Decisive is created for Low Tiers and punishes High Tiers

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

In Low Ranks, Killers immediately tunneling Survivors off hook is a legitimate issue that Decisive can help fix. At high ranks though, Borrowed Time is common and very few Killers hard camp.

At Rank 10, Decisive punishes campers and protects against bad teammates going for unsafe saves. It usually gets picked up by the Killer in the first maybe 15-20 seconds of the timer.

At Rank 1, Decisive prevents Killers from gaining momentum and forces them to slug. If they get stunned, it's usually at the 50-59 second marker or because the Survivor forces a pickup with the locker exploit (no, its not a tech).

Rework the perk.... again. Or just decrease the timer to from 60 seconds to 30-40 seconds. Then it will still punish hard tunneling, but it will be very hard to accidentally pickup Decisive if you're legitimately not tunneling and its just a fast paced game. Or if the Survivors are doing endgame mechanic abuse and getting everyone's Decisive activated so the Killer can't pickup


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Issue I have with DS is that the timer activates after they get off the hook. And even if I do not want to tunnel, I cannot help it if they wait for another survivor to go down before they save him. At that point it's not tunneling. I went after another survivor and downed and hooked him. I shouldn't be punished for survivors rescuing him late.

  • _McCain_
    _McCain_ Member Posts: 13

    A possible change is that decisive doesnt activate when the survivor is grabbed from a locker or generator. (Stopping locker immortality)

    & maybe every hit dealt to survivors after the timer starts takes 15s off the remaining time? (A smaller detail that helps tidy the line between tunnel or not)

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah know if they remove locker plays that would be dumb because it counters slugging. Sure we got unbreakable but I dont want to use my unbreakable early on so I will hop in a locker its optimal play.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
    edited July 2020

    If you have issues with DS at high ranks you should think if you really belong into these ranks, cause if youre that fast downing all other survivors that you have to get hit by a DS and cant handle these tiny stun something is really wrong.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    You clearly don't play killer at red ranks.

    You won't rank up by having 5gens done and 1 hooking everyone at end game.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I’m guessing you got DSd?

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    "No! DS is ruining my tunnel! I'm entitled to 4k!



    Complaints like this looks terrible in the eyes of other skilled killers and just makes all killer mains look like trash.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited July 2020


    all killers camp or tunnel eventually

    edit: as soon as they feel like they are not getting 4k

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2020


  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I play killer alot only rank 2 rn because havent played much but eh. Just because I prefer survivor doesnt meant I dont play killer. Also my opinion comes from my own experience.

    Killers will slug a person with ds but come back because they just cant let the slug person stay slugged, or if there is no obsession they will tunnel off first hook.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2020

    As others have pointed out perks are not designed for certain ranks.

    I see green ranks camping but I see them making mistakes because they don’t know the game to their full potential, and I also see red ranks who DO know the game camping and tunneling without making the mistakes green ranks make.

    This narrative that “high ranks must play fair because they don’t need to play scummy” is really starting to get old. I have literally seen killers go after freshly unhooked survivors like they were at a damn buffet, because they realize “no obsession means no DS”.

    Sometimes the new people actually have more skill and play the most fair IMO.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Ikr? I always get tunneled without ds bc no one else brings it. Honestly killers just want to tunnel. And when I have tunneling killers, the 4 man flashlight see comes out. No need for ds when we have flashlights!

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    So...... it's still used in any ranks by preventing the killer hooking you. You didn't prove anything in this post

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Killers dont hard camp BC DS exists. That's what it's there for. To make camping and tunneling risky just as Noed creates risk when gen rushing.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Most of the base perks that you have (si not the teachables one) are for rank 20-16 like....déjà vu thats totaly a perk for people starting to play the game

  • DrunkenXSMonkey8456
    DrunkenXSMonkey8456 Member Posts: 53

    I'll admit, for once I kinda agree. At least with the change. Reducing it to 30 or 40 seconds is plenty. For proper tunneling (plus a bit if time as a buffer) nobody in reality needs 60 seconds. As I think it should disappear if you go in a locker or start a gen. Or somehow get healed in that time.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Forcing a killer to slug still adds momentum.

    A downed/slugged survivor is still as useless as one on the hook. Boohoo you couldn't go for the unhooker instead.

    Anyone and everyone who complains about DS users....WHY are you going for the unhooked survivor instead of being anywhere else?

    Why aren't you patrolling gens? Or initiating your second chase? Stop pretending you're a victim when you know damn well you were proxy camping the hook waiting for the hooked survivor to get unhooked to proceed your tunneling.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Because slugging doesn't exist when unbreakable exists. Also, most DS users can't be slugged when they jump into a locker. Most of the time I get d-striked is when I don't even tunnel, I hook the guy who was unhooking and I catch the unhooked guy healing somewhere else and down them. I pick them up and I get d-striked when I didn't tunnel.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I think there are more campers and tunnellers at high ranks. The thing about low ranks is that they don't know how to camp or tunnel properly so you don't even need ds usually.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    but you always can choose to play them, now, how powerful you find it and the thechs is your gameplay choices, for example, spine chill would be quite useless for the fact of the 6% boost but with resiliance mixed is 15% extra speed for vaults and actions and that's why it was underrated for so much time

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    Killers who complain about ds on how it's actually supposed to be used is very cringe and usually biased. The fix/nerf you talked about is one of the worst i've heard honestly. Any decent survivor can loop a killer for at least half a minute or longer. This thread clearly shows how much skill you have. If you want an actual fix it's that you can only use it once after you've been unhooked and it lasts for 30 seconds at tier one, Tier 3 40 seconds. It pauses the timer anytime the survivor is in a chase. It gets deactivated immediately if the killer hooks someone else after you while the perk is active. You see there simple. Complain about something that you understand well instead of just sputing this nonsense. I agree with your thread only on how the color ranks usually play it out with the perk. That's it.

  • cmac93
    cmac93 Member Posts: 2

    I am a survivor main and whilst DS is an amazing perks I feel like it builds up bad habits for players, I notice that I perform significantly worse when I have DS equipped as I rely on it, if i don't have it equipped I have to be more cautious of how to play and I tend to play much better. I use it to mainly prevent myself from been tunneled but if I don't get tunneled I will go out my way to try and get a use out of it otherwise I shouldn't have brought it.

  • Username52
    Username52 Member Posts: 10

    Nah I think it's fair as it is, if you've never came across red rank killers that tunnel/camp I don't know what game you're playing. DS just gives you a chance to not de-pip because the killer wants you gone asap because you looped them for like 12 seconds, which is 11 more than they'd like. I play killer a lot and I think ds is fair, it's as simple as not tunneling, and you get it out of the way easily.

  • DontComeNeaMe
    DontComeNeaMe Member Posts: 72

    Killers that tunnel at red ranks are not uncommon, it can be an efficient strategy at the right times.

    Everytime I take DS off there seems to be double the amount as well

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    DS needs just change that it will de-activate if you perform action which progress their objective; repair a generator or save another survivor from hook. If you can do these you aren't being tunneled, just carried with 60 second crutch.

  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11

    Sorry but the sickness of camping and tunneling runs rampant through all ranks. The survivors are given these perks to combat this issue and with the many perks and abilities killers have to find survivors coupled with the greater possibility to down an injured survivor, 60 seconds is a fair amount of time. Perk selection is given to both survivor and killer so maybe try selecting those that may assist you with the possibility of encountering a survivor with Decisive Strike. Also if the timer was lowered to make it easier for high rank killers it will only make matters worse for those lower ranked survivors. We would most likely see a higher amount of killers deranking than we already have just to take advantage of this. I agree there are many changes needed in this game and either side will always suggest the other so in the mean time just play both sides an equal amount of time to see how your feelings towards certain perks would be fair if you relied on them in game.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    You're also forgetting how High tier killers that know what their doing can utilize DS like crazy. Take Pyramid head for example, if you know a survivor has DS and you plant some torment on the ground you can pick up the survivor in a way to which they no longer have DS and now they're tormented. The same goes for killers like clown, plant a bottle, get DS'd, they will be alot closer then if you didn't throw the bottle.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    Going for a survivor that just got off hook can be advantageous in certain scenarios. With Pyramid Head you can make the survivor tormented, if you have STBFL you can get stacks, same with remember me.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Agreed 100%. There are ways to counter it and use it to your advantage.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    It's not a tiny stun, it's quite massive. Having to loop, down, and hook them AGAIN will definitely cost you a gen or 2. DS has no counterplay because if you're not taking the stun you're slugging them only for them to get a free pick up and heal again.

  • ResidentDoctorMain
    ResidentDoctorMain Member Posts: 51

    Resident Doctor Main here,

    In my opinion, higher ranks is seriously when DS gets really annoying, especially at Tier 3. It allows survivors to just do anything they want in front of the killer for 60 seconds, knowing they'll probably hit their skill check. I agree that it needs to be heavily reworked, but in a slightly different way. I personally think that the DS Timer should only be active for about 15-20 seconds after the survivor gets off the hook, so they can't get tunneled as easily. That's it really. Sincerely,

    Resident Doctor Main