Fixing Worthless Perks day 2

Every day I will propose changes to 1 survivor perk and 1 killer perk to make them not unusable garbage like most perks are.
Survivor Perk: No Mither - You are affected by the Broken Status Effect for the duration of the Trial. Your injured state is hidden from the killer, you move as if you are uninjured. You do not leave pools of blood. Your injured grunts are muffled by 25/50/75%. Grants the ability to instantly recover yourself or an ally from the dying state once per game. You gain 50/75/100% bonus to bloodpoint gains.
Killer Perk: Territorial Imperative - You are granted 3 tokens which may be used on any hooks. The 24 meter radius around that hook and the basement becomes your territory. Any time a survivor enters your territory receive an alert and the corresponding hook will glow. If a survivor enters your territory while you are 40 meters or more away reveal their aura for 3 seconds.
Justifications: One of the weaknesses of No Mither is the killer knowing you'll go down in 1 hit, making their status hidden will help prevent the killer immediately targeting the No Mither survivor; survivors will still see the broken status on their teammate. Grunts are muffled more. Allowing the user to immediately pick up themselves or a teammate may provide a sufficiently strong ability to make up for having 1 hit all game. This would probably still be too weak, but it's hard to justify being injured all game without giving a truly op ability. Also bonus BP for choosing to play hard mode.
The thought behind Territorial Imperative is in allowing the killer to build an actual Territory. 3 Territories may be too much, but I can't playtest the idea. The idea at least is more interesting than just knowing if someone far away from you entered the basement imo.
I have proposed 4 perk changes so far. BHVR has made 0 perk changes since I started.
No Mither is considered the “hard mode” perk, but this change would come off as weird when the killer just hits a survivor and they instantly go down, so pretty much the only thing this is preventing is killers going towards the broken survivor, if the killer randomly downs a survivor instantly without using a chainsaw or the survivor uses Dead Hard they will immediately pick up the survivor
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No Mither is meant to be a hard mode perk, it's not supposed to be worth using so I don't see it as needing buffs. Also, your change would make it too good. Every single game you would have to play assuming they had No Mither. By the time you tell they picked themselves up (if you even witnessed it to be sure) they would've already got extreme value from it (Unbreakable basically).
I actually kind of like the Territorial Imperative one though, kinda like a ranged Whispers. I could see it honestly even being too strong. Just seems like a better Whispers which is already decent. Maybe needs less tokens.
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Really you think that would make No Mither too good? It's a pretty instant tell that they have it if you don't use an instant down ability and they go down in one hit so you can start to play around it after that, or if they use a surprise Dead Hard while looking healthy. The instant pickup I wouldn't think makes up for being at 1 hit all game at just 1 use. Could just make it so you pick up much faster instead of instant though, I may be underestimating it. Honestly being injured all game is tough to even propose balance around without pushing too far in one direction or the other. I wish I could test stuff like this and play around with it.
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Well in many high rank games they just stay injured and gen rush anyway, so being injured all game really isn't much of a big deal. As I was saying though, I think the perk is intended for people who want a challenge, not to be an actually strong perk. It's not supposed to be "worth" using. It's supposed to be more of a negative.
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Fair. But honestly I just want all the perks that are basically unusable to be buffed into usable status. Even if just the promise of 100% more bloodpoints would help for No Mither, I'd be fine with anything. Perk meta is way too stagnant because way too many of them suck, and a game is more fun when you feel strong rather than weak so I'd rather see buffs to weak stuff over nerfs to strong stuff.
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I once saw a suggestion for No Mither that, rather than leave you permanently Broken, it instead leave you Permanently Exposed. You still get benefits from being injured, but if it's not in your interest for some reason (vs an Oni, for example) you can heal out of it.
For Territorial Imperative, I once had the idea of the Killer getting a speed boost when moving in the direction of the Basement/Basement Hooks. Or otherwise getting Haste when the effect has triggered.
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No Mither- You are affected by the Broken for 150 seconds when injured. You begin the trial injured. Your thick blood coagulates practically instantly.
- You do not leave Pools of Blood
- Grunts of Pain caused by injuries are reduced by 0/25/50 % at any time.
- Grants the ability to fully recover from the Dying State
That is how I would change No Mither. Territorial Imperative is harder to balance. Try the following build sometime. Territorial Imperative, Iron Grasp, Agitation, and your choice for last pick on Hillbilly. The range you can get a survivor into the basement with those perks is dumb. Once you get a single survivor into the basement just run off. You should easily be out of range to trigger Territorial Imperative by the time a survivor goes for the rescue. Soon as it triggers charge back to the basement. From there the game generally snowballs out of control.
Now there is a substantial RNG factor with this build depending on what map you get. If there is an easy route to charge to/from the basement and the basement is reasonably well located on the map it can work really well. But if it's an indoor map and/or the basement is really inconveniently located it can backfire. But the point I'm making with all this is that in the right situation Territorial Imperative can actually be pretty gross. So buffing it needs to be handled carefully.
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I think if No Mither just started off in the healthy state, and once you're hit once you cannot go back to the healthy state, it would fix a lot of the initial problems the perk has.
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######### i love territorial imperitive now 👀
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The problem with no mither isn't the perk itself but that similar perks are too powerful to consider it in comparison. While I think your proposal to Territorial Imperitive is interesting I tweaked it a bit:
Killer Perk: Territorial Imperative - You are granted 3 tokens which may be used on any hooks using the active ability. The 16/18/20 meter radius around each affected hook and the basement becomes part of your territory, any survivor who enters it will have their aura's revealed. Affect does not work on sabotaged hooks.
The range might need to be reduced a bit but should at least encompass the nearest generator. I can see that being slightly useful for last gen situations.
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I really like having Sabotage work as counter play, that's a great suggestion. The reason I don't have full aura reveal while they're in the area and instead go for general area reveal with the hook lighting up is if the aura gets revealed while you're also in the territory then it would be too easy to catch survivors and would probably push it too far.
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yeah the range needs to be nerfed a bit to balance out for the aura's forever duration. I'd probably also add that the effect doesn't work for hooks "in use". The problem then is it strong enough to compete with surveillance? I think it would be okay for it to be a bit weaker than surveillance because it grants the killer the ability to see whats going on in the basement at all times which could be really beneficial for the start of the game.
Another fun idea with it is that it grants 25/50/100% more bloodpoints in the sacrifice category for each survivor sacrificed on affected hook.I could be wrong but I don't think there is a killer perk that adds bonus points to sacrifice so I think that might make it a real winner.
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I think letting it work on hooks in use is fine. If a killer wants to tunnel then they'll tunnel whether it does or not. There are already several survivor perks to counter tunneling and I honestly think it's not a huge issue at higher level play.
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updated my previous post, what are your thoughts?
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I think that this is a really fun idea
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Being able to instantly pick up a survivor or pick yourself up would counter slugging way too hard. This is exactly why unbreakable exists.
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Reason why you start of healthy is so the killer is aware that they are unable to slug you.
The purpose of the Perk is to help you if you are slug but because you can get off the ground infinitely it needs a counterbalance and staying in to all match isn't enough.
The only two other perks that get you off the ground is soul guard and unbreakable both of which don't inform the killer specifically because specifically their effects to get you up or so conditional.
Unbreakable can only do it once and once alone so giving it away would be actively detrimental.
Soul guard requires you to because considering it completely for a part of the killer doesn't bring a hex perk or the hex perk is destroyed this is why this doesn't have a indicator
No mither allows you to get up infinitely with next to no conditions as well as not leaving blood and having a reduction in injured sounds to balance this out you are permanently left injured and the killer is a where they should be careful when Downing you
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Adding a health state to the beginning of the match wouldn't change the perk, it would run as intended past the first hit. Killers could reasonably presume that the survivor has no mither afterwards. You would not be able to become healthy one you've reached the injured state.
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That's completely ignored the point of my post.
Literally read it again
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You did the exact same thing to me. I don't know why you're upset about it.
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I feel like you made no mither basically unbreakable. The way you want to change it, It's like unbreakable ngl
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No Mither already has the ability to recover from the dying state on it and can be used infinitely. I changed it to a single use stronger version of it as being usable more than once isn't useful so giving it a fast use might make being injured all game actually worthwhile.
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Still just put unbreakable on.