Please fix survivor ranks!

I am a rank 9 killer currently I had a game where I went up against against these survivor ranks:

Rank 3

Rank 4

Rank 4

Rank 8

Now as a rank 9 killer you would expect me to lose really badly, however none of them played like red rank survivors. I have a few clips from the rank 3 "looping" me. I ended up letting one go because my stream asked me to but still 3ked and pipped. rank 3 being mindgamed and throwing down a safe pallet but not looping it. rank 3 throwing shack pallet while healthy then hopping into a locker to avoid a hit while healthy but getting grabbed. rank 3 throwing two pallets and not looping either of them or the building. finally rank 3 hook farming then hopping into a locker in my face again.

My question is why are people that are red ranks (the 3rd best rank in the game) throwing shack pallet when they aren't even injured?

Do ranks literally mean nothing now? I have about 1800 hours in survivor and have been struggling lately in solo queue because people die too quickly or end up self caring in the corner of the map because they cannot play injured for some reason.

TL;DR it is way to easy to pip as survivor, you can throw the game for your team by chucking down every safe pallet and still pip for some reason.


  • Aaliyah
    Aaliyah Member Posts: 52

    I agree the developers need to make a completely new ranking system.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Ranks mean nothing on either side. Just play a lot, you will get to red rank on both sides, guaranteed. I'm red rank on both sides but I'm no where near actually good players skill wise. Especially as a survivor I'm still a potato because I don't play it nearly as much as killer.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah red ranks are completely watered down. Thats why its almost impossible to win as solo survivor.

    Rank changed and an influx of new players over the last year and this is what we get. Also solo becomes more miserable so players like myself dont play solo anymore and only play survivor if its gonna be swf which contributes to the problem.

    Around late 2018/early 2019 aside from the occassional potatoes red ranks were fine. Its true for killer too, you used to see so many good killers at red ranks. Good huntress, good Bubba, good Myers. Now its just potatoes carried by Freddy, spirit and NOED.