun little add-ons, they can be better sure, but they have their place

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,073

    Hmm. I think instead of making a generator regress faster with a damage dealt in tier 3, isn't the best option. Perhaps it adds an immediate regressing of 5%? As compensation, in addition with increased vaulting, you could also break pallets and damage generators faster.

    I agree however, The Shape does need some adjustments (mainly towards add-ons).

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    I don't think that his stalk should be an infinite source, since EW3 is far more threatening to a team, as opposed to Ghostface's stalk where he only attacks one person for 40 seconds. A lot of Micheal's can pop their tier 3 fast and I think you get it 7 times.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I’m a Michael main and honestly feel like he’s too easy to play LMAO. I’ve worried about him getting nerfed, I don’t expect a buff.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    He is planned to receive an update due to his add-ons not matching the standard rarity ratio, and I assume this will be after Huntress (so we should get it in 6 months).

    I like most of these ideas. The evil regeneration should be slow at basekit so even if one player is feeding him it wouldn't be worth it to just stalk that person all the time.

    Extra gen regression and blindness immunity are a little unnecessary. Extra action speeds are good enough. I don't think we need a faster EW3 either. If anything, getting to EW2 is the bigger problem.

    So for the add-ons, here's what I'm thinking:

    Jewelry add-ons: These will now be similar to Wraith's Shadow Dance add-ons, further increasing your action speeds while in EW3.

    Glass Shards: These will increase the speed at which the evil in survivors regenerates.

    Fragrant Tuft: Let's be honest, they'll probably nerf this along with the tombstones. Idk what to do with tombstones but for this, make it so you can gain evil during EW3. You could still basically have infinite EW3 but you'll need to be stalking survivors to keep it on. This will remove situations where survivors hide for 5-10 minutes and nothing happens for that time. Now they only need to hide until your EW3 goes away. You could also stack it with Lock of Hair to make your EW3 last longer and have stalking be more efficient. However, this also makes it so this add-on doesn't work with the Tombstones unless they change the EW3 stalking thing.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    You wouldn't be able to completely stalk just 1 guy the entire match & continuously tier up your Evil Within. The rate at which they would gain fear back would be a bit slow (at least how I pictured it) so I don't see how that would screw over the entire team. And for infinite tier 3, maybe survivors would no longer regain fear over time as a downside to the addon forcing you to stalk multiple survivors. Stalking from a distance is also a bit too slow atm in my opinion. You acquire it so slowly, & if you try to get close enough to the survivor they just run away unless they're totally oblivious. I don't see how this would be game breaking at all.

    I don't think an instant 5% regression would matter much in the long run. Might go well with Pop but besides that its such a minor impact. I was thinking Myers could utilize a faster gen regression & be deadly enough to keep survivors afraid of going back on said gen.

  • Schinsly
    Schinsly Member Posts: 176
    edited July 2020

    Contrary to most people's opinions, I actually disagree.

    1) His addons are very fun while at the same time not broken (maybe tuft of hair but even then idk). Stalk movement speed is his only "useless" addon and even then i sometimes put on jewelry box or earrings just because i dont feel the need to run any other addons. They can actually lead to a bit more stalk with the increased mobility although minimal. I wouldn't say they're completely useless, and definitely better than some of the new addons we have been getting that make killers worse. His green mirror shard is actually very good for easy mindgaming at certain loops. The yellow tier 2 aura addons is just that but not as good, but i still find it useful. The tier 1 aura addon is situational, but can be used in some good ways and is not "useless". The purple tombstone piece is actually amazing (while kind of lame) as you can basically just remove one player from the game before they even get hooked and basically win the game from there. Paired with j myers memorials, its actually better than tombstone in a lot of situations. Vanity mirror is the only one i agree with, just because it is scratched mirror but worse. I would be fine if the color was just changed to a green or yellow.

    2) I disagree, i very rarely run out of fear to stalk, and players that let you stalk that much are not only killing themselves, but the whole team unlike ghostface. Also, i usually dont stalk till max just incase i have to use my 99 tier 3 on someone that has been stalked a lot. I would say that if it is impossible to get tier 3 again as myers stalking every single person then it should regress, but that like never happens.

    3) Yes, it should lol. Imagine having a crazy angle like on top of a building or barely above stairs and having survivors barely be able to see you. This is especially a problem on console since resolution is so hard to see. For example, the closed window in shack has a little hole myers can stalk through that survivors basically cant even see even if myers is right there. Imagine that from like 32 meters away...

    4)Lets be real, the lunge addon basically does nothing, and you should never in any circumstance be hitting a survivor in tier one. The only time you should be hitting players in tier 1 is attempting to grab them off a gen/totem or with scratched mirror. No exceptions. As for tier 3, it should absolutely not affect picking up as this would basically remove flashlight saves, and a decent killer can basically always avoid them anyways. I do agree with maybe a 20% action speed bonus on pallets and gens, but even making kicking gens 80% faster would still be ignoring the fact that the time being wasted isnt the action but getting to said gen. This is why i run surge as myers.

    5) Maybe, but most myers also run pop anyways. If this was enacted i wouldnt wanna see it at 200% after tier 3 ends though.

    6) Maybe like 1 second, but I almost always play myers with no addons and I dont notice a problem.

    As a survivor that basically only plays myers and plague as killer, i disagree with a lot of these points and would like to see your opinion. <3