Should there always be an obsession every match?
hello all, i’ve been recently having games as survivor where there weren’t any obsessions, and because of that the killer tunneled relentlessly simply because he knew he could. Because of this, i thought of something:
Should an obsession be spawned no matter what?
imo, i think there should be an obsession in every match- even if there aren’t any obsession perks involved. With this, it’d make it so killers couldn’t tunnel a survivor without the risk of getting dsed, give the obsession some extra BP, and could also offer some more gameplay mechanics when being the obsession- maybe by giving more advantages and disadvantages to being the obsession in game.
overall, i think the obsession mechanic could be way more fleshed out than it already is, but for now i think it’d be nice to have one always spawn. what are your thoughts on this? and, what kind of advantages/disadvantages do y’all think would be interesting for the obsession to have?
ps: sorry if there’s some grammar mistakes, typed this at 3am lmfao
I think it would be cool if as the obsession you have access to an ability or something that other survivors can't, making it so that being the obsession encourages a different style of play. Maybe it could be something like exhaustion moving down while sprinting if you are the obsession to encourage them to participate in chases
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It gives passive information about what the survivor or killer is using. Though that's the rare instance of when someone isn't running an obsession perk. Otherwise it's almost constantly in play regardless.
I think it's fine as is.
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Yes please. The threat of DS is the only thing stopping most Killers from tunneling, like you said. So there should be an obsession every game to promote healthy gameplay.
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I love it when that happens. No obsession = no decisive strike, which means you get to actually play the game normally as killer and not have the survivors dictate your every move with their stupid rules!
Survivors have become so complacent thanks to DS that even if they don't have it, they expect the killer to ignore them and not pick them off the ground if 60 seconds haven't passed after an unhook. If I down an unhooked survivor and then hook the rescuer as an instadown killer, come back in 20 or 30 seconds to hook the first guy again, I guarantee you I'll get accused of tunneling in post-game chat. "You're playing unfair, killer! I should be able to run away to a generator and there's nothing you should be able to do for 60 seconds!" Hahahaha, no. Get double-hooked.
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It's incredibly rare there isn't one and when there isn't all it means is "license to tunnel," so yeah I'd say it would be a positive change.
Almost all obsession perks on both sides positively benefit the obsession. There's no need to give an additional benefit to an already majorly positive status.
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The only thing obsession gives other survivors is an indication that he's getting chased.
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Well, the solution is simple. Bring an obsession perk.
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I noticed that even I tend to be a little more tunnely when there is no obsession, so yeah it should.
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If there's no Perk in play that requires an obsession to be present then there is no reason to need the obsession mechanic active.
You aren't entitled as Survivor to be safely unhooked and not chased by the Killer afterwards every time, you aren't required to play a certain way as Killer because it may or may not impact the Survivors' enjoyment.
Don't want to be tunneled? Give the Killer a reason and run Decisive, have other Survivors take a hit for you, do better in chases and waste more of the Killers time.
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If you don't think that is extremely valuable then you're either bad at the game of play in a party most of the time.
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:smirk: Do you imply you wait for the obsession to be found before working on a generator ?
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I never said that it isn't valuable. I use that info all the time.
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i meant actual tunneling, like getting hooked, then saved and then the killer drops chase with another survivor to come back to instantly chase you again. Also, with this change i wouldnt mind if ds got nerfed to actually be an anti tunneling perk
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true, survivors arent entitled to safe unhooks, but i dont think the killer should be entitled to safely tunnel someone, either.
most people dont want to be forced to run a perk for the off chance that they’re gonna be tunneled, its not really fun or healthy gameplay, imo. why should the survivors get punished for not running the meta?
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while that’s true, i was mostly thinking of this change so that survivors are protected no matter what build they want to use. i dont think survivors should have to run DS/blood pact/OoO every game for the off chance that there’d be no obsession one game.
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fine, you want an obsession but don't want to run it then we'll make an obsession every match. one random survivor is given object of obsession at rank 1 in place of one random perk each match! problem solved.
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I main Freddy and GF and I always use r their obsession perks so there is always an obsession when I play.
I actually am a bit more lenient when there isn't a DS. If I get hit with DS, especially in dumb situations, I usually start playing toxic.
I try not to tunnel but if your rescuer left you and all I see is you, sorry but your boned. Ill try to slug that person tho even if there isn't a DS so they have a chance to get picked back up after I 'tunnel' them
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The solution to this is simple and Peanitz also supports this: simply make it so that DS doesn't go away during an active chase, but the moment you touch a generator (and maybe a few other aggressive things), you've then "opted back in" to the game and your DS goes away instantly. No more doing generators in the killer's face.
To add onto this, I think maybe Endurance from BT should go away too. If someone's unhooked next to a gen they can get onto it and not only have DS for 60 seconds, but they get immunity to the next hit for 15 seconds. Even if you slug them, guess what? Unbreakable/Soul Guard mofo, back onto the gen, still have DS, killer get rekt ez game!
I swear this entire game's dynamic will change when they implement this change. I think it's coming, and I hope to god it's soon.
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Definitely would be a good change. You get more BPs if the obsession lives or dies, and some killers stop developing bad habits by tunnelling harder when there's no obsession so really what are we losing here?
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I almost posted this same question last night. Great minds think alike, I guess? Lol.
I personally think there should always be an obsession as then it makes killers think there is always somebody using DS. DS doesn’t bother me in the slightest as a killer as I don’t have to hard vision tunnel anybody to win a game. But as a lot of killers seem to play that way, it would be a nice change.
I don’t think you should be instantly downed after a hook just because the killer knows it’s safe to rehook you. It always makes me laugh how many killers complain about DS yet they’re the ones who make people feel like they have to run it.
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And while we're at it, if there's Survivors running Obsession perks a Survivor NOT running and Obsession perk shouldn't be the Obsession.
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Yes, a Killer isn't entitled to a safe tunnel but the issue is the Killer is supposed to be the power role which is balanced out by the fact there's 4 Survivors, yet if the 3 other Survivor do nothing to help the Survivor who is being mercilessly tunneled (by say taking a hit when the Survivor is passing by in a chase) then they just made it easier for the Killer to do so because in a 1V1 the Killer is supposed to have the advantage.
And yes a Survivor shouldn't be forced to run a perk but you also then accept the risk of whatever said perk stops or counters to be easier to happen, not running a healing perk means you accept that it's more difficult to heal, not running a aura perk means you accept that you don't have as much information, and if you don't run something that helps you get away or helps stop the Killer from rehooking you then you accept that it can happen much easier, the Killer is supposed to kill you, the Survivors are supposed to try to Survive, there will always be players who want to win, there will always be a meta and best strategy as it's a PvP game and finding a perfect balance isn't easy, but adding something because "I didn't like how the other side played" doesn't justify having an obsession when the requirements to have an obsession aren't met or required especially since it isn't what the mechanic was designed for.
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Yes there should be an obsession every match