Michael's red addon (infinity Evil Within III)

I know there are many posts about "unfair" survivor / killer perks, addons, abilities around here, and I don't want this post to be one of those. I'm not whining, I wanna know what ya'll think about that, and instead of being flamed for my post being toxic / me being entitled, I'd be happy about advices for how to play against that. 

I'm talking about Michael's red addon. I think it is too strong, because I think it is impossible for Michael to lose a game when he plays that perk. Nothing's stopping him. I am aware that playing stealth would be a good idea, also to spread out a little, but since gens HAVE to be done, he WILL find survivors sooner or later. Combined with his lunge attack, I think this is impossible to beat for survivors. 

Michael is one of my 3 main killers, but I have never played this addon and don't plan to do so. This is NOT about survs vs killers, so please don't hijack my thread for that stupid war. I just want to know if ya'll agree or not, and if you have some good strategy to at least have a chance against that? I've faced 3 Michaels using it today and it's really frustrating to feel like we haven't the slightest chance.



  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    Yeah, but I feel Michael's insta ability is pretty balanced with him having to stalk to get it, considering his strong lunge attack these two factors balance out nicely. Without the stalking part though... My group of 3 definitely is a patotoe crew :) We tried to get as far away from him as possible to do those gens and to do single gens far away from each other, but he'd always get one who then needed to be rescued and well, we had many gens at 50% but few finished. Guess we'll focus more on gen rush next time. Thanks!

  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    I hate to use addons and offerings that I personally feel are too strong :/ But I play Amanda too, guess I'm just not one of those who do anything to win ^^ But I'll try it out, can always turn it into a nice game anyway when I feel like it's too strong. Thanks for the advice.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Like the previous commentor wrote, don't feed him intentionally. Using this addon makes it so much longer for him to reach tier 3, so you should be able to finish 4 or 5 gens until he reaches it. You'll realize he's taking very long to tier up.

    So when he stalks you, run away using sight blockers whenever possible, he is slowed drastically when stalking, so use that to gain distance. His stalk rate also reduces with the distance, so try to keep him far away. Keep on running until you are 100% sure he left you. Don't camp pallets for getting stuns, keep them for when he really got to tier 3, you will need them. You could even jump in a locker intentionally, so he has to pick you up and cannot stalk further. But that you should only do when you are certain he has one or both red addons and he hasn't stalked you at all yet.

    It is really not that difficult to deny him his infinite EW3 for the most part of the trail, given that all survs try their best to avoid being stalked as much as possible and do gens fast. If he pops his infinite EW3 and you still have 3 gens to do, then gg, you are likely all dead, if the Michael plays it right.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    It sounds strong on paper but it’s not which is why you rarely go against it. It takes so long to tier up and most experienced survivors will know you have it by how long it’s taking you to reach different tiers so they will most likely play more immersive. You can also jump in a locker to avoid being killed as it only works when the survivor is stood up. It doesn’t work like his normal Mori.

  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89

    Thanks for taking the time to write this, that was really helpful!

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Its one of the worst add ons in the game, you’re much better off playing with no add ons instead of using that. By the time you pull it off there will most likely be 1 gen left

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    It is op but only bc his tier 3 lunge can hit over things he shouldn't be able to bc the animation.

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    You can't play well enough to get a Michael not even once on Dia 3.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Wrong add-on. OP is talking about Fragrant Tuft of Hair, not Judith's Tombstone.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2020

    the addon is fien if survivors are doing their job before he gets his stuff the match should be close to finish. the piece of tomstone is the one you should be talking about.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    That add on is basically noed on a killer. If you think about it that add on hindered myers drastically during tiers. I'm pretty sure you also have slower movement with that one as well. Anyone who get stalked that easily deserved to be hooked. Sorry guys

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I don't see how playing amanda means you'll do anything to win... but that's besides the point.

    how can you know if something is trully op if you don't try it out against strong opponents? that's just a self fulfilling prophecy. you think it's too strong, so you don't use it. and because you don't use it, you always think it's op.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    He spends half a dynasty trying to get to tier 3 and when he does he becomes plague with a decent lunge. It's not great imo because by the time he's at tier 3 you should have most of, if not all the gens done.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,937

    Once he reaches Tier 3, don't heal. Even if he has Thana, healing is a waste of Time.

    I still see People heal against an Infinite Tier 3 Myers and then most People are like: "But I make Sounds when injured." Myers with Infinite Tier 3 will probably have Infectious Fright, so he'll know where you are anyway.

    Making injured sounds isn't even that big of a Deal like some People think.

    Now you got an M1 Killer with a bit faster vault Speed and a bit further Lunge vs. potential Dead Hards.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Run him around pallets the entire trial. Drop the pallet safely, every time, and immediately find the next safest loop.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    The amount of extra time it takes to get it is what makes it balanced. Ideally against Mikey in general, you want to block LOS as much as possible to make it hard for him to stalk. If you see him stalking you around a loop...he's not moving fast. You can crouchwalk behind waist high debris at a loop and move faster than a stalking Mikey. To give you some numbers to work with... At base, it takes Mikey 5 seconds to hit T3 from T2. With the memorial flower+J. Myers memorial, you can bump it down to 3.2 seconds. Compare this to the amount of stalk needed for the red addon. Assuming your combining it with the J myers memorial to make it abit easier to fill the bar, your still stalking for I wanna say 12.5 seconds from T2 to T3. You cant even get all that from 1 survivor. Each survivor has 10 "stalk points" and for Myers to get from T1 to infinite T3 with that addon, he needs a total of 20 stalk points. Thats alot of time Myers is trying to stare at people as opposed to hitting them and hooking them. This means teams have alot less early pressure on them because they dont have to heal as much and dont have to unhook as much.

    In short...while yes the red addon is pretty strong, its not OVERLY strong in that with the amount of stalking that needs to happen to achieve it, you could pop a timed T3 multiple times and get better pressure earlier on.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    This game hasn't been kind to Myers, even normally he's just too slow to really play because while you're standing there staring at someone the gens are popping elsewhere. The red addon is that on steroids. Like others have said, the game is over before you pop infinite T3, and if they aren't done you were probably going to be able to kill those survivors without the add ons.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Actually use it; and not at rank 20. Then you can have an opinion.

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    It’s a hit or miss, so I’d say it’s fine as is. It takes a LOT of stalking and you can get gen rushed before even popping EW3. It’s happened to me a few times ):

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I agree that it's overwhelmingly strong, especially because its only downside is negligible when you stack it with "faster stalk."

    I think that it's fine when it's with his other ultra rare because it takes an oppressively long time to stalk, penalises your speed, and survivors can basically get the gens done before you pop, but its own innate downside is not strong enough to balance it.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Absolutely not. I believe the ultra rare addon increases required stalk by 200% and the faster stalk perk only increases stalk rate by 25%. Besides he loses early game pressure where 3 survivors will be able to work on gens. And if he reaches tier 3, just don't heal. It's a situation where the survivors are made to believe that this killer is weak in applying pressure whereas he's growing his power. If you don't heal you get more time on gens and since he's essentially an M1 killer (like legion, who isn't the strongest killer but can waste more time than myers with his deep wound) at that point, you'll be able to juke him and get gens done and escape. it's not strong at all.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    But the add on is pink tho :(

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340
    edited July 2020

    Kinda gotta ask yourself if its REALLY stronger when you can just use 2 faster stalk addons and pop normal timed T3 like 4 times in the timespan of hitting that permanent T3.

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145
    edited July 2020

    I always call it pink too. Probably different settings on TV’s can make it appear more red or more pink?

    Edit: Or uh, screens. My console pleb is showing

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Have you tried using it vs a good team ?


    You haven't used it at all ? No.

    Why make a post if you understand nothing

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    The add on is heavily dependant on whether or not the survivors allow you to easily stalk them. It can be near impossible to actually hot that Tier 3 before the gens are done.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    It takes so long for Myers to hit tier 3 with that addon that it’s really not that op unless survivors are feeding him easy stalk.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I feel like his ultra rare addons are gonna be nerfed though...

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Honestly his most OP addon is the tombstone piece not either of the ultra rares. They're fine.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Ever seen a trapper or demo with devour hope? That's something to fear.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It doesnt take THAT long to get it guys. Both red add ons? Sure, but just tuft of hair? Not too much. Especially not with judiths journal and nemesis. I tried it out the other day and it was surprisingly fast.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    which one? He has two? Fragrant Tuft is very hard to come back from, but with the time it takes to reach Evil 3, the game should nearly be over if your team did even a decent job avoiding his line of site. Tombstone will take that same long time, however people will start hiding until it resets, so while he may get one, or even two kills with it, everyone will be pretty much max stalk at that point. If they are used together, there is no good reason that a team of survs will let him get that far, they'd have to really just be dicking around.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It's fine in isolation, but extremely strong when paired with J. Myers Memorial. Or, with Judith's Journal, to a lesser extent.

    Slap corrupt and infectious on top of that, plus something else of your choice (probably monitor and bamboozle), and you pretty much have the game in the bag.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    My advice to you would be to go and use the add-on. The best way to learn how to counter something is to play with it yourself. I am far better at countering Nurse now that I learned how to play her. Use it and see how annoying it is to fill your entire bar against good survivors who also get gens done. Play with it and find out what annoys you. What are the survivors doing to prevent you from T3?

    My personal feeling about the add-on is that it's a bit too strong. I never use it because I honestly don't get enjoyment from winning that way. Also, the game becomes entirely about getting T3 and I feel that makes me make mistakes rather than focusing on normal gameplay.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    You’re right. I just saw red add-on and my mind saw Judith’s Tombstone for some reason.

    I have actually gotten Fragrant Tuft to work a lot. Especially when you pair it with faster stalking add-ons. It’s actually very strong and I can get it to work for me with 3 gens left standing. I don’t use it a lot as I feel like it makes the game too easy for me.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    This. If you pair it with J. Myers memorial, plus if you have corrupt on then you stand a good chance of getting it going well before the gens are done.

    Put on infectious and bamboozle, let the snowballing begin.

  • DaddyPyramidHead
    DaddyPyramidHead Member Posts: 33

    Dude this addon is literally a joke to most survivors who understand Michaels power. By the time you get it. It will last gen or egc.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Best thing could possibly be what they did with Judith’s Tombstone give him reduced speed to like 4.4 or something while t3 would also reduce the odds of people stacking it with Judiths if they move too slow

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    The amount of time it takes to get to tier 3 balances it out. Unlike ghostface who can stalk and instadown forever if he exposes them you only have a certain amount of stalk in each survivor so it takes at least 2-3 survivors to get to t3 if not all 4 of them. If you're lucky you get but if you have survivors who know what they're doing won't allow you to stalk them for long enough to even get to t3

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Same here. I like a match that is as fun, and fair as possible for all involved. I main Amanda also. My rank is never very high, because of my play style ( rank 12 ), and I have been playing 3+ years. I can't make myself use shady tactics like camping, tunneling, mori off of first hook, taking credit for a hit that I know wasn't fair, ect. I want my kills, and ranks to be earned by playing an honest, hard fought game.

  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    It's only a problem when the killer has a specific build for it and takes you to the game, but a lot of killers can do cheesy ######### like that if they reeeeeally wanna win (hostage doc, forever Freddy, no power Oni, ECT) this add on is a non issue

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    It is scary to go up against, but it's not that powerful unless you have the green stall speed addon.

  • fixthegameplz00
    fixthegameplz00 Member Posts: 14

    Its really not

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Honestly, this addon does not bother me too much. It is well balanced. It takes a lot of stalking to get it going and can often get wrecked by a DC, hook suicide or if you tunnel down a survivor too fast before stalking them.

    With Huntress' hatchet, you get an instant down from the start and can use an addon to carry 2. With IM, you replace them fast and can completely wreck a team before they do 1 to 2 gens. Not so with permanent T3.

    Leave the addon as is and it's up to survivors to avoid the stalk in order to prolong it.

    As a while, Shape is one of the better balanced killers. Should not worry about touching anything on him until several others are done.

  • SaFwAn_X3
    SaFwAn_X3 Member Posts: 10

    I agree with you, but the there's another add on that make Myers stealthy and undetectable Scratch mirror and map Lyers + Stealthy Myers

    he's like having a wall hacks and the survivors has nothing to do against him they can't predict where he will come or see his red stain Except the heavy footsteps Myers make while walking i think they should nerf the add on a little bit that make his footsteps a little bit louder so you can do something against him

    Except hiding in locker hoping praying that he dosent find you