So, when are we getting simple decent/meta killer perks?

slim0b Member Posts: 551

In all the past 4 DLC releases we've been getting easily some of the worst killer perks to date.

And it's easily due to one reason, stupid design, and over complicating them. Like seriously, if you look back at perks we already had. Sloppy, 20% healing speed reduction, Simple and straight forward. PGTW, 25% kick regression after a hook. Simple and straight forward.

Nowadays all we get is shlt like "Upon downing the survivor with a secondary attack while facing 30 degrees east of the moon, survivors that are injured and 30m away suffer from the hemmorage effect for 3 seconds."

Please save yourself the trouble and don't reply with something like "OoooH!! but PWYF nemesiss!!!, OOoH, but I have this SUPER COOL forced penance build (which doesn't even function 80% of the time)"

I'm talking perks that you can put in a perk slot and know that this will help you consistently throughout the match.

Below are the perks we got for the last 4 killers, if you already know how terrible they are don't bother reading the spoiler, it just explains what they do to unfamiliar players.

Demogorgon got

Surge (8% only regression, 32m, basic attack requirement, meh when it works and doesn't work half the time.)

Mindbreaker (A joke perk, that's all i can say. You get exhausted when touching a gen, when you release it, exhaustion lasts for 3 seconds....)

Cruel Limits (Blocks vaults 24 near gens for 30 seconds after they're completed, again another joke perk, save me the oOhOOHoH bUt BuBBA!!)

The oni got

Zanshin tactics (windows of opportunity for killer........ what a joke)

Blood echo (exhaustion 45 seconds onto injured after hooking a survivor, 60s cooldown?. Only works well with legion and plague, good killers wait out dead-hards)

Nemesis (If you're stunned or blinded, the one who did it becomes obsession and doesn't hear you terror radius for 40s. This is only used to combo with obsession perks. 2 Perk slots you're giving up, but regardless it's the best of any of the perks mentioned)

Deathslinger got

Gearhead (Hit with basic attack 2 times =30s of good skill checks revealing gens, it's a hit or miss with the RNG, and got nerfed from the ptb for some reason...)

Dead man's switch (Upon hooking the obsession, for the next 45s, if a survivor repairs a gen and then lets go, the gen gets blocked for as long as the 45s lasted... 1-Obsession requirement, 2- Blocking gens = 0% regression even with ruin or a kick 3- If you push someone off a gen you don't need to block it for them to go straight back to it......)

Hex: Retribution (worst hex perk to ever exist. When a hex perk is cleansed, inlcuding this one, survivors are revealed for 10s. Anyone who cleansed dull totems doesn't hear your terror radius for 45s if this hex is still up)

Hex perks are meant to be high risk high reward, this is just terrible....

Pyramid head got

Forced penance (Protection hit = broken 60s. You rarely get protection hits in matches to begin with. And if you take protection hits you're bound to get chased the broken becomes sort of useless.)

Trail of torment (Kick a gen = gen highlighted in yellow, you're undetectable 16s. Also 60s cooldown. 16 seconds to pull a move and they already know where you are at the time of the kick, its a joke)

Deathbound (This perk is so fuc king poorly worded i can't even explain it in text, try to look up a vid about it but you'll sooner or later recognize its another joke perk)

Meanwhile the survivors get inner strength and soul guard. Regardless I must acknowledge most of the perks you also got were NOT meta at all but they're just simpler, so this topic goes both ways really.

Please devs, for the love of god, give us something useful, it's all we're asking for. Cheers


  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    We will get one good perk every 3 dlcs, 1 decent every 2, with mostly crap ss the rest. Source: my butt

    Seriously tho, more usuable good perks create variety for both sides and the killer dlc perks has been lacking.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited July 2020

    The perks are horrible because we got so many now any decent perk has a real chance to stack or create serious bad boy builds. The devs know the game has too many perks now and we should of been getting massive enviromental updates: items, interactables, hiding spots, hazards, killer interactables.

    but they need them DLC out and with them expected perks since teachables are a thing so they slap so underwhelming if not outright busted perks on them and send them out. It's annoying because killers have TWO gimmicks meant to bloody balance powerful perks.

    Obsession: which would of been a better build for PH lore wise and feeling wise too really, especially since his secondary attack dosen't stack certain obsession triggers on hit.

    Hex: a woefully underused balanced gimmick that's meant to allow us to have OP perks but at the risk of survivor agency getting rid of them-or horrible spawning spots- but they refuse to gives us even good hex perks. Almost all of them are god awful.

    A good killer with good killer perks was Michal Meyers: Powerful perks, all focused and revolved around obsession mechanics as a way to make them change how the killer players and balance it out somewhat.

    Forced Penance should of been something like: You become obsessed. When someone takes a protection hit or heals the obsession they suffer reduced healing and become exthausted.

    or something. I dunno.

    Cruel limits is a big joke because while it personally has one of the cooler ideas: activating with a chase effecting trigger at gen theory allowing a killer to go with gen flow than sweat gen defense for once. The devs forgot that all their gen placements also have pallets next to them most of the time. So, you basically got to hope that a vault is near AND for some reason a survivor uses it.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Perks for both sides have been pretty ######### recently.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    DMS It needs to be paired with nemesis or furtive chase

    And I just stated blocking gens is overrated, they don't regress and it really protects the gen from being kicked.

    Regardless if a perk needs to be paired to work in it's full effect it simply isn't meta

    Hex Retribution In one shot killers it can be deadly if it activates at the right moment.

    Yeah, If. It's a hex totem and it's cleansing is totally random, you can be in a chase, you can be hooking someone (and it'll just act as a one time bbq & chilli)Once it's cleansed you only have 3 perks for the rest of the game.

    Like thrill of the hunt, this shouldn't even be a hex perk. There's no reason to run it for "info" over BBQ or Thrilling or Discordance etc...

    Blood Echo pair it with sloppy butcher

    Same as first point

    Deathbound is GODLY. It's like the holy son of nurses calling and infectious. It has become an staple perk on many of my killers.

    Only activates when 32m away from killer. So it only works on extreme high mobility killers (They're gonna be pretty far, if you can't get there quickly you're gonna lose them in basic stealth)

    Works after the healing has been completed (You're gonna start chasing a healthy survivor over an injured you can get from Nurse's)

    I'd take infectious or Nurse's over it in a million years

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Indeed, I love the concept of surge: not disgustingly broken like pop, but pretty neat. The cool down though is overkill, considering all the other conditions.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    DMS isn't underrated. If it was a good perk, it isn't simply for the fact that it's an obsession perk. So it either mandates the use of obsession switching perks or it only works 1/4 of the time. That said, its entire design seems to be "how can we make a perk that absolutely ######### over PGtW?" and pop is just so much more reliable.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    lmao you have 0 experience with either perks.

    Pop isn't "Disgustingly broken" it rewards you for performing a basic objective as killer.

    Surge's cooldown was never a problem it's only a mere 40s, the problem is the basic attack condition/distance from gens.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Agreed, all of the recent perks are garbage

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Only read the title, my response is if we did, they would be nerfed within a month.

  • MercySparda
    MercySparda Member Posts: 17

    That's exactly half the problem too. Anything decent that we get, survivors are going to complain and it's going to get nerfed into the ground like ruin did. They cater far too much to swf and newer players instead of letting newer players learn how to work around stuff. Baptism by fire. If I can be going against red ranks at rank 18 newer players can learn to deal with old ruin and other stuff.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Cheryl got amazing perks though. Souldgaurd is infinite unbreakable with borrowed time against hexes, repressed is one of the best survivor perks now since it counters pop as well.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Also, haemorrage is too OP, please nerf.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I got only bad experiences with Surge, but i agree with the other perks.

    Blood Echo is bad, really bad and by no means underrated. I tried to utilise it many times and it never gave me much value.

    My main problem with dead man's is that gens don't regress while being blocked.

    But deathbound is decent. :D

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Both sides have good perks, bad perks, and perks that are rarely ever used. It's all about finding a good combination. My main issue is hex perks. They're so easily found and destroyed, because of horrible spawn locations, that you often question whether or not to use them.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Surge and pop are pretty useful though they do conflict with one another design wise survivors who are near complete with a gen will stop its regression to try and might try make up the lost 8% so you can hook and make it back there to chase them off for a sweet -25%. If they aren't red rank anyway.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Or maybe I do and am able to understand that pop is disgustingly broken because survivors are already pressured by the unhook, and along that they get a 25% gen regression. Just 4 hooks and they basically have to complete a 6th gen. As usual, any killer who relies on pop is just bad because unable to pressure properly.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    There are really good perks out there, you just refuse to try them.

    I think @Todgeweiht got this pretty clear

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    Soul guard is pretty bs stop, even more on solo q.

    If the killer has a hex obviously you're team mate will cleanse it, so basically they remove you 1 perk. AND if the killer has devour hope/ruin/noed/lullaby wouldn't you cleanse it? and cleansing devour hope is a must if ya'll dont want to be dead in less than 5 minutes.

    So yeah, it is a PRETTY conditional perk

  • MercySparda
    MercySparda Member Posts: 17

    Literally some of the best streamers use pop constantly because it's the only good slowdown perk there is. By that logic any survivor who runs DS, BT, any second chance perk is just bad and unable to loop properly. Right?

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Gotta love how every time someone discusses a killer perk, survivor meta perks get mentioned. Love the strawman. Also no, some of the most POPULAR killer streamers run pop. That’s different from BEST. Broaden your horizons and you’ll see how many streamers actually refuse to run that perk, or any slowdown perk for the record, and are consistently getting 4ks at rank 1.

    If you want a response on survivor meta perks: yes DS arguably needs a nerf (gotta love getting stunned at the 59th second after I hooked at least another person), BT is fine as it is, same as unbreakable and DH. It’s easy to play around them (don’t slug, don’t tunnel? And once you know a survivor has DH, he can’t fool you again).

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Did you even read the post? I just explained my experience with them, how else would anyone judge them to be awful?

    Then you go on and say the perk is bad after you just stated there's good perks in the new releases......

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    So only because a perk is trash for you, they should automatically buff it?

    For example: Inner strenght is a bad perk for me, so it needs a buff cause it doesn't fit my playstyle? NO, it doesn't cause it fits other players playstyle and is really good for them, adapt or dont use it.

    "Then you go on and say the perk is bad after you just stated there's good perks in the new releases......"

    Do you have reading comprehension? Do you know the difference between "soul guard is good" and "there are good perks"? Learn how 2 read.

    I SAID there's a lot of good perks out there, but you just dont want to adapt your playstyle so it works as they're intended. Nemesis a good perk, but it doesn't work on some killers, does that mean nemesis is bad?

    Dead man switch is a good perk on high moblity killers...

    There's a lot of good perks, adapt your playstyle

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    It isn't my "playstyle" judging them, the killer community as a whole finds these perks garbage and simple waste 2 perk slots when slightly effective.

    It's just that you stated "But you just refuse to try them" threw me off after explaining every single perk's weaknesses in detail.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    The killer community isn't the forum, forum is just a LIL bit from the killer community, and a lot of people here dont agree with you, so where's the "killer community"

    Do not generalize.

    It's like saying the whole survivor community thinks spine chill is trash, no it isn't, it is just for stealthy playstyle.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320
    edited July 2020

    I agree. Compared to survivor perks, the killer ones feel very lack luster. Most are very situational or are only really useful with other perks. Deathbound and surge are probably the only 2 recent perks that are ok by themselves

  • MercySparda
    MercySparda Member Posts: 17

    So pop means you're bad but survivor crutch perks means you're good. Got it. Pop is literally the only good slow down perk killers have right now. I'm so sorry that not all of us are god tier killers, some of us just don't want the game to end in 4 minutes when we're waiting 10 to 15 minutes for a lobby.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    survivor do get better perks over all killer don't

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Zanshin tactics is good...

    for new players

    So why the fu_k is it an oni perk and not free

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    Most of these give give me a hard time no matter what so id say if you run them right and you know how to use them their deadly like dead hard (which I can't use)