Survivor need a new item

A knife or sling shot for either melee or ranged or both , for stun 1.5 second maybe

One time use of course no need for add ons , and the stun works to drop survivors , this can be used for instance can be used in the middle of a 360 , so instead of the super generous hit box killers get to abuse , the survivor can get a quick hit and get some distance if they are in one of the many dead zones or a teammate that drops pallets like they will make them cooler in real life



  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Or on killer's face while he's carrying someone

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2020

    perfectly balanced indeed, use D strike to escape after making a mistake.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    Would be cool if we had new item. Killer get to have new addons and power every dlc. Survivor basically only get new perks.

  • ResidentDoctorMain
    ResidentDoctorMain Member Posts: 51

    Resident Doctor Main here,

    I feel as if the rarity of Firecrackers should go down waaaay more. I don't see them in the game at all anymore, even though they are available in mystery boxes and whatnot. Sincerely,

    Resident Doctor Main

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    What? They were only available during events, and the last crackers were 3rd year anniversary I think. So might be that there are not too many crackers around anymore.

    And I think stun items would be OP. Flashlight saves are difficult, you need the right timing and the right position to get it, and it is good that it is that difficult. This item would basically be a pallet to go. Even one time use would be bad if every survivor could bring that every game. Just think about how many pallet or flashlight saves you have on average in a match and how much it would increase with such an item

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    Unreliable , the killer just shifts there head while still moving at greater movement than the survivor , the only time to really get the flashlight stun is during an animation lock a knife or sling shot would work map wide specifically when you happen to be in a dead zone

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    That one time only can be used for yourself perk? Where there is a skill check ?? you only get value if you get caught ??? which is easily counter but a very common play style of slugging ????

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Well that's the idea. It is also not necessary to create a weapon, you are a survivor, not a fighter.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Yes and it's an anti-tunnel perk. If you don't know how to use it then don't complain.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    How many movies shows etc is there a "survivor " that at one time of another tries to stab of shoot the killer

    It literally even fits into the horror screenplay

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    What about a defibrillator? It allows you to (almost) instantly bring up a survivor that is in the dying state

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    The item could be basically weaker version of which is already in the game , but the item would allow you a possible 2nd anti tunnel tool , and it would be one were your teammates can help you survive the tunnel without having to get injured , as a killer I just pick one person and I murder them till they die from it , and I just slug if I suspect DS , I 4k alot and I only use 1 perk , because of the whole generous hit boxes you don't need all 4 lol

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    I don't hate the idea , but it would need to be based on a skill check like brand new part or it would be way over powered

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But those movies usually proceed in the survivor doing no damage at all, then getting grabbed by the killer and killed.

    But that might be a way to balance it, you use it, and after that the killer can mori you if he gets hold of you.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Yeah that's a negative on something to stun the Killer.

    We don't need this turning into a Friday the 13th speedo Chad party

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Hear me out, all 4 survivors bring it. Now every single chase is extended by an absurd amount.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    1.5 seconds isn't much , but it could be just enough time to get to a window , or pallet , the hatch maybe , as far as the killer interaction it puts said survivor as obsession , and maybe grants bloodlust 1 ( if not already there )

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    If used to the perfectly , it's 6 seconds of stun , which survivors give up , gen finish time (toolbox) heal speed and self heal (med kits ) give up the option to end a game early (key) and possible multiple saves from a different item ( flashlight) , how much time does a tool box take from a gen I think a brown one saves like 8 seconds or something

    A full 5 seconds ds strike would be an absurd amount , but its about the same time as a missed M1 so its not game changing/overpowered automatically ,

    It's not like the survivor get to play like crap all game and then the knife let's you murder the killer

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    Yes because it would be a shame to give survivors a legitimate tool to win the game if only us killers had a item or perk that lets us play like crap the entire game then 1 tap murder every survivor once they basically won the game , but instead I get to 4k win the game enjoy the safety pip

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Yes but you said it drops survivors. That doesn't waste 6 of a killers seconds, it wastes 6 of a killers seconds and makes them have to hunt whatever survivor got away. It also works amazingly well during a chase. Drop a pallet on killers face, then shoot them. Now you have a 6 second headstart on them.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    6 seconds at once would be if all 4 survivors correctly stake the stun perfectly , which how is that bad for the killer , all 4 survivors in one area not doing the objective ?? That works in the killers favor.

    A 1.5 stun is a 3rd the duration of ds , and killers come back from DS almost every game .

    So if every survivor ran ds , and this new item , they could get 6.5 seconds of stun time , or 26 seconds of total stun time

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I don't mean all at once, I mean throughout the match. Let me paint you a picture. You down a survivor after forever, you get shot and drop them, a gen gets done, you chase that survivor and down them, you get shot again. You chase and down then them, another gen gets done. Now 2 gens are gone by the time of your first hook. And there are still 2 slingshots in play. How much of what I just said seemed impossibly unlikely? Because I can't see much.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Did you really try to combat my idea about how free stuns would be annoying with boohoo but no one escapes death.

    Is that honestly the only straw people can grass when trying to come up with an argument.

    But you know what I'll play ball.

    1) having a free stun item is something that can be used at any stage of the game no one escapes death can only be used in endgame.

    2) no one escapes death can be cancelled out by survivors with the base ability of cleansing totems and it becomes even easier if they have perks to locate the totems killers on the other hand would have to be forced to bring in Franklin's Demise and even then they can still be stunned before I get it off.

    3) a killer cannot be in 4 places at once if they got completely wrecked and they are relying on no one escapes death they still shouldn't be able to wipe a team unless that team is a bunch of altruistic potatoes.

    I never brought up any problem with the survivors getting extra items for example I feel like the firecrackers should be added to the pool not just be event exclusive but there should be even more however I just don't think there should be a free stun item.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    As long as they don't give it the generous hitbox of huntress hatchets it will still take time to practice the projectile

    I guess I should of added that the slingshot should not be a homing missile type of item

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I mean, this is one of the most ridiculous suggests I've ever seen.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I really don't think that matters, anyone with good aim will be able to hit it, especially if they act something like Deathslinger, this is mostly because of how much bigger killers are to survivors.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    1) noed gets unlimited uses when activated until destroyed or the game end , the proposed item is one time use 1a) melee version put you in m1 range of the killer 1b) I should of stayed but ranged version would need to be aimed sorta like flashlight/hatchet so it could miss

    2) bringing a counter perk is part of the game

    Ds = anti tunnel , bt= camping/proxy , unbreakable and the new one= for slugging

    Those are perk slots just to counter game mechanics not killer ablilities or perks

    3) the why the points are set up in order to +1/+2 you need to be altruistic the game almost forces it ,

    4?) It's not free ,

    Melee is obvious that if the killer sees it can M1 if it's in their range

    Ranged version I should of stated it should be a skill shot type item not , a automatic free homing missile rock

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    People with 5k hours still miss skill checks on gens as well as DS

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    Minus playing against the sweaty of sweaty SWF , playing killer is crazy easy

    It would be annoying , but making the game challenging shouldn't be seen as "ridiculous "

    Survivors would have to decide to I take this one time stun over all these other dare I say better items

  • Mhew
    Mhew Member Posts: 38

    I dont know if a new item but sure, we need some perk related to Crows, every partch are more and more of them. They should give us (survivors), some perk about them, i dont know, something about catch 3 or 4 crows and when the killer carries you, the crows will help you attacking him blinding his vision

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Although I agree I don't think stunning the killer even more is the way to go.

    I'd add something like diversion or red herring as an item. Could be the slingshot you mentioned or something similar.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    Snatching crows from the map seems like that would not be good , as killer sometimes you need the crows help to help with our next move , and I think the crows are supposed to be neutral/entity sided part of the game , but maybe something like , you grab parts from 2 broken pallets and that becomes an item to use against the killer ,

    Actually that would be super nice if you have a monkey running around throwing pallets Everytime without thinking of end game lol

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    You clearly don't know how powerful a stun can be.

    As for no one escapes death the fact that simply because you desperately needed a free gotcha your point which it wasn't is sad.

    No one escapes death is not present for 90% of the game or potentially not present at all.

    One time or not there shouldn't be an item that gives you a free stun because people aren't idiots and they're not going to just randomly try to aim it mid Chase. You see your teammate get down you could just simply run up and stun the killer whilst they're carrying the person no need for timing or anything.

    A counterpart should never feel like an obligation to bring. Just because I see a flashlight doesn't mean I feel obligated to bring Franklin's or lightborn because I have ways of looking away from it.

    With what you're suggesting it wouldn't be hard for a survivor to just wait until I'm carrying a person and moving to just stun me. There would literally be no other way of avoiding them besides running from the survivor in question.

    Yes to get points you have to be autistic but there's a difference between playing for points and playing smartly. If someone has no one escapes death and there are across map and you're by an exit gate leave if you can't find it. You don't all rush in like suicidal lemmings then get all shocked Pikachu face when all of you get down and the killer gets a 4K

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I wish broken key had different look. I dont use keys, because they all look the same.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I have never seen that happen. Most of the time they're new or didn't have DS. Not to mention, pointing and clicking a target when they are forced to stand still is much easier than hitting a skill check.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    Actually after talking it out I think changing from a stun to a slow would actually be a more healthy addition to game , giving people that extra wiggle time or a few extra meters for a window etc etc that way the item basically just mimics a missed M1

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    one thing im surprised doesnt exist is a green item/flashlight addon that basically gives you a one use fire cracker, i mean you get one instant blind and thats it, great when used right, useless if used wrong, and with the new light borne perk coming soon there would be a counter for it

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    I'm pretty sure I've seen noob3 miss a few ds skill checks , however he might not be the best example because he is more easy going , but it happens enough

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Thats fair, but it doesn't happen enough to be considered an actual downside.

  • SilentChill
    SilentChill Member Posts: 39
    edited July 2020

    1) Glue traps or carpenters tools to make items to slow down the killer.

    2) A brick to throw at the killer to stun them and temporarily disable the killers power when you throw it at their head.

    3) A bell to attach to the killer that gives a jingle noise before their terror radius is around.

    4) A bug/radio to plant on the killer to give them constant staticy noises to make it harder to hear survivors.

    5) Cardboard cuttouts to act as decoys.

    (Note None of these are a good idea, im being sarcastic and goofing around ... don't take any of this seriously.)

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    New action: push. If killer is standing still, player can press 3 next to them to stun them for short moment to prevent bodyblocking or maybe helps with facecamping, add conditions like wraith decloaking won't allow it etc.

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48
  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    You're not suggesting an option to out right bully a killer are you , bullying is wrong both physical and virtual

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    That’s cause every single killer’s power is unique and can’t be shared across killers. Survivors all have access to the same items and add-ons and don’t have anything exclusive to them.

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    That item that can allow us to one hit people can be deactivated before it evens gets use

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    We don't need a new item. We need to clear out the useless stuff we have clogging our blood webs.