What maps do you think needs to be...

Incarnate Member Posts: 677

Hello everyone.

What maps do you feel are imbalanced in some way and therefore needs to certain aspects/elements tweaked or maybe even have a rework done on them? Map aspects and elements such as, size, floors, stairs, doors, spacing of areas, colors, spacing between placements/objectives and amount of these, etc. Furthermore, it seems that maps are skewed towards being balanced for either survivors or killers, personally I think it should be more neutral.

So which maps do you think needs to be balanced, and what aspects and elements do you think needs changed, should the change be more or less, or perhaps you have a specific number?

Personally, I feel that most maps that in general have several floors with a lot of space on each, is way too big, simply because there is way too much space for the killer to cover. Essentially, the more places for the survivors to be at, the more ground the killer needs to cover. With movement speed for the killer being static, with the exception of those changed by a power, perk or addon, then the speed will be static but different for each killer. This means that for those killers with the slowest movement speed, it will take even longer to cover the same amount of space. Time is the MOST important factor in the game, hence why I think it's bad for maps being too big, especially when they utilize several floors with a lot of space.

I'm curious to hear what you all are thinking with regards to this.


  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Ormond (it's been 2 years and scratch marks are still nearly invisible), Haddonfield, and Midwich. I don't like knowing a survivor is within 20m of me but I have to take 20+ seconds to get to them. You should be able to traverse the map easier.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited July 2020

    My personal opinion

    The MOST balanced map: All maps of Red Forest and Crottus Prenn.

    The least balanced map: Azarov's Resting Place.

    The most funny map: Dead Dawg Saloon.

    The least funny map: Midwich Elementary School.

    The best map for the killer: Hawkins National Laboratory.

    The worst map for the killer: Backwater Swamp or any map of Coldwin Farm.. i hate bushes..

    The best map for survivors: Yamaoka Estate (If you use claudette P3 you are more undetectable than a stealthy killer..)

    The worst map for survivors: Hawkins National Laboratory.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Crotus Prenn - Disturbed Ward. Worst totem placements in the entire game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Hawkins - Delete it

    Midwich - Delete it

    Lerys - Make it easier to find objectives

    Rotten fields - Delete it

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Haddonfield and Ormond are the absolute worst and need urgent attention. After that the Autohaven maps need some work, Midwich, Mother’s Dwelling.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I hate the swamp maps. Confusing loops and poor line of sight, 2 of the things I hate the most in this game.

    Haddonfield is also bad and needs to be reworked.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Haddonfield, Ormond, and cornfield maps

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited July 2020

    Very few maps are killer sided and the ones that are, aren't that killer sided to where they are much of an issue. Not nearly the extent that the survivor ones are. I say this playing survivor at rank 1 as well. The killer sided maps aren't that bad and are actually my favorite maps to play as survivor. None of those maps I mentioned I enjoy as survivor. They simply make me feel way too strong and don't have interesting interactions in their design.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    There shouldn't be any X sided map in the game if you "really" want balance.

    Killer Sided maps: Dead Dawg Saloon, Hawkins, The game, Midwich (If you dont have OoO, but probably that perk is getting nerfed), Lery's, Shelter Woods and swamp cause it spawns a lot of dead zones and I counted 8 pallets.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Wait, how the hell is Disturbed Ward and Mother's Dwelling balanced?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    There will always be maps that slightly favor one or the other, that is inevitable in this type of game. The degree to which they favor is what we can control.

    I wouldn't add Dead Dawg Saloon, Shelter Woods or the Swamp as killer sided maps.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited July 2020

    Haddonfield, what a piece of ######### map. Fences are too long, windows on house are way too overpowered and safe. House of pain is still an infinity. Ormond. Too big, too many long walls and god loops that can be chained together as well. Blood lodge. One word, pallet town. Hawkins and Midwich have very similar problems of having barely any ways to get up the stairs or traverse the map. Also, Hawkins has way too many pallets that are close together. Disturbed ward's main building is the most overpowered loop in the game. 2 god windows and 2 god pallets that can be looped forever.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Haddonfield has issues for killers and survivors alike.

    Hawkins likewise

    Midwich has the multiple floors, and I doubt I'm alone having played matches as killer there where I failed to run into any survivor (while they failed to locate the generators)

    Similar Bedham.

    Meat Plant, likewise.

    (I call the above 'Ragequite Roulette' if two or more players burn different offerings for them)


    With some maps I think it shows they are focused on their respective killers:

    The original bunch of maps has a lot of spots for traps and 'stealth' paths

    Hag's map is ideal for her traps.

    Deathslinger's map has a lot of balconies/jumping points (sniping positions?)


  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522


    mt ormond

    mt ormond

    mt ormond

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    Ormond, my FPS always drops to zero 😣

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968



  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited July 2020

    I think everyone hates swamps - in general these maps are terrible. Otherwise Hawkins - no loops/without BL/ on the first floor just pallets mostly unsafe, Shelter woods - the most terrible outdoor map for survivors, Azarovs - the 3 gen heaven for killers, getting Legion on it is like the most stupid thing ever, The corn map with the basement in the middle. Also I don't think we need 5 preschool maps - 2 is enough - one survivor sided and one killer sided. Five is just stupid.

    In general many maps got a lot worse after they reduced the tiles/pallets on them cause they created HUGE dead zones and then their spawn system randomly puts gens in middle of nowhere with nothing around them - no pallets, no loops - nothing. You can see that problem on Ormond and esp on Wretched shop around the shop - behinde it is one big dead zone with often 2 gens and just trees

  • ResidentDoctorMain
    ResidentDoctorMain Member Posts: 51

    Resident Doctor Main here,

    You forgot the Swamp maps there, friend. Sincerely,

    Resident Doctor Main

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You could throw swamp in there as needing some tweaks, I just would put it near the bottom of the most problematic list.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274
    edited July 2020

    Long and short of my opinions on them:

    Haddonfield: Fences need more adjustements above all else. I would like to see breakable walls implemented into sections of the tall fences, and all corners opened within the short fences (short fences would all be straight objects with no L-bends). Some of the god-windows in the houses need to be adjusted, or also see breakable walls placed near them to lower their power.

    Ormond: Just tighten the gen spread. It's only a medium-sized map, but it consistently has one of the largest patrol routes of any map since the gens mostly spawn around outside of the map near the exterior wall. I'd also like for Ormond to be darkened more (make it look more like it's nighttime) and for scratch marks to be made brighter on it.

    Shelter Woods: Needs more loopable tiles and definitely more vaults. It is the only map in the game which I currently consider a free victory to the majority of killers (when played decently well) because of how little the survivors get to work with. Would kind of like for its central tree to be made a loopable structure with some verticality and an associated generator (possibly on a "tree house" platform).

    Midwich: It is so abhorrent of a map that I'm not really sure how I could sum up what needs to be changed about it in a few sentences. I think it is hands-down the worst map to play on in the entire game (not real fun for either role), so we'll leave it at that.

    Yamaoka Estate, Backwater Swamp, and Dead Dawg Saloon: Thick grass should not exist right next to tall reeds, bamboo, and brush. Basically, not right next to any foliage that survivors can completely hide in. There should always be some dead ground surrounding these hidey-clumps so that killers might at least be able to see scratch marks/blood which lead into them.

    Autohaven: Just limit the total amount of Caterpillar Tread tiles that can spawn on a map (and maybe don't let them all spawn right next to each other). Alternatively or additionally, give these tiles a chance of having a single unsafe pallet (like the short hay bale loops of Coldwind).

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    You're right and that's what they need to do.

    I added Dead Dawg cause that map is basically unsafe pallet heaven, shelter wood is literaly a completely killer sided map, and swamp because it ALWAYS spawn a lot of dead zones