The Anti-Big 3



  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    Unbreakable counters slugging hard

    There doesn't need to be a counter for face camping. Face camping itself is a bad strategy that loses games. If a team gets 3k'd by a face camper, it's the survivors that are truly bad. You see someone face camping? Everyone should start rushing gens and give that survivor up. By the time they die you'd finish a lot of gens. That being said most people don't even know what face camping is and I feel like you're another one of those people. Face camping is sitting in front of the survivor on the hook not letting anyone get close while not moving far away at all. Face camping is not patrolling the hooked survivors area because you know there are 1 or 2 survivors nearby and you don't want to just walk away handing them a free unhook. I see many of people call this face camping, if you think that's face camping, or even a scummy strategy you're just bad at the game. There is no reason a killer should hand you an unhook for free unless they want a 12 hook for an easy double pip. If a killer knows gens aren't being worked on why the hell would he patrol anything but the hook? The counter to all types of camping is gen rushing. It's your own fault as a survivor for not realizing this. Not everything is countered by a perk specifically.

    A free unhook and fully healed at that? I really hope this is just a troll post because I can't imagine anyone being so stupid as to think that's balanced, the game already favors survivors over killers anyways. If you want a free unhook get deliverance.

    The fact is there are multiple perks and playstyles that counter exactly what you're talking about. You're just a terrible survivor is all.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    The fact that you're talking about bt like it's useless except around exit gates shows how little you know about dbd. Are you like stuck at rank 20 or something and refuse to learn the game?

    If you have unbreakable and DS you are so safe from tunneling and slugging

    Either they proc DS or go chase someone else and you get up with unbreakable.

    The fact that you're talking about no mither like it is actually a serious skill is ridiculous too. No mither is literally just hard mode survivor. Do you have no concept of what a good perk is and a joke perk is?

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    Im a survivor main and this is ridiculous. Its like asking for any skill and team competency required to win be removed from survivor and make killers unplayable.

  • lunatehuman
    lunatehuman Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2021


    Post edited by lunatehuman on
  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    This is bait. This has to be bait

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    Lol another survivor who is just bad at the game. You clearly have been put into a lot of situations that involve slugging. You really want to be able to pick another survivor up by simply pressing a button and having to do absolutely nothing to earn that heal? If you're slugged and you didn't bring an anti slugging perk in this day in age of dead by daylight that is your fault 100% and nobody elses. I slug survivors in my games. As long as an obsession is in play every single survivor will be slugged on their second and 3rd downs. If they get picked back up so what I'll down them again and still don't have to get ds in my face.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Dude. I'mma just say as the big time survivor main (5k hours and maybe 100 kills as a killer. Just pointing this out to show how little I play killer) those perks are way too out of line and OP. My main build is tenacity, UB, Soulguard, Ds. Cuz I hate being tunneled and slugged. Mainly slugged as you can see. If youre being camped that much and hate it as much as you state, may I suggest Deliverance, break down, DS, and some sort of exhaustion perk likeeeee sprint burst, deadhard or even adrenaline.

  • CogHead
    CogHead Member Posts: 14

    That DS buff is absurd. A 10 second stun/blind is way too much. If you've played killer, then you would know that sometimes you have to tunnel, camp, or slug. When multiple gens are done, for instance, I consider tunneling someone just because I have to get them out of the game. Punishing them further would worsen the gen rush issue, and would eventually cause people to stop playing killer, causing the death of DBD.

  • CogHead
    CogHead Member Posts: 14

    Helping another survivor that probably didn't even earn it is OP. Also, Kindred is an anti-camping perk, as all other survivors will see their aura if they're in close proximity of the survivor. Tunnelers don't deserve a ten second stun. If I had to face that every game (Ghostface main BTW), I would honestly quit the game. Each perk needs to have counterplay. For that DS buff to work, the window of time on which you could use it would have to be nerfed.

  • CogHead
    CogHead Member Posts: 14

    Wow. I have never seen a more entitled survivor main in my life. You know what else prevents you from being downed immediately off hook? Borrowed Time.

    As for DS, are you telling me that the killer is supposed to just let you go? A ten second stun is just going to make them more focused on you than before.

    Honestly, if I saw a perk like All Together go off, I would just DC. Please play some killer games, because you obviously have never played killer, and then get back to me.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Defending camping, tunnelling, and slugging is more entitled. I've seen many times 9/10 the killer, killing at least 3 people or all despite getting gen rushed and some trouble, even with no perks at times and they never resorted to the killer entitlement of cheating. I have played killer and gotten 4ks despite being gen rushed myself.

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    All that is too much! The killer is solo and trying to win by tactics. If survivors failed to bring in a perk to counter. That's just that. Sry not sry. Its a game. Prepare for the worst.

  • TheMikeOTR
    TheMikeOTR Member Posts: 63

    Fair and Balanced.

    I honestly have nothing to add to this topic as everyone else made very good points. Your idea is just one big bruh moment.

  • ASLucifer
    ASLucifer Member Posts: 5

    No they don't. They punish all killers, even those who play fairly and give people a chance. The only one you can probably say is useless is no mither, for obviousreasons. Also, if you think that the perks in the game are useless then you have been using them wrong, because I can count on one hand the number of times that a person using one of those perks properly didn't get immediately ######### over for it.

  • Only1alt
    Only1alt Member Posts: 18

    you guys are feeding the troll.

  • HazardlyGaming
    HazardlyGaming Member Posts: 10

    10 seconds? Thats OP. That's way too long. If you don't run, the 3 second stun is enough (don't run so killer can't track you). 10 seconds, along with the time it takes you to get to a generator, is waaay to long. Also, you basically just described unbreakable, and made it better. This isn't necessarily op, but honestly, sometimes Slugging is necessary. The first one is also basically Deliverance. I do feel as if Deliverance should give a speed buff though

  • Redhammer03
    Redhammer03 Member Posts: 5

    I see people baiting with stupid topics all the time but I made an account today because I believe that you believe what your saying. Unbreakable is a slugging counter, and where you say that it only helps you that is false. If everyone is slugged and 1 person is left getting chased then not only will you be able to up yourself you can then heal everyone slugged to injured or even full heal if the killers distracted or tunneling. Also if you really think slugging is just THAT unbearable and you get played by it THAT often, run ds with unbreakable and you either stun n run or self up. As someone whose rank 1'd both sides multiple seasons I can tell you slugging is not as bad as you feel it is.

    Also a killer who slugs multiple people gives everyone a chance to crawl for the hatch and lose track of them. If they counter this with deerstalker then you were beat by a killer that realistically had 3 perks and it's kind of your fault... Sorry, not sorry, best of luck in your future trials!


  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Is UB useful in solo or SWF? I feel like people who say it is useful 9/10 are playing SWF so no wonder they would argue. Same with almost all these perks people bring up.

  • Redhammer03
    Redhammer03 Member Posts: 5

    I don't think UB is more of less effective with friends, either the killers will pick you up, or he won't. I don't run UB alot tbh I just felt that it was worth mentioning since OP thinks he needs anti slug measures. Personally when I play solo I run sprint burst, urban evasion, spine chill, and then I pick a situational perk like UB, DS, SG, or BT. When I SWF I go full medic lol Botany Knowledge, We'll make it, BT and Sprint Burst.