What is your build on legion?

Just asking out of curiosity. I usually run ruin and discordance I don't really remember what my other two perks are on him atm. Also what cosmetics do you wear for legion? I usually just wear the rift cosmetic I got.
Barbecue, Discordance, I'm All Ears and Nurse's Calling..
I'll probably switch Discordance for something else, because everyone expects a Legion to run that perk.. so once they see I'm a Legion, they stop working together on generators. Not sure what I'd bring instead though.
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So for my build I just don't play legion because he sucks
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The goal here is to keep everyone injured and use surveillance to know which gens theyre working on while injured. As the game goes, they'll end up healing less and less due to dying light and they'll also have used up the handful of pallets around each gen. Its just important not to spend too long in a chase and use that frenzy to injure everyone again if you see that people have started healing.
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I use BBQ, Shadowborn, Pop and Blood Echo
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My build is weird but I like it
Fire Up, Bamboozle, Thana, Devour
Because vaulting fast
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Enduring, Ruin, Lightborn, Pop Goes the Weasel
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The current build I am using is
Deathbound - Forced penance/Surveillance - Blood Echo - Ruin/Thana/Pop
Deathbound - Works especially well on legion because you can injure survivors easily and then go injure them again when they shout.
Forced penance - Not a great perk, but due to legions ability to spread damage fast you can actually get quite some random unexpected protection hits
Surveillance - for when I want to pair it with ruin when I know I am going against a tough group of survivors. Many people dont seem to realize the power of ruin on legion.
Blood echo - also works especially well due to legions ability to spread damage like electricity on a coil, if you get it to work survivors can say bye to their Dead Hards and Lithes. Also has a decent synergy with forced penance
The last perk can really be anything you like really. I personally really enjoy ruin on legion, but if you want something more reliable there you have thanatophobia and pop goes the weasel.
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if you are looking to slow down the survivors it is better to use the legion with these perks
if you are skillful it never fails .. even in red ranges
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Ok so im basically a now retired legion main, I love the killer but I hate playing him at red ranks. All the builds are equally viable on legion @BoostedKateMain you are an enlightened brain genius/ memer for shadowborn.
My personal build is: Blood echo, thanatophobia, nurses, pop, nurses is sometimes switched out for monitor, tremors, sloppy butcher, and im all ears.
In my opinion Blood echo is basically needed. Alot of other things are interchangeable
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Dying Light, Thana, Surge PGTW. Cause I require pain and suffering when I'm suffering myself playing Legion.
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Normally bbq + ruin + surveillance + m&a
BUT, Ive been having fun with bbq + thana + blood echo + pop.
Im both cases my favorite add ons are anything that increases FF duration and either the green or yellow button. Both are great.
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I think right now on Legion I've got Mad Grit, I'm All Ears, Sloppy Butcher, and Iron Grasp.
Iron Grasp is my default killer perk because I hate the jerky wiggle movements.
Sloppy to help slow the healing down, of course. #wastesurvivorstime2k20
I'm All Ears is my FAVORITE looping perk.
Mad Grit because it's fun.
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Well... normally it's been Mad Grit, Agitation, Iron Grasp, Discordance cuz... yeah. Idk xD
Probably going to change it when I get back into playing killer for obvious reasons.
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I'm still working on my build to fit my playstyle but currently it's: I'm All Ear, Pop, Surveillance, Monitor & Abuse.
I'm so mad I was on hiatus and missed the Legion Rift cosmetics. I'll probably get Susie's outfit in @LordGlint 's screenshot though. Currently running with default Julie. I hope there's at least something for Legion in the new Rift.
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Im currently using the mask and knife that was in this past rift, I just happened to already have that screenshot from awhile back is all.
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*Envy intensifies* XD
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switch ruin and surveilance with thrilling tremors and pop goes the weasel and youll get 100% more consistent results. Trust me, i think ive gone 16 wins straight with something similar to that build i mentioned. My usual build though is pop, thrilling tremors, surge and discordance. discordance is interchangable with any perk you want. hell slap dying light on it to make it even more unfun for survivors
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Surge is such an underrated perk. I just wish its cooldown was half of what it is now
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Thank you!, I have a massive addiction to Shadowborn and I use it on like 11 of my killers.