Preteen Survivors / Killers?

basiczachh Member Posts: 2

I know people might think kids in DBD might sound extreme, and it sort of is, but would it be such a bad idea to add preteens as killers and survivors. I was thinking around the ages of the kids from Stranger Things like in Season 3. I think in Season 3 they were around the ages of 13-15. So maybe licensed or original survivors around that age?

For killers, would it be such a bad idea for maybe Malichi/Issac from Children of the Corn? They worship an evil higher power, so it would make sense to maybe add them in with the Entity. Another possible killer could Esther from Orphan. It’s not like her character is actually 13 or whatever so it can’t be too bad of an idea.



  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,232

    Won't happen, not because it wouldn't work, but because censors won't allow it. It's the reason we got Nancy and Steve rather than any of the kids in the Stranger Things DLC.