I can't comprehend the ranking system

This ranking system is so unbelievably stupid, I've been playing this game for 2-3 weeks now and this stuff is making me wanna stop playing. I understand the ranking system and I know how it works but please tell me how I can be a rank 14 killer (I understand the game but don't know any map layouts and strategies) and I get matched against multiple rank one's in games and people around rank 5 (so people who know pretty much all the maps and pallet placements and strategies and who have the best teachable perks setups. That is so unfair, and yeah maybe they get hosted by someone around my rank, but then please make a different ranked mode or something and implement squad MMR restrictions, this is so unfair and i keep losing my games because i have to play against these really good guys.
Welcome to DbD! Check my 1st ever posted thread! I'd say it gets better but that would be a lie. It gets worse, the thing is, as killer, you get used to the bad.
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your problem should be solved pretty soon. The new MMR was rolled out yesterday on Xbox and soon will be also available on PS4. Just hang on a few weeks :)
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A casual mm in a casual game and a bit of range variance. I don't see anything strange in that anymore.
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The pics from the games that I posted here are from today and I play on Xbox One, so if it's already "fixed". Then imma head out.
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For anyone seeing my post, check this guy"s post out, he explaines it much better but it comes down to the same. As a new player and low rank you should NEVER be put in a match against high ranking sweats. Who"s idea was that???
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I have the same issue. Been playing 3 weeks or so and I'm against rank 1 killers. I am ranked 4 but feel I ranked up too quickly as I'm still getting used to killers, maps and strategies. I have been messaged with abuse for not being upto par with people that have been playing years which is off putting really. I'm not rubbish but im far from great. Overall it's a great game though
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Yes a tiny bit range variance is good, take Rainbow Six Siege for example. In ranked matches you encounter players who are 1 rank above or below you. But this is a difference of 13 ranks!! And there are only 20!!
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Judging from the scores of those survivors pictured, it looks like you handled your business nicely. Looks like potatoes
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Well. We all know that Ranks dont mean a lot (not saying nothing), but according to the new mmr you were matched with players your skill. That can also be R1s that got carried massively. How many kills did you get in the games? did they feel unbalanced?
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the rank 17 guy disconnected at the start, and I have only been able to kill one of them and then they escaped, so i got played like a damn fiddle. They worked together really good, knew all the pallet placements and everytime they got me with them they flashed me.
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yea the ones in the first pic i beat, but i think that's mostly thanks to the inside school map, cause that's a hard one for survivors i feel like. But the guys in 2nd pic ######### me up, even though the rank 17 disconnected at the start of the game