Crybaby killer rant QQ

Okay so I was doing challenges like down 50 people when at max illness with the Plague, and I swear there is no easy way to do this because it takes a lot of time for max infection to kick in. By the time I down one person 3 gens are gone. So I figure I would just camp the body and re-downing the one survivor I got the max.
But then I got tons of hate mail that started to ruin my mood. So I tried to win legit with her but its still hard.
The point of this thread is that I think any killer who cant stop pallets is automatically trash. Like why would you play anyone except for Nurse if you wanna win?
When you go against a team who all know where every pallet is and can loop you forever using only windows? Man. They seriously need to do something about these window loops, for example the yellow crane loop? I had to chase a bill for 3 loops to force that dumb window to close its not fair man. It wastes too much time. What was I supposed to do? Give up chase on him and find someone on a gen? Actually I should have done that. But still its not fair how impossibly broken some of these window loops are. At least make a window close off in 2 vaults, not 3.