totally pointless rant about Legion

luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

I'm posting this in the "Lore" thread because there's nothing gameplay-related in this post; it's just something I feel the need to vent about.

I really REALLY don't like Legion, thematically. It is painfully obvious that Legion was just shoehorned into DbD when Deathgarden failed, to get a quick cheap killer out of salvaging assets from Deathgarden, was hastily thrown together, AND was OP at first because they felt sorry for the Deathgarden team, and then nerfed but still annoying AF because Legion's power frequently tells him/her where all the survivors are.

On top of that, while all the other killers look like someone or something that could legitimately slaughter a group of four hapless survivors, Legion looks like a scrawny teenager who any two survivors could easily tackle to the ground and cave his/her skull in with a rock.

And on top of THAT, it drives me CRAZY that the whole concept of "Legion" is that they're a gang, but you only ever see one gang member at a time. (which I've already mentioned in the main discussion thread with suggestions on how to actually present them as a gang.)

That's all. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Damn it, now that I said the "cave his/her skull in with a rock" thing, this suddenly does turn into a gameplay post, because it would actually be totally sweet if the survivors COULD overpower Legion and kill him/her, and then after a brief cooldown another member of the "gang" jumps in to take revenge, and is a little bit stronger, so the survivors have to weigh the benefit of taking down Legion for a few seconds' reprieve vs making him/her stronger.


  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263

    I know Seiko already dealt with this, and probably better than what I could do, but there is much more to this post than just "Legion is Deathgarden copy."

    First off, please don't use "Lore" to complain about things like this. I know the "Off-topic" sections says it's not DBD related, but this fits there much more than lore. I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, but I'm tired of seeing chapter suggestions, gameplay and complaints about how a character is a copy from another game in the section for LORE! The Off-topic and Suggestions sections are where the third and first belong, respectively.

    Second, they work on these chapters in advance, and Darkness Among Us started development sometime before or after Curtain Call, which released BEFORE Deathgarden entered alpha. And there are next to no similarities between Legion and anything in Deathgarden. Except MAYBE running around as Scavenger, but that's no different to running around as Survivor.

    So no, Legion was not made because Deathgarden failed. If ANY Killer was made due to that, it would be Deathslinger, who wanders around and shoots Survivors with his gun, which is what the Hunters did in Deathgarden. Quite a few people even pointed to the parallels between the two.

    Thirdly, Legion was NOT OP at release. In fact, if you played them the way they were meant to be played, they were pretty balanced, maybe towards the weaker side. People figured out ways to cheese the game as them, and that's what made them too much to handle. Not them being inherently OP.

    Fourth point, yes, Legion doesn't look like they could be a threat. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! YOU'RE MEANT TO UNDERESTIMATE THEM! The whole theme of Darkness Among Us is not falling for expectations. Jeff looks like the kind of guy who could snap your spine in a second and enjoy doing so, but he's a sweetheart. Someone like Frank looks like a genuine guy, but he's a complete sociopath who would gut you like a fish and laugh the whole time. If anything, they're MORE of a threat because you don't expect it.

    Finally, about the whole "any two survivors could easily tackle to the ground and cave his/her skull in with a rock," I could say the same thing about the Hag and the Pig. They look way to fragile to handle someone like David, but the Entity gives them superhuman strength. It does the same for the Legion. And if you think that even without that added strength, they would be super weak, you misunderstand just how dangerous a knife is. In the hands of someone who doesn't know how to properly use a knife, I'd still take my chances with a bodybuilder than mess with someone who has a weapon. Best case with the former, I get out of the fight with maybe a few bruises. best case with the latter, I disarm them and get my arm slashed up in the process. And the Legion KNOWS how to use the knife.

    We could discuss the gang part, but that's not the point of this. Yes, I agree that it's stupid that a gang doesn't make use of it outside of cosmetics. But that's a topic for another time and a different forum subsection.