How many chances for the old Freddy return?



  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    You want the worst killer in the game back? Well I think chances are slim to none.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2020

    You think Remember Me and Dying Light was bad? One of my favorite "toxic builds" was Dying Light, Black Box (So the obsession starts asleep and thus is visible at match start) and a shroud of separation and slowdown addons. Freddy could slow the game down by like 90% if you stack everything and everyone is asleep back then. The obsession would see the secret offering, realize they started asleep with nobody around to wake them up, and are the Dying Light obsession, and would almost always DC expecting to be tunneled and mori'd and proc Dying Light for me.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    No thanks.

    Although the devs has made some questionable decisions in other areas, I will say the Freddy rework was a well-designed success.

  • Some_Random_Idiot
    Some_Random_Idiot Member Posts: 4

    Unless you're sacrificed before all the gens are completed or the killer has NOED.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    hopefully -3%.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I was a Freddy main and I can only conclude that anybody who says Freddy is weak has made it to top level game play and everybody who says he is strong has stayed very casual.

    Any Freddy could be easy mode with low ranks, his abilities truly were confusing without experience and knowledge and all his built in abilities could decimate the unfamiliar.

    On the flip side, any1 of with experience could run Freddy to the ground and rng a hundred different ways to wake up. Pop gens/open door in his face with no consequences and could hold him hostage with a buddy or two because he literally cannot hit you if you keep each other awake.

    To me, Freddy was like the joke character they add to fighting games.

    I miss him, but I can live with this rework, even if I find it a less skillful adventure. I dropped him as my main for DS but...

    If they ever do add that Robert Englund Legendary skin, I’ll main him again~

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    There is a zero percent chance of this happening. Z.E.R.O. The best you can hope for and what I suggested they do at the time, is to make it so a player can choose Original Freddy or Rework Freddy in Kill Your Friends.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932

    I can confirm all of this. Especially the constant disengaging and reengaging (To re-sleep a survivor, to try and ambush, etc.) resulting in super long games.

    With Freddy often every pallet on the map would get dropped and broken. People would pallet stun me and I'd be like oh hell yes now I never have to worry about this pallet again since the match would last so long.

  • D3_destr0y3r
    D3_destr0y3r Member Posts: 120

    I like for them to give the option where you can switch between either one

  • SeantheHuman
    SeantheHuman Member Posts: 40

    HEHEHE..hehe..sorry. I myself have spent about 5 days trying too think of a fun way to rework this killer into a new unique style to best show his dream world powers. Here's a link too it if your interesting

    (sorry for the self-promotion, this feels like a rare opportunity since Freddy talk has died down.)

  • SeantheHuman
    SeantheHuman Member Posts: 40

    This is probably the most well thought out reply to this conversation, thanks! I..have been curious tho, does my remake idea actually interest players? Sorry for the self promotion I'm mostly just curious since I know the old Fredster was disliked, the new one is just boring, Maybe my idea mixing the two could be a good answer. If your curious here's a link..

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    I used to play old freddy.

    No way in hell do i want him back replacing the one we have now. not because he's stronger or better. but because old freddy was such a cluster truck to play against and to play. Waiting 7s to hit someone? gen speeds regressed by 50%? aura reading on all survivors 99% of the time? horendous. no thanks.