Fixing Worthless Perks day 1

Every day I will propose changes to 1 survivor perk and 1 killer perk to make them not unusable garbage like most perks are.

Survivor Perk: This is Not Happening - You perform at your best when under extreme stress. Great skill check zones when repairing, healing, and sabotaging get 50% bigger while injured. While injured you search boxes and cleanse totems 25% faster. Hitting a great skill check while injured progresses your action by 3%.

Killer Perk: Monstrous Shrine - Your dedication and worship of the Entity rewards you with power. A shrine is placed in the basement, each time you hook a survivor if you return to the shrine the Entity blesses you with a token of its power. Each token provides 1% bonus speed in all actions (movement, vaulting, breaking pallets/doors, wiping your weapon after a hit, picking survivors up). At 6 tokens the Entity permits you to kill survivors with your own hands.

Justifications: This is not Happening currently only increases great skill check zones while injured, that's pretty garbage, so let's make it buff those great skill checks with progress. On top of that, make side objectives perform faster. If you have to be injured for a skill to activate it has to be worth it and hopefully these changes would make it even slightly worth it.

Monstrous Shrine currently only makes Basement hooks kill survivors faster which is very weak. This new choice will make the killer make the choice between going to the basement to gain buffs, or chasing survivors. Unless survivors make a mistake near the basement of course. There need to be more ways killers can kill survivors themselves, so it includes that ability after enough build up.

Tell me if you want me to add the original perks in the future for ease of comparison.

I have proposed 2 perk changes so far. BHVR has made 0 perk changes since I started.


  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    "Hitting a great skill check while injured progresses your action by 3%.", no. Considering anti-heal is meta since 2018 and that they nerfed skill-checks progression to 1%, this perk would be too strong. I know, it might sound stupid, but no, please no.

    monstrous shrine is kinda meh, you always step in a gray-zone when messing with characters speed. That would be its only strong effect, been able to mori survivors after 6 hooks it's not good, it suffers from the same issue of dying light, it starts giving you some real bonus when you're already winning anyways.

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    It seems like 90% of all perk suggestions seem like they thought of 4 different ideas and stuffed them into one perk slot. No thanks

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Whether something is too strong or not is debatable but the perks meta is infinitely too stagnant and numbers can be tweaked. Any changes would be good imo, even op ones. The effect is what really matters. The only reason I didn't individually go "1% movespeed increase, 5% vault speed increase, etc" on monstrous shrine is it would be messier and take a while to try to think of balanced numbers.

    The effect of having a literal shrine to the entity which buffs you for doing your job is the real proposal for Monstrous Shrine. And the effect of doing stuff better while injured is the proposal for This is Not Happening.