(incoming TOME/matchmaking issues) Why are TWO killers hard countered hard by items?

So with the new Tome releasing/matchmaking changes i think this could present a big problem.
So the dev's removed the ability to sabo the Trappers traps and this was a nice change.
Why are Hag, and Wraith still hard countered by flashlights? Survivors can crouch and run Urban Evasion to counter hags traps well, so why are flashlights able to destroy her traps so easily? Why is wraith able to be stunned so badly with a flashlight? ( hes not even a very good killer)
With the new matchmaking the killer is locked into his choice. Before as hag if i saw multiple flashlights ( three or more) i would switch to a different killer because nobody likes getting their power rendered useless right?
Well now with the new matchmaking, killers are forced to stay as one killer. So with alot of people playing hag for the new tome (and wraith_, when they see flashlights they will just dodge the lobby or worse will alt-f4 during the load screen to force the survivors to reque( or bring mori) .This will lead to alot of frustrated new hags/wraiths, and longer queue times.
I think it is time to remove flashlights hard countering two killers, or at least removing the killer lock in. This makes the game more consistent. (why trapper can no longer be countered by items, but hag and wraith can) Its not fun having your powers be rendered useless by items (and now we cant just change to another killer)
very well: trapper has a set number of traps on the board at any one time. if someone sabo's one it is not replaced and is unusable till it regenerates (previously like hooks did not). HAG and WRAITH: Hag's traps get deleted by the flashlight and the hag can then place that trap back down anywhere they want immediately, wraith, can recloak after being burned. so neither has lost much more than a little time, this is why they are still "allowed" to have counters held by survivors and trapper can not. Take the trapper, with someone that is using an alex's tool box and 3 others doing the same all of trapper's traps can be out of commission for a time except any they have in hand (not counting set ones because they can be tripped to be sabo'd).
Now as to the new matchmaking and killer lock upon clicking ready, I have my issues but THIS is not one of them.
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yep, already saw flashlights in literally every single game i played during the event. Flashlights dont hard counter wrath though, they just punish him if hes careless. They dont really hardcounter hag either becuase she can just replace traps infinity and their flashlight is finite. Just run franklins if youre worried about it. i could honestly care less about flashlights, if theyd rather sit there and blind me at a pallet then theyre wasting precious time when they could be running away and creating distance
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I want to sabo Trapper traps. Never worked out, but it was fun. That possible interaction was the only reason I enjoyed going against Trapper.
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Maybe Hag will be changed. I have a feeling they may make some tweaks to her in the future
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my recommendation as a decent hag player is place traps farther away from hooks and gens in paths where you know survivors are going to run. Most hags are basic and trap near the hooks and Survivors know this and usually dont crouch until theyre near where they think the basic hags trap. Dont be basic. Switch up your traps. and never chase without setting up at least 5 traps in a web on one side of the map. i also recommend running sloppy and also corrupt intervention. if you find a survivor early, smack them and leave them to place your traps. let them run into your web and then once you down one, use them as bait.
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All I know is that I'm probably going to start dodging lobbies as soon as the killer lock in goes live. There's no way I'm subjecting myself to multiple flashlights whenever I decide to play Hag, or an obvious SWF if I play Trapper. Fortunately killer queues are really fast these days 🙃
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Nurse, Wraith, and Hag are from an early time in the game's life when having specific items counter certain killers seemed a lot more reasonable. But now we have so many killers that this mindset is outdated. We understand how strong flashlights are now, so we should probably remove the additional features it gets, or at least reduce them greatly.
We can keep flashlights making hag traps glow for instance. I mean, it kinda makes sense? Kinda?
For Wraith, maybe just make him more visible while a flashlight is on him or something.
Nurse... just doesn't need it really. I know she's strong but how often do you actually use a flashlight to counter her? I've seen it been used effectively exactly once.
If it were up to me though, I would rework flashlights entirely. It doesn't make much sense that a killer has to drop the survivor they are carrying just because they can't see. I say keep the blinding but remove the stun, make flashlights last a lot longer to compensate, and make it actually serve as a decent light source if you want to navigate a dark map. But it's probably too late for a change as big as that.
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i agree that it is outdated design to have only 1-2 killers completely countered by items( perks like urban evasion already counter hag too)
I hope that some dev's can see this and think about hte problems this will cause now that killer is forced to be locked in lobby at the mercy of flashlights.
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just leave the lobby and find a new one.
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Flashlights against Hag is fine. It keeps her in check so she can't spam them in a basement but Wraith is kinda eh and shouldn't really be punished like that.
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With Hag, I think Flashlights should reveal her Traps but not destroy them.
With Wraith, I think he should be able to be burned, but they should replace the status effect function of his two 'Blind Warrior' add-ons with the new function of: 'slightly increased burn resistance' and 'slightly increased burn recovery + slightly increased burn resistance'.
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I mean in the case of Hag, there's basically no penalty for someone destroying a trap other than losing an aspect of your web, and given that she is a very territorial killer like Trapper, you should be in or around your web for most of the game.
On the other hand, Lightburn being FOUR years old now with absolutely no changes infuriates me to no end. Why does it exist? Philip's strengths have not and will not justify the existence of such a mechanic, he is the only one who is forced to play around flashlights in such a degree that he loses an extremely large amount of distance when trying to close gaps.
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Believe it or not, but they actually used to do that before they reworked his add-ons a while back. They were 30% and 40% increased resistance to light burn.
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As Wraith you can keep moving around while they try to burn you until their flashlight stop working (which is kinda funny to do), and for the Nurse to be significantly affected by a flashlight you need the stars to align.
I agree on the Hag, but only if her traps had another counterplay than crouching at slug speed.
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@Iron really? Well, even if those add-ons will never be (re)introduced, I don't see Flashlights hurting Wraith all that much. If someome wants to burn you, uncloak from behind a tree.
What I do think they should definitely do is make a new animation for Wraith's burn. While shining a beam at him, you should gradually start to see the burn spreading over his cloak to show how close he is to being burned. And then do the full burn of his cloak if it's completed.
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I mean that is technically what blind warrior used to do it reduced the effectiveness of Lightburn and if I remember correctly his old ultra rare completely negated Lightburn.
Almost never used because honestly people really didn't Lightburn the Wraith that much so when he got the addon pass it was effectively changed
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@Volfawott thanks for confirming that :) I mean, in this period of dbd, kinda would actually see usage now. Not as an Ultra-Rare, but definitely back as a green and yellow. Since Flashlights are so common. (I love vsing them and have no issues going against multiple as a Wraith - but people do, and it has potential in it to burn bully a Wraith, so it would be at least worth reconsidering and reintroducing them).