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Is Sloppy Butcher worth it?

For the, say, 3.5 years of playing this game I've never some to the conclusion if SB is really affecting the game that much. Say I have it on Legion, in theory that would be a great perk on him, but what is the actual difference it makes and would you use it?


  • huntressmain03
    huntressmain03 Member Posts: 124

    I did not know that actually, thanks! I don't use him much it was just an example but that's very useful to know thank you

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,729

    Its actually a better perk on hit and run playstyles like Jumpscare Myers, Wraith or (depending on how ya play him) Ghostface. If your intentions is to try to catch people injured for a chase later on...its handy.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Sloppy Butcher is almost a must in Legion. Is a time's up in the Legion perks for a reason. Yeah, it doesn't synergizes with the power, but that's fine. If you hit someone with SB with an auto + Thanatophobia, you are totally convinced they won't heal and their action will be slighly reduced by the Thanatophobia perk.

    A lot of perks doesn't "synergize" between them but you have just in sake of the possible utilities. As an example (and the most used one) is Hex: No One Escapes from Dead. A survivor can just remove the 5 totems and your perk is useless, but you still use it for a future use. When i play survivor, i try to find all the totems i can, not only they give +1.000 audacy points each one, but provides security in the end of the game.

    Sloppy Butcherer as a perk itself is worth it for almost any killer you want to use if (maybe for insta-down killers is pretty useless like Myers, Ghostface and so on).

    In the end, play as you want. I've been using Legion since early 2019 with SB and works amazingly well. You won't be able to use your power everytime (a lot of survivors camp pallets to stun you with the power) so its a nice backup perk to have.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    You have to look at how it adds up throughout the game. Normally it takes me 16 second to heal someone else, with sloppy it takes a lot 20... not a huge deal right? Until you start to realize every single time you hit someone, even if they get away, they are wasting and extra 4 seconds being healed or 8 seconds healing themselves. This turns into minutes during the course of a typical game and that’s pretty impressive for a passive effect you get just by hitting people.

    Compare it to pop, popping a gen takes away about 20 seconds of progress and you can only do it max 11 times a game, plus you have to go to the gen and kick it.

    They’re both great in different ways. I usually stack them.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    No. It takes 16 seconds to heal and 19.2 sec with Sloppy Butcher. This adds 3.2 seconds. This is nothing. Even if you get 10 hits, that is only 32 seconds. Surge or Pop Goes the Weasel would do far more.

  • huntressmain03
    huntressmain03 Member Posts: 124

    OK but if i down someone with SB does it transfer into when they're off the hook? So would it be applied if i down them with a normal hit, then they get taken off the hook?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    It applies the Mangled Status Effect, and, if you are willing to believe the DbD wiki, Mangled slows healing speed by 20%.

    Healing another Survivor is 16 seconds, right?

    So you add about 3.2 seconds to that type healing.

    6.4 seconds to a Self Care heal.

    I'm not gonna write down all differences with Med-Kits though, the above 2 are the most common heals.

    Then it's pretty much up to you if you think that's worth it.

    Also, if you play a Killer with which you use the Killer Power a lot to deal damage, you probably won't want this at all.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,729

    Yes, it WOULD take them longer to heal up, however your missing the point. Typically people heal up after an unhook so all your doing is buying yourself 4 second intervals per hook as opposed to buying yourself 20 seconds with something like Pop. Sloppy is handy at insuring the person is still injured next time you meet them. Whenever I play something like Jumpscare myers, it gives me time to interrupt the healing after the unhook so the 2 survivors have to split up without finishing it. The idea is to keep people constantly injured as opposed to just buying 4 seconds.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    It can work on legion still cuz either way you have to basic attack a survivor to down them which will add mangled making it take longer for when they are saved to be healed somewhat. Sloppy in itself tho is questionable it works very well with Thanataphobia but alone it does have a lot of counters being healing together, healing perks, and medkits to be a few.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Sloppy is an amazing perk for any killer that relies on basic attacks, and doubly so for killers that are extremely dangerous for injured survivors. Hag, Ghostface, Wraith, Nurse, Deathslinger, and Spirit can be devestating, since you NEED to heal against them. Pair it with nurses and you have a potent combo, one of my favourites. And if you take off sloppy but leave nurses, you can feel the difference.

    As a general slowdown perk, it's not great. As an anti-heal perk, it can win games.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Its a good perk! It doesn't sound like it does much but every second you make survivors spend extra doing something, is a second more that you have to win the game. Besides, hurt survivors are easier to down.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Remember though you’re taking TWO survivors out of the game for 3.2 seconds to that’s 6.4 seconds of lost gen time... now if you get 10 hits that’s over a minute so it’s the equivalent of 3 Pops.

    Not to mention Pop can sometimes be inconvenient to use, for example you see another survivor right away. And even if you do get to use Pop it takes you a couple seconds to walk to a gen and kick it.

    I still think both are great, most of my builds start with BBQ, pip, sloppy and then a fourth Perk depending on killer and mood

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389
    edited July 2020

    I like to use it with Thana. Thana is not that strong but if you run Thana you force them a little bit to heal.

    Without any perk or killer that hard punishes people for being injured, I would not run Sloppy. Survivors usually don't heal and rush gens while injured.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Honestly i find sloppy now to be just a waste most survivors will just park their butts on gens and not heal just to rush them out and with adrenaline and inner strength being more used it renders sloppy pointless.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    Well realistically, you are not going to get 10 hits on healthy survivors that results in heals. 6-7 is a more realistic amount. Let's say on average killer gets 2 kills, so that is 6 hooks at minimum. You would get on average 6 Pop Goes the Weasels.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Yep, Pop is good I just think for my second slowdown perk I go with Sloppy and I usually do run 2. Sometimes I do 3 with pop, surge and sloppy or 3 with ruin and sloppy.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Sloppy is 100% a meta perk on M1 Killers. I consider it a core perk on Wraith, Deathslinger, and Spirit. These Killers love to keep people injured for easy chases.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It depends. As others have said it pairs well with Nurses but please dont do the sloppy/thana/nurses wraith or ghostface builds they are so boring to play against.

    Sloppy can be more of a snowball perk. You can feel it as survivor. The killer is hooking his next survivor but you’re still healing with someone. It does increase the chances of you finding survivors injured too.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I like running it on freddy, combined w pgtw, BBQ, and discordance. Seems to work pretty well, but Freddy can teleport, and goes oblivious once the surv falls asleep.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    Just a TINY nitpick, but mangled adds 4 seconds, not 3.2. Mangled decreases the base healing rate of 1 charge per second (cps) by 20%, or 0.8 cps. it takes 16 charges to do a full heal, so with mangled it would be 16 charges/0.8 cps, which is 20 seconds.

    Self Care decreases this heal rate to 0.4 cps. Devs have stated that buffs and debuffs are not additive but multiplicative), it still takes 16 charges to heal with Self Care, so with mangled it would be 16 charges/0.4 cps, or 40 seconds.

    Whether or not this has a large impact in the match, well if two survivors are injured and are healing each other that's 8 seconds longer than normal for both to fully heal. at 115% most killers can cover 36.8 metres in that time which is quite significant in catching somebody out of position, especially with nurses calling or stealthy killers like Wraith, Ghostface, etc.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    While I'm not a fan of Sloppy for the same reason Dr.Deepwound said, Dying Light is very good on Legion. You get progressing slowdown and with the obsession having faster heal speed, they're more confident to heal which works well with Legion. My build is Dying Light, Surge, Pop, And BBQ for BP and I win about 9/10 games.

    As for its effect, It depends on how the survivors play it. Its a good slowdown, but depending on what killer it is, they might just not heal because its not worth and just push gens. Michael, for example, If you run Sloppy and another slowdown perk, they might just say "whatever, he can instadown whenever he wants so its not worth to spend so much time healing". I believe its good for killers who can easily get the first hit, like Wraith or Ghostface since they dont want to risk getting popped up on and getting downed immediately.

    My answer: yes, its good on most killers since people cant stay one hit forever, but on some killers like Legion and Michael, it would be just be a wasted perk slot.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    If people are healing against Legion in 2020 it doesn’t matter what your build is; you’re going to win.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    It's a pretty decent perk on certain killers (I like using it on Deathslinger) but I wouldn't call it the best perk ever. Still, it's better than a lot of other killer perks.